iPhone Dev-Team, uzunca süredir beklenen iOS 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak çözümü yayınladı. Jailbreak, "i0n1c" tarafından keşfedilen bir kernel açığını kullanıyor.
Bu seferki untethered keşif, Almanya'da çalışan bir güvenlik uzmanından, Stefan Esser'den (Twitter'da @i01nc) geldi. Stefan, zafiyet taramalarında tecrübeli. Ve ironik olarak iPhone camiasına ilk katkısı, bir güvenlik artırıcı önlem oldu. Geçen sene iPhone için ilk ASLR implementasyonunu "antid0te" adıyla yaptı. Stefan'ın iPhone çalışmalarını untethered jailbreak üzerine çevirdiğini görmek memnuniyet verici.
Bu untethered jailbreak'in desteklediği cihazlar: Phone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G, iPod touch 3G, iPad 1 ve Apple TV 2. iPad 2 henüz desteklenmiyor.
Jailbreak için RedSn0w or PwnageTool'ı indirmelisiniz. Linkler aşağıda: ● RedSn0w (Windows, Mac) ● PwnageTool (Mac)
Kısa süre içinde jailbreak'î anlatan detaylı yazılar yayınlayacağız.
ÖNEMLİ: Ultrasn0w kullanıcıları henüz güncelleme yapmasın. iPhone Dev-Team, 4.3.1 sürümüne uyumlu bir ultrasn0w güncellemesi çıkaracak. (Bu güncelleme yeni bir unlock değil.)
Daha eski baseband'leri çözen ultrasn0w'un 4.3.1'e uyumluluğu için bir güncelleme çıkaracağız. Eğer güncelleme yaparsak - ki bunu twitter'da veya bu blog'da duyururuz - bu güncellemeyi almanın yolu PwnageTool veya Sn0wbreeze ile özel ipsw hazırlamak olacak. Kesinlikle orijinal ipsw ile güncelleme yapmayın, unlock'ı kaybedersiniz!
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hi guys,
i have iphone 3 with os 4.2.1 bb 06.15.00... i used redsn0w before and update to 06.15.00 to unlock my phone.
If i upgrade to os 4.3.1 and JB with new redsn0w. does it mean i will lose my carrier unlock?? do i have to do everything all over again (mean JB & unlock)>
Thanks in advance
dev team, can you please release an unlock for iphone 4 ( baseband 02.10.04 & up ) i am waiting for that almost a year, and many more are still waiting for that, i know you guys can do it, i appreciate your work & i am grateful for that...
Hi There, I'm using redsnow to jailbreak my ipod touch 3g, I followed all the steps, but it always stop at the "uploading ramdisk" step, then the downloading jailbreak data disappears the ipod reboots and still isn't jailbroken while on my pc it is still uploading the ramdisk. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi there,
If I toggle the vibrate switch to silent mode, the iPhone is supposed to vibrate as we all know.
However, since Jailbreaking, it doesn't always vibrate, and sometimes vibrates when I switch it back to the normal position, when it shouldn't.
I restored the phone to pre-jailbreak and it works fine so its definitely a software related issue.
Has anyone else noticed this? What could be causing it? Everything else works fine.
Thanks in advance.
I noticed that too. I have the same issue. I also notice this jailbreak, or maybe it's 4.3.1, is making my phone sluggish.. have you noticed anything like that too?
jailbreak went perfect on ipod touch 4th gen
however once in cydia and i was adding everything i always add i randomly got a white flash then it went to apple logo with loading bar but my screen with cydia was underneath...? and it let me keep using cydia so i exited and resprung the winterboard and it went a way.... just thought it was really weird.
but thansk to the devs!
I did the redsn0w/jailbreak on a iPhone 4.the jailbreak went flawlessly.I got Cydia And Internet.bb is -04.10.01 The problem is > it's not connecting to AT&T says searching or only one bar .doesn't say AT&T near the signal. Took the sim out and put it in a 3G s and worked fine.did the jb on both win 7 and xp two different laptops.tried running it as admin.slid the airplane mode off and on.IDid numerous other things. Pulling my last hair out (ouch!)any help would be appreciated.thanks!
I also would like to thank the dev team for saving us from the restricted world of Apple :)
Can you please write some info on the ipad2 jailbreak? if there is a timeline or hope for it
Thank You dev team for this! and of course i0n1c :)
Without the jailbreaks I would never buy the Apple products, It's like the missing part:)
Im still wondering why we are not getting any information on the IPad 2 jailbreak?
Is Comex going to release the IPad 2 4.3 jailbreak, it couldn't be too hard for him just to twitter saying if he will, and if it's coming soon or something like that :/
I had some troubles with Redsn0w jailbreaking.. so had to use the pwnage tool to make custom IPSW. But now my 3GS is up and running perfectly.. thanks dev-Team and everyone behind it.
So what I basically did was restore the phone back to 4.3.1 (Itunes/Tiny) and re-jailbroke it with Redsnow. Everything works perfectly now. I get my carrier back, I can make calls, sends SMS/MMS and so on. The only "bug" that I notice is that the reception bars remain @ 1. I've noticed it doesn't affect reception what so ever, just more of a "bug" that displays 1 bar.
Restored to 4.3.1 via iTunes using TinyUmbrella to keep my baseband at 01.59.00 and then JB it using Redsn0w (repeated the whole procedure twice). Signal bar shows one bar or at times no bars at all. Turning OFF an On airplane mode, 3G and Cellular settings did not help.
I did not install Ultrasn0w. I keep my baseband at 01.59.00 just in case I travel abroad and want to use my cell with different carrier.
Just updated both my iPad 1 and iPhone 3Gs to iOS 4.3.1 and jailbroke with the info provided. So far no issues
Since my phone was out of space it would not let me update my OS. Even Cydia would not let me update Cydia APPs due to lack of space. I had to do a restore install of iOS 4.3.1 and reinstall all of my APPs, settings, music, photos, ex. Doing a complete restore ended up freeing about 3 gigs of space
Wanna say Thank to Dev Team for the hard work on Untethered JB on 4.3.1...did anyone had a issue after JB ur iP4 had no carrier network on PwnageTool 4.3? Then i tried JB on Redsn0w then i turn off 3g (i dont know if effect) and its work out fine.....Thanks again Dev Team for your Fabulous Piece Of Art..
happend to me BUT then i did another restore then it worked...
after RESTORING ipsw from iTunes turn on your phone, enter sim pin and wait for network to initialize...then power off and do the redsnow procedure...then it worked...first time i skipped that initialization