Readdle has announced the release of PDF Expert, a professional PDF document reader solution for the iPhone. PDF Expert extends PDF viewing capabilities of the iPhone along with a large set of professional functions including saving PDF email attachments, full text document search, support for password protected documents, navigation through embedded PDF bookmarks and handling for large PDF files. PDF Expert is available exclusively on the Apple App Store at USD $4.99.
Saving email PDF attachments to the iPhone is one of the most notable PDF Expert features. It is supported via Readdle Storage, Readdle's iPhone friendly cloud file storage solution. This capability, previously missing on the iPhone, combined with the ability to read password protected PDF documents, makes PDF Expert the first working way to read password protected PDF email attachments on the iPhone.
The process of saving email attachment to the iPhone is pretty straightforward; users forward an email with attachments to their dedicated Readdle Storage email address. Readdle Storage processes the email and saves all attached documents to the users file storage. Once a document has been saved to Readdle Storage, only a few taps are needed to download it to the iPhone using PDF Expert.
Quick navigation through the document and support for large PDF files are two additional functions which are essential for professional users. PDF Expert excels in document navigation by implementing full-text search, go to page navigation, fast document scroll and embedded PDF bookmarks. Also, PDF Expert opens many PDF files that are too large for the built-in iPhone viewer.
"In our analysis of App Store customer feedback we have discovered a high demand for a professional PDF reader application for the iPhone. The iPhone's built-in PDF viewer is great, however it does not support several features which are essential for iPhone business users; such as saving PDF attachments to the iPhone and support for password protected PDFs. PDF Expert is the product that meets the needs of a growing population of iPhone users and it further extends iPhone business usage," explains Igor Zhadanov, Readdle CEO.
PDF Expert is not limited to just PDF files; its document viewer also handles Microsoft Office files, iWork documents, HTML, TXT and image files. The built-in network file server allows users to mount PDF Expert as a shared network drive over a Wi-Fi network to any computer equipped with Mac OS X 10.4 or later, Windows XP or Windows Vista and copy documents to the iPhone using simple drag & drop or copy & paste.
Pricing and Availability: Readdle Storage is available as a free service for all PDF Expert users. PDF Expert 1.0 is available for the special price of $4.99 (USD) exclusively on the App Store.