February 7, 2025
Pwnage 2.0.3 Released

Pwnage 2.0.3 Released

Posted August 25, 2008 at 7:08pm by iClarified
The newest version of Pwnage has been released, just under an hour ago. It supports the new 2.0.2 firmeware, which fixes a lot of the edge/3G issues.

PwnageTool 2.0.3 is now available as a Sparkle update, or a direct download. This version provides support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it has an updated Installer.app beta (b6) and contains a new .de localization for our large amount of German friends. The application SHOULD ONLY be downloaded as a .tbz file from our servers and should NOT be decompressed using the very broken application called "the unarchiver" stick to the standard OS X built in "Archive Utility" to decompress. The SHA1 sum of PwnageTool_2.0.3.tbz is 91e670e0c623cd43f5e8cfbfaae6c23d98d8f31b

We will update our tutorials shortly.

Pwnage 2.0.3 Released
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Comments (6)
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PIeter - August 28, 2008 at 6:53am
Help! I get an error 1600 from iTunes trying to update with pawn 2.03 to frimware 2.02 and have a very dark iPhone now, (2G). What to do??
Phil St.Onge
Phil St.Onge - August 25, 2008 at 10:10pm
Perfect. I wish you did not have to restore and could just update. It would save a lot of problems. :)
asa - August 25, 2008 at 9:54pm
Phill you can try bossprefs 'Fix user Dir permissions' This usually fixes this.
Phil St.Onge
Phil St.Onge - August 25, 2008 at 9:38pm
I PWN'd my 2.0 phone and now Mail crashes. Any ideas? Thanks.
asa - August 25, 2008 at 9:16pm
This is a good point. So what about 2g phones. Does it fix or enhance anything? Not sure it's worth updating even if I can...
74tz - August 25, 2008 at 8:30pm
When having a look at reviews of the 2.0.2 firmware in terms of fixing EDGE/3G reception issues, on many websites the general consensus among users seems to be that it makes no difference at all - some even report it makes reception worse, though I don't know if that is possible, or just paranoia... Surely to affect radio antenna reception quality in a positive OR negative way you must let iTunes upgrade the baseband version by updating 'officially'? However when using Pwnage Tool, the baseband remains intact at the older version and so only system software based issues will be resolved as the baseband will not be updated. I'm still going to update to firmware 2.0.2 with Pwnage Tool 2.0.3 because I can, but I doubt it will alter my signal reception as the baseband will not be upgraded. P.S. The scam website www.iphoneunlockuk.com is STILL stealing the Dev Team's work and Nullriver's Installer.app , even though they probably realised they've been found out!! It makes me furious that they're continuing to get away with it. Can't anyone shut this website down for good or let the Trading Standards agency in the Dev Team's local geographical region know whats going on...?
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