Aqui estão as instruções de como fazer o downgrade do iOS 7 Beta para o iOS 6. Você só poderá fazer o downgrade para última versão do iOS 6 (Atualmente essa é a 6.1.4 para o iPhone 5 e 6.1.3 para o iPhone 4S). Você não pode usar seus SHSH salvos em nenhum dispositivo com processador A5+ -- eles são (por enquanto) inúteis.
A Apple diz que: "Aparelhos que fizerem a atualização para a versão Beta do iOS não poderão ser restaurados para versões anteriores do iOS. Aparelhos de desenvolvedores registrados poderão fazer as atualizações para futuras versões beta e também para a versão final." Entretanto, nós conseguimos fazer o downgrade seguindo esses passos:
Antes de tentar fazer o downgrade, tenha certeza de fazer o backup de suas informações.
Primeiro Passo Baixe a última versão do iOS 6 para o seu dispositivo aqui.
Segundo Passo Abra o iTunes de sua Dock.
Terceiro Passo Coloque seu dispositivo em modo DFU seguindo esses passos:Clique aquipara um tutorial completo de como colocar seu dispositivo em modo DFU. (Se tiver dificuldades)
Aperte e segure o botão Home e o botão Sleep/Wake ao mesmo tempo
Depois de exatos 10 segundos solte o botão Sleep/Wake. Continue segurando o botão home até que o iTunes mostre uma mensagem avisando que foi detectado um dispositivo no modo de recuperação
A tela do dispositivo vai permancer preta:
Quarto Passo Assim que você receber o aviso de que o seu disposivo está em modo de recuperação clique no OK e então selecione o seu iDevice na lista de dispositivos no iTunes.
Segure a tecla Alt/Option (Shift no Windows) e clique no botão Restaurar iPhone....
Quinto Passo Selecione o arquivo do firmware que você baixou anteriormente na janela que apareceu e clique no botão Abrir.
Quando for pedido para confirmar a restauração clique no botão Restaurar.
Sexto Passo O iTunes executará o processo de restauração/downgrade e depois de uns 10-15 minutos, o seu dispositivo estará restaurado para o iOS6
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I am Rick Simpson, Am out to notify you all that my cannabis oil is now out to get your cancer cured. The only email you will contact is ( ) every-other email is not approved by me as it is only the above email that is been used to be posting on blogs. This cannabis oil will cure you of your cancer in just four days or at-most two weeks as it is as powerful as that. The oil is with my trusted doctor called Dr Johnny Haban, As during my research to get permanent cure to cancer he was there for me all the way and did not start lying that the cure is out when is not out like one of my agent that use to operate my face book page that was lying that the cure is out and was sending fake that can not cure cancer out just to start earning money for himself and thank God he was caught at the early stage by the FBI agents. I personally is out now to let you all in the world know that the only email you must contact is ( ) and the person that will be responding to you is by name Dr Johnny Haban, PHD and the cannabis oil is of three types which are GOOD / BETTER / BEST. They are categorized in that form. But let it be know to you that if you contact the above email which is the only email and approved email by me, Dr Johnny Haban will attend to you and let you know how you will get the oil and it is scam / spammer free if you only contact the above email. Trust him and work with him to curing your cancer as he is my agent and trusted doctor of mine that don't lie. I wish you all sound health as my cannabis oil is the best of it kind which you all already know and are aware off. Please beware of duplicate comment of this as all this spammers / scammers will just edit it and change the name and email. please beware. Rick Simpson tells the world.
my iphone 4s was damazed with upgrade of ios7...
after upgrade my phone running is very slow,low battery,wifi disabled,.....
it's doesnt dowgrade, plz save me..i want my old iphone, plz developer give any solution and recover my iphone n me...
You need to heat up your phone through a hair dryier or something till the extent that a temperature sign shows up and uo phone shuts down as soon as the temp sign come keep uo phone in the freezer for a 5 mins and when you switch on uo phone it'l be fine!
lets hope that Iphone software developers will develop software to go back to IOS 6 .. i did not like IOS 7. it sucks. why should they have to copy android style..! i didnot understand this.. i want to go back to IOS 6 on my IPhone 4s..Do Something Iphone Software Developers .. (y)..
Thanks. This came too late for me. The damage has been done. The agonizing 6 weeks of problems, upgrades and incompatibility issues is over for the most part.
Please Make a thing for straight talk so i can downgrade my Straight talk iphone 4 from ios 7 back to ios 6.1 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT LIKE IOS 7
i am having iphone 4 i have updated it to ios 7.0.3. but know my phone stucks while working and i want go get back the ios 6.1.3 can any budy help how can i do this .thanks
I have iphone 4,, I want downgrade ios 7.0.4 to ios6.1.3 .. How to downgrade ??? Please help mee,, my iphone 4 working very slow that's why I want,, please help me urgent,,,
If I upgraded to iOS7 from an iPhone 4s after a back up to iTunes in my Mac system which I learned is only compatible with iOS6. Can I erase the iPhone and restore it with iTunes thus getting me back to iOS6?
I have cleared from iCloud and shut off find my iPhone. Will this work?
I am using iphone 4 and recently upgraded to ios7, now i am struck with that., not at all mood to use phone, totally got mad with new ios 7, and apple doesnot allow to go back...can anyone help me to go back, i dont knw wht is shsh blobs
error 3194 accur i also try hosts change but there is nothing about apple what i do i try alot plz help
and also help if ios7 activation error ask for previous apple id and password which i donot know completely what i do.....plz help email me if solution is find
I was unable to downgrade back to 6 and now my phone is stuck in "recovery Mode" and all I have is a black screen and I am unable to power up.
Can anyone help me out?
To everyone who wants to downgrade from iOS7:
Apple has STOPPED signing earlier versions of iOS and UNLESS you saved your unique SHSH before they did that you will NOT be able to downgrade. End of story.
If you want to learn more about why this is, and what an SHSH is and how to save it, go to this site;
Hello , before i upgrade to IOS7 ihad jailbreak and i back up from itunes its supposed back up the apps , photo , msgs and other stuffs , but it didnt back up the apps once i upgrade it i lost all the application and i tried to restore and it doesnt work , and if i want to downgrade to IOS6 should i wait IOS7 cuz its bete now, Thanks.
Apple stopped signing iOS6 and therefore the only choice you have is to upgrade to iOS 7 full version. You can no longer downgrade. If you find a way then please post here. Thanks.
I am trying to downgrade from 7 back to 6, I have the correct file but I keep getting a 3194 error. ITunes starts the restore process then I get this error. I rest the host file and bypassed my router. What going on?
Hello ,
before i upgrade to IOS7 ihad jailbreak and i back up from itunes its supposed back up the apps , photo , msgs and other stuffs , but it didnt back up the apps once i upgrade it i lost all the application and i tried to restore and it doesnt work , and if i want to downgrade to IOS6 should i wait IOS7 cuz its bete now,
Yes. When you will downgrade you will have an iphone with apps installed by iOS6.1.4 only. After downgraing you will have to activate the iphone and restore it from the backup (remember that iOS7 backup will not work to restore iOS6)