The iPhone Dev-Team, RedSn0w Projesi'nin ne olabilecegi hakkinda ipucu verdi......
- Evet, Kesinlikle British Thermonuclear Device degil... - The Twilight Zone dizisini bir bolumu degil. - Ve kesinlikle iPhone 3G ile ilgili degil. - Ama, Bir aygit daha var? - Ne olabilir?
Oyle gozukuyor ki redsn0w iPod touch ile ilgili birsey. Belkide 2G iPod Touch'in isletim sistemini cozduler.
redsn0w'un resmi sitesi bir sure once guncellendi. Guncellenen yeni sitedeki resimin sol ust kosesinde bir tur anahtar/sifre eklenmis durumda. MD5 turu bir anahtar. Ayrica daha onceki resimde tic tac toe oynayan bir cocuk resmi vardi, yeni resimde ise entegre bir chip'den goruntu yer aliyor.
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Finally........I hope they finish it soon, been wiaitng for a while plus my iphone screen just cracked and stop working so I'm stuck with the 2g for now. Dev team u guys are the greatest.
MuscleNerd made a reply to a comment on the dev-teams blog confirming that it is iPod Touch related and that they were 'diverted by another exploit which they were not expecting' Also he says that the code that the top is....
' an "escrow" hash of decrypted iBoot for ipt2g (length=0x29000). Not otherwise obtainable except via an exploit (afaict).
This is most likely a jailbreak for iPod Touch 2G