i restored my ipad but once im jailbreaking it using redsn0w i see a message "ctx error not found" then it keeps on saying please wait and it restart again and keep freezing on the apple logo. please help
i get through the jb process fine but when i try to reboot just tethered it looks like its working then just hangs at uploading kernal and the pineapple on the ipad and it just sits there then eventully reboots and cydia doesnt work so idk what im doing wrong must have tried it 15 to 20 times!!! any help is awesome thank you
Hi..what is the meaning of ..."You will only be able to perform a tethered jailbreak at this time. This means you will need Redsn0w's assistance to boot into your jailbroken device. If you want to jailbreak a lower firmware version you can find the appropriate tutorial here.
It means that anytime the device is powered off (hold the power button down and slide to shut off), you will need Red Snow to get it running again. If you're not comfortable with this, don't do it and wait for a non tethered version someday
I get stuck on the "Uploading ramdisk" portion of the JB. My iPad shows "Downloading Jailbreak Data..." but stays like that for a long time. I've tried multiple times running RedSn0w as an administrator and in XP SP3 compatibility mode to no avail. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I guess I'll soon try another computer. Any ideas?
Well, I just tried for the last time using XP SP3 compatibilty AND "run as administrator" from my Windows 7 PC. Looks like it worked PERFECTLY. I can't wait to unleash the power of this device!
I also had the same problem. I am on Win 7/64. I tried everything, including run as admin, doing it form the admin account, I even tried it on my WIndows XP 32 partition. IT never worked. I finally stumbled on a thread that said it had somethign to do with processor affinity settings on MP or Multi-Core systems.
I started redsn0w, then opened Task Manager. FInd the redsn0w process and right click, go to Affinity and uncheck Processor 0. If you get access denied, make sure you are admin and that you have show processes from all users checked. Once the affinity setting is changed, then go back to redsn0w and keep going as instructed. Worked the first time after dozens if not scores of tries previously for me.
I jail broke the iPad, installed few apps throughout installous and Cydia, was very happy, then Cydia had few updates, I did, next it went to reboot, and never came back to life, stayed on the apple logo for the whole day, a tried rebooting manually over 10 times and still same luck...hook it up to iTunes and it won't detect iPad, tried few times .. Battery dies, recharged it and took it to the apple store,, the guy there hooked it to a special software to restore the iPad, without iTunes detect. Glad to have back and but not jail broken yet, waiting maybe for a fix... Apple store guy didn't ask too much questions.. I told him after I installed the the version of the 4.2.1, this crash happened.. Service, free..
I have the same problem, what I did was rejailbreak the Ipad and then when done do NOT download the cydia update choose ignore temperary and now it works great
yeah but HOW did you rejailbreak it every time i do the instructions (hold the power button for 10 seconds....) it shuts down and doesn't get detected by redsnow :S pls dear jailbreak user HELP ME D:
Hi, its taking too long to reboot after redsn0w process and the apple logo has been there for more that 15minutes. Please help. does it take so long? is it normal or have i done something wrong?
I was able to JB Ipad on latest FW and run Cydia, and install all required packages for it, but my problem is that after I install SBsettings I'm asked to Reboot Device but when it reboot it gets stock on the Apple logo.
Anyone else having the same problem or know how to resolve it?
After I jail broke the iPad , installed few apps, then sbsettings, and reboot. IPad wouldn't come back, had the apple logo all night, the batteries died out . Next they recharged it with still apple logo on.. Problem, it wouldn't even detect the iTunes so I would restore... Had to take it back to apple store,, the genius bar, hooked it up to his laptop and had to do something special because it wouldn't detect itunes at the store too.. Finally the iPad started to restore by itself throughout the laptop but with no iTunes on or detected... Thankfully, iPad is up but haven't jail broke again, still waiting for fixes....
In my case what I did after the new jailbreak is when Cydia asked to Reboot don't click on the Reboot but do Switch Off on the ipad, after hoocked it to laptop, open Resn0w, selected the "Jut Boot tethered right now" and was able to start the ipad. All working ok since them.
What the probably did in the shop to manage to get the laptop to detect it was start the Ipad in DFU mode.
Um, this is a tethered JB. if you reboot the iPad, you need to have it hooked up to and resteart using the redsnow and the ispw. if you don't know what i'm talking about, you are best of to wait until a non-tethered JB is released.
i don't know the reason too, i have to try do it many time even restore the firmware and do the jailbreak from stretch but the cydia still does not work...
may be because the cydia does not work that's why i don't need to jailbreak again after rebooting my ipad.