February 14, 2025

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Posted March 11, 2009 at 2:06pm by iClarified
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Tässä ovat ohjeet siihen, miten voit jailbreakata 2G iPod Touchsi käyttämälla Windowsia ja Voltagea.

Kohta 1
Luo kansio nimeltä Pwnage työpöydällesi ja lataa Voltage luomaasi kansioon.
- Voltage
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 2
Kaksoisklikkaa Voltagea purkaaksesi sen. HUOM*: Voit tarvita WinRar-ohjelman, jotta voit purkaa Voltagen.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 3
Kaksoisklikkaa purettua Voltage kansiota ja kaksoisklikkaa käynnistääksesi.
Voltage - Jailbreaker.exe
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 4
Voltage käynnistyy ja näyttää kolme vaatimusta, jotta voit jailbreakata iPod tough:isi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa Aloita lataus aloittaaksesi lataamaan iPod Touch firmware ipsw.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa Tallenna tallentaaksesi firmware-tiedoston kovalevyllesi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kun ilmestyy kysymys, minne tallennat lataamasi tiedoston, laita se luomaasi Voltage kansioon.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 5
Jos käytät Vistaa sinun tarvitsee seurata näitä ohjeita jatkaaksesi. Jos käytät Windows Xp:tä, voit ohittaa kohdan kuusi (6).

Kaksoisklikkaa avataksesi Install_Files kansiota Voltage-kansiosta, joka olet jo avannut
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa hiiren oikealla painikkeellalib-win32-filter-bin- tiedostoa ja valitse Ominaisuudet ilmestyvästä valikosta.
img=https://www.iClarified.com/images/tutorials/3212/12862/12862-500.png popup=false]

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Valitse Yhteensopivuus välilehti.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Valitse ruutu Suorita ohjelma yhteensopivuustilassa: . Tarkista, että Windows XP (Service Pack 2) valikosta ja paina OK painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 6
Klikkaa Begin Install painiketta käynnistääksesi LibUSB installerin.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Seuraa ohjeita asentaaksesi LibUSB-ohjelman koneellesi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 7
Klikkaa Begin Install painiketta käynnistääksesi C++ asentajan.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Seuraa ohjeita asentaaksesi C++ -ohjelman koneellesi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kun asennus on valmistunut, klikkaa Next Step painiketta Voltagen oikeassa alareunassa .

Kohta 8
Klikkaa Select painiketta valitaksesi IPSW tiedoston, jonka latasit.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Mene Voltage kansioon ja valítse iPod touch 2.2.1 firmware tiedosto ja sitten klikkaa Open painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 9
Nyt me teemme firmware ipsw. klikkaa Make IPSW tiedosto jatkaaksesi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Komentorivi-ikkuna aukeaa ja näyttää prosessin etenemisen. Se sulkeutuu, kun firmware ipsw on valmis.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa Next Step painiketta jatkaaksesi.

Kohta 10
Voltage kansiosta kalsoisklikkaa JB_Files kansiota.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa hiiren oikealla painikkeella Custom_Restore.ipsw tiedosta ja valitse sitten Nimeä uudelleen aukeavasta valikosta.Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Lisää .zip tiedostonimen loppuun, paina enter ja valitse Kyllä Jos ikkuna nimenmuutoksesta aukeaa.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa hiiren oikealla painikkeella Custom_Restore.ipsw.zip tiedostoa ja valitse Open With aukeavasta valikosta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Valitse WinRar aukeavasta ohjelmalistasta ja paina OK painiketta. Note*: Sinun saattaa tarvita ladata ja asentaa WinRar jos sinulla ei ole sitä.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kun WinRar avaa *.zip tiedostosi, kaksoisklikkaa Firmware kansiota avataksesi sen.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Sitten kaksoisklikkaa all_flash kansiota avataksesi sen.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Seuraavaksi kaksoisklikkaa all_flash.n72ap.production kansiota avataksesi sen.

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Lataa patched LLB (LLB.n72ap.RELEASE.img3) from here ja vedä si WinRar ikkunaan.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Tiedoston nimi ja ominaisuudet ikkuna aukeaa. Klikkaa OK painiketta jatkaaksesi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

WinRar päivittää nyt *.zip tiedostosi.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Sulje WinRar mene takaisin avataksesi JB_Files kansion.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Klikkaa hiiren oikealla painikkeella Custom_Restore.ipsw.zip ja valitse Nimeä uudelleen valikosta joka aukeaa.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Nimeä tiedosto uudelleen Custom_Restore.ipsw jos kysytään, klikkaaa Kyllä hyväksyäksesi uudelleennimeämisen.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 11
Nyt takaisin Voltageen. Sinun tarvitsee laittaa iPod toughisi DFU moodiin. Helpoin tapa tehdäksesi tämän, on kytkeä iPodisi tietokaneeseen ja pitää molemopia painikkeita pohjassa 10 sekuntia. Vapauta sitten Virtanäppäin ja jatka Home napin painamista vielä 10 sekunnin ajan.

Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Varmistaaksesi, että iPoidisi on DFU moodissa klikkaa Check DFU Mode painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kun olet DFU moodissa klikkaa Next Step painiketta jatkaaksesi.

Kohta 12
Nyt voit asentaa luomasi patch:in laitteeseesi. Klikkaa Patch Device painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 13
Kun laitteesi on patch:attu palauttaa luomasi firmware läyttämällä iTunesia.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

iTunes huomaa laitteesi palautastilassa. Klikkaa OK sulkeaksesi ilmoitus-ikkunan.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Pidä Shift näppäintä pohjassa ja klikkaa Palauta painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Ikkuna aukeaa kysymään, missä firmware sijaitsee. Valitse Custom_Restore.ipsw tiedosto Voltage/JB_Files kansiosta sitten klikka Avaa painiketta.
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

Kohta 14
Kun firmware on palautettu onnistuneesti, sinulla on jailbreakattu 2G iPod Touch!
Näin Jailbreak:aat 2G iPod Touch:in (Windows)

A big thanks go to CalebMingle for creating Voltage.
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Comments (133)
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Filipe Camargo
Filipe Camargo - June 16, 2010 at 12:58pm
voltage.rar link is down!
f1982 - December 24, 2009 at 11:04am
I have a brand new touch that I want to jailbreak. I understand that blackra1n will only work on those which were made before week 40, ie the serial number has 4th and 5th digits of 39 or less. Jailbreaking with blackra1n on models with serials 40 or above (mine is 48) will require the unit to be tethered and blackra1n run every time it is turned on. This is simply not worth the hassle! So firstly, does anyone know if the voltage software will jailbreak without the tethering issue, and secondly, if id does can someone point me in the direction of a working download link? Cheers, F1 larscandrum@gmail.com
f1982 - December 22, 2009 at 3:41pm
The voltage download doesn't work and I can't find any working alternatives. Can someone who has it, and the custom firmware post a working download link, or if not send me them? I'd be extremely grateful.
Bella - February 14, 2010 at 10:22pm
Link for voltage download (copy + paste link) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HAKJVJ46 Link for firmware downloads (copy + paste link) http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ good luck! I'm having a lot of trouble installing the libUSB. Done everything it told me to do and even tried it the Vista way. (I'm windows 7). Also, when i get to "Make IPSW" I click it, it does the black window thing then closes 3 seconds later. I try to click next step but it says "Custom IPSW not found" any help? D:
apo - October 20, 2009 at 2:45pm
I got stuck at step 13. Error 1601 appeared after restoring it with "custom restore". I 've been doing da same thing in that instruction. What did I missed?
maikey - September 22, 2009 at 3:37pm
hey guys. can anyone help me??? after the restoring. my ipod won't turn on again? please help me. :(
maikey - September 22, 2009 at 3:57pm
problem resolved... thanks anyway. :)
amit - September 16, 2009 at 10:07pm
This guide is getting old now. OS 3.0 is out and that is something you should upgrade to. there are jail breaking tutorials over the internet for that and they are way easier. I have used this method, it works but the new jailbreaks called red snow is way easier. Google it.
hi wrote
hi wrote - September 15, 2009 at 10:32pm
my screen got white after booting do i have to wait or is there something wrong plz help
Ivan * HELP-ME
Ivan * HELP-ME - August 21, 2009 at 9:22pm
Ola, eu realizei os passos até colocar em DFU, só que não consegui e desliguei o computador... no outro dia quando liguei estava lendo pra caramba, travando sabe... apaguei os arquivos que reconheci da instalação, mas o computador continua lendo, Vc sabe me dizer o faço para voltar ao normal???? Help-me, please
sssssss - August 20, 2009 at 9:08am
pls heeelp. ive converted the custom restore into zip and im in winrar. what does it mean when it says to download and drag it onto the winrar thingo
ivan - August 21, 2009 at 9:18pm
Ola, eu realizei os passos até colocar em DFU, só que não consegui e desliguei o computador... no outro dia quando liguei estava lendo pra caramba, travando sabe... apaguei os arquivos que reconheci da instalação, mas o computador continua lendo, Vc sabe me dizer o faço para voltar ao normal???? Help-me, please
derfjam - August 19, 2009 at 3:08am
I completed the tethered jailbreak and my ipod is working fine already. but when i turned it off it does not want to turn on again. is this a normal behavior? do i have to repeat the process again?
mojo - August 8, 2009 at 7:51pm
I tried the instructions on the web page and the device would not re boot at the end of the process. Then the Itouch just died and displayed Unknown USB device. Eventually, I got the thing back to life and restored the original firmware 2.2.1 Can someone 'clarify' if the llb.img patched file that is downloaded should replace and overwrite the existing llb.img file in the firmware/all_flash folder? Coz the downloaded patch llb file has a [1] in the file name......if someone from iclarified can 'clarify, it will be much appreciated :-)
derfjam - August 16, 2009 at 10:28am
i had the same dilema.how did you got it back to work?
mojo25 - August 16, 2009 at 11:01am
Hi, I did manage to restore the original firmware on the ipod and it works as normal. Considering I've only just purchased it I'm reluctant to try jailbreaking the itouch for fear of being unable to restore at all..... I managed to recover from the 'USD Device unrecognised' message through going into device manager on the laptop and removing the USB entry and trying again, somehow I managed to get the laptop to recognise the itouch and load up itunes once I had removed the USB device in 'Device Manager'. Since then, I'm off the idea of jail breaking for now until I'm bored of the itouch.
james - August 17, 2009 at 7:18am
Hey man ye i got the same problem with my itouch 2g with the usb not recodnised after doing the whole pwnage thing. and because i am not a computer tech can u explain to me in simple steps how you got ur itouch to be recodnised again? that would b really awesome. cheers
rahulr0y - July 23, 2009 at 12:56pm
im at the part where you have to select the ipsw but it is taaking forever, there is a a cricle of black cicles just rotating over moving file....
bhikare - July 21, 2009 at 9:00pm
Worked Great!!!!! At first I got the "ERROR1604". All you have to do is get your ipod in DFU Mode, patch it, then restore it in itunes with the restore_firmware.ipsw. Once that is done, let it boot up. Then put it in DFU mode again and patch it again. Then go back into itunes and restore the ipod with the custom_restore.ipsw. Thankyou
Tyrial - August 31, 2009 at 3:00pm
Same thing happened to me. I couldn't figure it out until I read your post. Thanks.
david - July 21, 2009 at 1:09am
my ipods in dfu but voltage doesnt see it itunes does though any help plz
irish - July 19, 2009 at 1:09am
in step 7 i cant seem to find the firmware under voltage "iPod2,1_2.2.1_5H11a_Restore" the icon of a white box with a note sign where will i beble to download that?
Icantdoit:S - June 12, 2009 at 6:14pm
Somehow i cant do it. I cant Restore with the custom. Why cant i?
SaJi482 - June 29, 2009 at 10:15am
I had error 1604. If you have the sam one then you can try to jailbreak again from the start or downgrade iTunes to 8.1.1. (You will lost library and backup of your iPod) (Uninstall iTunes and then install iTunes 8.1.1. (http://www.oldapps.com/itunes.php) I hope it will help.
Fahd - June 8, 2009 at 8:22am
Does anyone know if this method will work but with Firmware 3.0 Beta 5?
pipo - June 25, 2009 at 10:23am
it shouldent
NIck - June 4, 2009 at 6:43pm
Yeah so when I go to rename the Custom_Restore.ipsw (to add the .zip), the file extension doesn't show up, so what ends up happening is Custom_Restore.zip.ipsw... which will not open with winrar. No matter what i do it always slaps .ipsw on the end of it.... Anyone have any ideas? would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
SaJi482 - June 29, 2009 at 10:09am
I had same problem, but then i figuered it out. I am using Windows 7 RC so it's problably diffrent way. 1. Open Windows Explorer ( just a single map, like Pwnage )or documents...) 2. Organize -> Folder and search options -> View 3. Uncheck Hide extensions for known file types
iPod2userhelp - July 9, 2009 at 9:08pm
Thanks so much for the help with renaming, it helped me a lot.
iFahad - May 30, 2009 at 3:02pm
thankyou very much i dont have ipod touch 2g but i understand it all.
mpc - May 28, 2009 at 5:42pm
It works. My Ipod 2G is jailbreak. Only follow the instructions and no any problem. TKS!!
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