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Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Posted June 21, 2009 at 3:46pm by iClarified
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Tento návod popisuje ako spraviť jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 firmvér pomocou RedSn0w pre Windows. Verzia tohto návodu pre Mac je tu. Návod pre 2G verziu je tu

Tento tutoriál môže byť použitý pred použitím UltraSn0w na odblokovanie. UltraSn0w ešte nie je vydaný. Bude vydaný už čoskoro. To znamená, že ak potrebujete okmažité odblokovanie, tak by ste mali počkať na vydanie UltraSn0w.

Prvý krok
Na ploche vytvorte priečinok s názvom Pwnage.

Stiahnite RedSn0w z tohto umiestnenia alebo z tohto umiestnenia a uložte ho do priečinka Pwnage na ploche. Podobne stiahnite aktuálny 3.0 firmvér z jedného z týchto odkazov a uložte ho do rovnakého priečinka.

3.0.0 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw

Rozbalte zip archív RedSn0w do priečinka Pwnage na ploche.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Druhý krok
Pripojte váš iPhone k počítaču a spustite iTunes.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Zo zoznamu zariadení vľavo vyberte vás iPhone. Teraz držte klávesu shift a kliknite na tlačidlo Restore. Restore (obnova) je uprednostňovaná, aby nedošlo k zbytočnému plytvaniu miesta vo vašom iPhone.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Choďte do priečinka Pwnage na ploche a vyberte súbor firméru ipsw. Pre pokračovanie kliknite na tlačidlo Otvoriť.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Tretí krok
Po tom ako iTunes dokončí updatie vášho iPhone na požadovaný firmvér, možete spustiť redsnw0w.exe z priečinka Pwnage na ploche.
Poznámka palito - prekladateľ: Je dobré na tomto mieste aktivovať váš iPhone - do iPhone vložte funkčnú SIM kartu podľa operátora, ktorého budete používať a zadajte PIN. Potom na iPhone kliknite na Aktivovať (iTunes musia byť na PC spustené). Tým si zabezpečíte funkčnosť siete 3G, ako aj MMS, pretože do iPhone sa v tomto momente stiahnu všetky nastavenia operátora. V prípade, že tento krok nevykonáte, tak budete musieť postupovať odznova, pretože aj GSM signál budete mať mizerný.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Štvrtý krok
Po tom, čo sa RedSn0w spustí, kliknite na tlačidlo Browse.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Piaty krok
Vyberte súbor firmvéru ipsw, ktorý ste uložili do priečinka Pwnage na ploche potom kliknite na Otvoriť
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Šiesty krok
Po tom, ako bol firmvér overený, pre pokračovanie kliknite na tlačidlo Next.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Siedmi krok
Uistite sa, že je Cydia vybraná a kliknite na tlačidlo Next.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Ôsmy krok
Pokiaľ váš iPhone nie je pripojený k počítaču, tak ho pripojte a následne ho vypnite. Keď je úplne vypnutý, tak kliknite na tlačidlo Next.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Deviaty krok
RedSn0w vás teraz prevedie krok za krokom postupom pre prechod do režimu DFU.
Stlačte a držte stlačené tlačidlo Power (horná hrana) a nepúšťajte ho.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Bez pustenia tlačidla Power, stlačte aj tlačidlo Home (stred na spodu). Držte stlačené tlačidlo Home a Power po dobu 10 sekúnd.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Pokračujte v držaní tlačidla Home a pustite tlačidlo Power až pokiaľ RedSn0w nezistí, že je zariadenie pripojené.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Desiaty krok
Váš iPhone sa teraz reštartuje.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Jedenásty krok
RedSn0w teraz začne nahrávanie nového RAM disku.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)

Dvanásty krok
Po ukonční vám RedSn0w oznámi, že skončil. Klikntie na tlačidlo Finish.
Keď váš iPhone skončí s reštartom (5 a viac minút), bude jailbreaknutý a bude na ňom Cydia.
Ako spraviť Jailbreak vášho iPhone na OS 3.0 pomocou RedSn0w (Windows)
Návod pre vás preložil palito. Nezabudnite: Slovensko - malý štát s veľkým srdcom!
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Comments (650)
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avi - August 14, 2010 at 8:13am
Hi, I have an iphone 3gs , with 3.1 version & 05.11.07 firmware. Already JB+UL using Cydia/blackra1n . So my question is I want to update to 3.1.3 , will this tutorial work for me , as nowhere mentioned 3Gs here ?
Tjlinnj - July 6, 2010 at 9:23am
I just got an iphone, and i updated it on itunes, now it says that its version 4,, i thni the firmware is 4,, so when I tried to restore this one here, it didnt work, its say it not compatible.. what should I do , please help :(
jose - March 22, 2010 at 12:56am
WHen i download the curent restore it does come in a cube like the picture but zip books and everytime I try to extract it to my desktop or to my pwnage folder I cant get it to open or what ever I need to do please hellppp!!!!
Simon - March 28, 2010 at 5:54pm
After pressing save as, Change the file type (lowest box in window) to all files from.zip. It will then save as you need it. N.B. Ensure the file name ends .ipsw If not manually type it in before saving.
Sakib - January 21, 2010 at 6:35am
Hi All, I managed to jailbreak my iphone 3g on 3.0 However, when I try opening cydia, it says "loading data" and then automatically crashes" I have jailbreaked many times but no luck. I used the files in the post above but still not working. I have also tried setting the iphone as a new phone in itunes but not working. any ideas???
AA - February 27, 2010 at 10:09pm
Turn on your wifi, connect to a wifi , than try cydia..
coreal - January 19, 2010 at 6:56pm
no errors no probs but there is no cydia on my iphone why?
Liliana - March 18, 2012 at 6:47am
OMG! I finally got to see the video. It kewrod perfectly on my home computer. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! And the music was SO PERFECT only you could make me happy, only you could make me smile. I was so sad when I lost Dillon, then Phillip's face entered my life and I smiled when I saw it. And when I got him from Dobie Rescue I could once again be happy. That is an amazing video, an amazing portrait, a perfect song to celebrate it all. YOU are an AMAZING artist/person. I am so blessed to have met you and have you in my life!
shawn gavin
shawn gavin - January 19, 2010 at 6:45am
If my phone is already 3.0 frimware do i still need to use it ?
Torrentmastah - January 13, 2010 at 7:31am
Hi When you choose "iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw" in redsn0w and you get the error message "Unable to recognize specified IPSW" choose "iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw" instead and it should work. If redsn0w 0.8 crashes in Vista when you try to jailbreak then right click on redsnow 0.8.exe and go to properties and in there go to compatibility there set it to "windows xp service pack 2" and then go down and check the "run as administrator" Run the process again and it should work. It worked it for me Hope this to some help.
Greg - January 9, 2010 at 8:32am
i suggest not updating the carrier settings after the jailbreak. I launched itunes and it prompted me to update the carrier settings i did it and I couldn't connect to the network overseas anymore so i have to restore the software with itunes and the backup which took another hour or more.
Jacob - January 2, 2010 at 2:36pm
Worked Great ! Thanks
anjoi - December 13, 2009 at 7:42am
Thank you very much for this very helpful thread, now my iphone 3g is updated to OS3.0, jailbroken and unlocked. Even the comments and reply to the comments were very useful. Thanx to iclarified and to all those who shared helpful insights in the comment section.
Shubham - March 15, 2012 at 9:51am
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SUNHANG - March 18, 2012 at 4:48am
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francis pacillo
francis pacillo - November 28, 2009 at 12:04am
i do not know how to extract the zip file into the pwnage folder
Dhruva - November 28, 2009 at 3:28pm
Hi Francis, you might need winzip or winrar to extract the folder.
yank - November 27, 2009 at 1:09pm
hy im using iphone bg i hav updated to 3.0 using windows(redsn0w) everything has been done well(AS PER ICLARIFIED STATED) but i cant find network signals and no CARRIER option in SETTING menu. plz help me its d second tym m facing the same problem plz reply Y A N K (9987649785)
Dhruva - November 27, 2009 at 2:08pm
Hi Yank, From what I understand, you need to unlock your phone. This tutorial is only to Jailbreak it, so now that you have done that well, find the tutorial that teaches you how to Unlock your iPhone 3G. That should solve you prob. Good luck!
yank - November 29, 2009 at 12:25pm
hi dhruva thanks a lot 4 replying man
matoh - January 23, 2010 at 3:20pm
hi i have the same problem. did u solve it plz? if so could u advice me how? THNX
Dhruva - November 9, 2009 at 1:38pm
I have a 3G j/b and unlocked iPhone (I j/b and unlocked it when it had 2.2 s/w and baseband was 2.28). After that, I tried re-jailbreaking it and unlocking it to the 3.1.2 with blackra1n. Nothing happened, literally nothing (I'm guessing since the baseband wasn't at 5.11). Then I read details on redsn0w using this tutorial (to j/b and unlock to 3.0.1). I tried that method, but accidentally (i KNOW! crazy huh!) updated the phone to 3.1.2 through iTunes (using a custom ipsw from iClarified though, pressing shift+restore). Now I can't get the phone to work. So both redsn0w and blackra1n didn't work for me because of the accidental update. Is it possible to fix it? Perhaps wait for the next release, or is it of no use? Any help would be REALLYY appreciated. please! Thank you.
Ricki - November 2, 2009 at 6:44am
Does this work on firmware 3.1.2?
Dhruva - November 9, 2009 at 1:41pm
Nope, only the 3.0.1 (or 3.0) for now. Try using blackra1n (there is a tutorial on it), but make sure you read it fully before trying it. or best to just use redsn0w and update to 3.0.1 (depending on ur iPhone's status right now). It is better to check if it matches your iPhone's specifications before using it. Hope this helps.
Aiham - October 30, 2009 at 12:29am
Hi i need help!! i restored my iphone by mistake from the phone settings and later i couldn't open it up. now i have found a way to restore it from iTunes. the problem is that my iphone is now locked and i can't use my SIM CARD. it says i need a valid SIM CARD to Activate your Iphone. i tried some of your tricks but it didnt work i only got ( error 1015 ). could some one please help me ??? and the only thing i se is on the Iphone screen is a white USB an Arrow pointing up and up there is ITunes.
Ray Jr
Ray Jr - October 28, 2009 at 4:10am
Ive got a problem, S O S ! Lol. Jailbreaked it. Done with it. Using the new OS (from apple) but in redsnow, identified it using an old OS (the one able to download). Now theres no cydia/icy on my springboard. Can someone help. Thanks!
Kristin - October 22, 2009 at 6:54pm
Hi, so i downloaded all of the things i needed, and when i selected the firmware with itunes, when it was done loading it said that it wouldn't work. i've tried many times, and i'm not sure what's wrong. help, please?
harsha - October 21, 2009 at 12:35am
Hiii, I am using a O2 locked iphone using OS 3.0.1 version.But i tried to jailbreak it. I restored the phone using the IPSW that is available from the URL in this tutorial and later i Ran the Redsn0w.exe file in windows version.But the Redsn0w is not able to recognize or validate the IPSW that is used for restoring my phone.Please can anyone help in this....If u can help please e-mail me iharshavardhan@rediffmail.com. Thanks
Jessica - October 6, 2009 at 5:01am
Need some HELP, Please....... I've the 3G 3.1 version now. The problem is, I can't restore the 3.0 version. So I skipped the first step, then I continue to the Step where I have to click on the Redsnow folder and browse the firmware. I finished all the step, but, by the time my Iphone restart, I still couldn't find the Cydia apps on my Iphone screen. and I lost all my applications. So, i re - jailbreak again, by re- doing the step 3 till finish. What i found in my Iphone screen when it's restarting is an image of a biten pineapple with the words, 'Installing Bundles' . What is that mean? So, what can I do to have the Cydia Apps ? Do i need to dl anything else after this steps ? Anyone can help me, pls... Thanks alot!!! ^^
keviej - October 29, 2009 at 11:55am
Where did you get the 3G 3.1 firmware from. I downloaded the firmware from the instruction but it isn't appearing when I try installing it.
IMatrix - October 5, 2009 at 10:06am
Hi guy, I'm from Argentina. I'm trying to jailbrake my new Iphone 3G but it seems imosible. Y have the last baseband (05.xx.xx) and Filware 3.1. I did all the steps in this tread but Itunes cant finish the restore, cause show me error 1015. I read that it's fine that error, is beacuase i'm trying to downgrade the phone. So I start the RedSn0w, do all the steps and look's like all will work. The problem is we the jailbrake finish the Iphone reboot and get stuck in recovery mode, so I cant use the phone. The only way to reuse the phone is using the recovery from itunes (witout using Shit+Filmware i download). Also try to restoring from itunes with DFO mode.... but show me the same error. Anyway I did all the steps and when the jailbrack was finished the iphone kept on recovery mode. I hope you can help me, I commend you for this page. Thax
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