Eseguire Il Jailbreak su iPhone 3GS con RedSn0w (Windows)
Posted October 18, 2011 at 8:04am by iClarified
Queste sono le istruzione per fare il Jailbreak di iOs 5.0 su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w per Windows. La guida per Mac la trovi qui: here.
Questa procedura potrebbe fare un upgrade alla tua baseband rendendo potenzialmente impossibile un futuro unlock. Ti preghiamo di aspettare finche' non posteremo un tutorial per aggiornare ad iOS5 usando un custom firmware in modo tale da poter preservare l'unlock. Il Jailbreak e' anche tethered per tutti i dispositivi eccetto iPhone 3GS vecchia bootroom, se non possiedi quest'ultimo sarai costretto a collegare il tuo iPhone al computer ad ogni reboot. Infine,prima di iniziare e' buona norma salvare i tuoi SHSH BLOBS seguendo questa guida:this
Se vuoi fare il Jailbreak di una versione precedente di iOS a questo link troverai i tutorial:here.
Primo Passo Create una nuova cartella sul desktop e rinominatela Pwnage
Scaricate RedSn0w 0.9.9b6 da here e salvatelo nella cartella appena creata. Scaricate anche il firmware iOS 5 da questo link here e salvatelo sempre nella stessa cartella. (Attenzione: non serve scaricare il firmware se sul vostro iphone e' gia installato iOS5)
Estraete RedSn0w dal file .zip appena scaricatelo facendo doppio click su esso.
Secondo Passo: (Saltalo se hai gia installato iOS 5 sul tuo iPhone) Collega il tuo iPhone al computer e apri iTunes.
Seleziona il tuo telefono dalla lista sulla sinistra. Ora tieni premuto Maiuscolo Sinistro e clicca su pulsante Ripristina . Fare il ripristino e' sempre consigliato in quanto non andra' l'installazione non andra' ad occupare piu' spazio del dovuto.
Nella finestra che si aprira' andate nella cartella creata da voi sul desktop e selezionate il firmware 5.0. Fate click sul pulsante scegli per continuare.
Ora iTunes installera' iOS5 sul tuo iPhone.
Terzo Passo Apri l'applicazione redsn0w dalla cartella creata sul desktop.
**Gli utenti di Windows 7 devono aprire RedSn0w come amministratori, per farlo basta fare click sul pulsante destro e premere su esegui come amministratore
Quarto Passo Una volta aperto RedSn0w fare click sul pulsante Jailbreak
Step Five Collega il tuo iPhone al computer e assicurati che sia spento, ora premi il pulsante Next
Sesto Passo RedSn0w ora ti guidera' a mettere il telefono in modalita' DFU. Puoi trovare aiuto con la modalita' DFU in cliccando su questo link. here
Tieni premuto il pulsante Home e quello Power per 10 secondi.
Rilascia il pulsante Power e continua a tener premuto il pulsante Home finche' RedSn0w non trovera' il tuo iPhone.
Settimo Passo Il tuo telefono ora si spegnera' e riaccendera'.
Ottavo Passo RedSn0w preparera' tutto il necessario per il Jailbreak.
Nono Passo Seleziona Cydia dalla lista delle opzioni e fai click su Next.
Decimo Step Il tuo device sara' riavviato ancora una volta e RedSn0w iniziera' a caricare i file.
Undicesimo Passo[/b Una volta terminato RedSn0w ti avvisera' che il processo e' completato. Non appena il tuo iPhone si riavviera' (impieghera' all'incirca 5 minuti) il jailbreak sara' stato eseguito e troverai sulla springboard l'icona di Cydia.
Riavvio TETHERED Quando dovrai riavviare o accendere il tuo iPhone avrai bisogno di redsn0w ogni volta.
[bPrimo Passo Dalla schermata principale di RedSn0w clicca sul pulsante Extras.
Secondo Passo Seleziona Just boot dal menu' extras e il tuo iPhone si riaccedera'.
*Come sempre un enorme ringraziamento al iPhone Dev-Team and Geohot per il loro duro lavoro e per il loro enorme contributo a tutta la community di iPhone
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Hi, after jailbreaked me iphone 3gs ios 5.0 all was work well. But after a few days the phone started to reset itself, this is so annoying that it happens several times a day. Please, any advice how to prevent it.
dear all,
I've just successfully updated my iphone 3gs to ios 5, but the issue is that " after installed ultrasnow, the sim still could not recognize". Has anyone ever faced up with this problem? please share me your experience. Thank in advance.
hey guys
i got a problem , i have 3gs with old bootrom, i used the custom firmware made by (sn0wbreeze-v2.8b8), using windows 7, then i used that custom firmware to shift restore using itunes. Then everything went well. Then device started i was using t-mobile, which it cannot activate then i used (redsn0w_win_0.9.9b6). but when i select the custom firmware made by snowbreeze it says, firmware not recognised. Then i used STOCK firmware and which was identified, and proceed the jailbreak with that. along with jailbreak i selected install ipad baseband and hactivate. But when the process finished. i still have to go through the activation process using authorised sim.
Also i tried the methods to buypass the activation by dailing 112 in emergency call. if worked couple of times. then screen would go black and again i was out of phone. I also tried using three fingers to swipe in the emergency call windows while voice over is active. but the notification bar did not appear.
The bottomline is i cannot get into my phone using t-mobile simcard.
Any help is appreciated?
Hi everyone!!!
I've already jailbreak my iphone 3gs, but it stuck on the apple boot logo. Please kindly help me to solve this problem!!!!
Thank in advance!!
works fanstasic, use sn0wbreeze to create ipsw to safe bb, then use redsn0w to boot into dfu (extra's then pwnmode) itunes to restore (itunes 10.5) shift and restore and then restore and then jailbreak and then boot teathard (booo lol!) working fine.
For those having any issues with the SIM Card, check out the following:
Hope this helps!
I had a perfectly working unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 3GS, but of course I had to go ahead and try to get iOS5 on it. I didn't know I need to preserve my baseband while updating it, so now ultrasn0w will not unlock it for me and I'm left without a phone line.
Is there any way to unlock an iPhone 3GS with 05.16.05 baseband? If not, is there any expected change that will allow me to do so?
The supported basebands for the iPhone 3G and 3GS are 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, and 06.15.00. The baseband supported for the iPhone4 is 01.59.00. (from the Dev teams website, I dont think that there will be support for any other basebands just yet, especially not for the 3Gs, as we have been waiting for that for over a year.
I just upgraded, jailbroke and unlocked my 3Gs and had to put in the ipad baseband, I just this minute did it, all seems to be working ok, but I cant vouch for the GPS at the moment until I try it tomorrow .. there have been reports that the ipad baseband messes up the gps
Quick question
3Gs on 06.15.00 baseband,
I already upgraded to iOS5 with sn0wbreeze and unlocked with ultrasnow, and although the phone is working fine, everynow and then the signal drops, and I loose wifi, then a few seconds later it comes back
My question, if I jailbreak again with redsn0w, as I am on 06.15.00, will I still be able to unlock with Ultrasn0w
Thanks in advance for your help
Could anyone please feedback on this is working or not?
"The jailbreak is also tethered for all devices except the old bootrom iPhone 3GS.... "
Does it get untethered?
Any other problems?
Is it slow on a 3gs?
Dear jailbreaker!!
my phone is Iphone 3gs, and it is on the old bootrom. The question is that Can I still update my phone to ISO 5?
and another problem is that I always encounter with error 3194 while I'm trying to restore 4.3.3 as well as 4.3.5. Can u solve this problem for me?
In fact, I am very appreciate with Iphone dev-team that always provide the features for all iphone user!
Hopefully, You'll solve and reply me asap.
Thank in advance!!!
1. Add the following entries into your Windows hosts file: this is c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2. Download your ipsw file. (Mine was iPad 1 4.2.1)
3. Go to Tinyumbrella and download their Fixrecovery file. (2 are provided 4.2.1 and 4.3 use according to the OS you downloaded from IPSW step 2)
4. Run the device in DFU mode and run the Fixrecovery.
5. Open iTunes and place your device in restore mode (Hold Home buton and power together for abou 20 to 30 seconds)
6. Hold Shift key and click on Restore. Search for your ipsw file you downloaded and sit back and wait till it finishes.
Youll experience 16xx errors use iREB and than Open iTunes and Hold Shift key and click on Restore
search youtube for videos on how is done
Folks it is not working, 3GS, ISO - iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw , entered phone into DFU mode but redsnow is not working, telling me that he can`t download IPSW and I should check internet. help