Skupina na stránkách vydala malou aplikaci běící pod MobileTerminal, aby nám demonstrovala jejich vývoj v odemknutí Bluetooth na iPhone.
Aplikace zvaná "bluesn0w" skenuje 10 vteřin okolní bluetooth přístroje a zobrazuje jejich MAC adresy. Jejím cílem je přinést do iPhone bluetooth, jaký by měl mít kadý "chytrý" telefon. ----- Předpokláný vzhled a funkce: 1. Nakonec bude tato aplikace pravděpodobně zdarma a Open Source, 2. Samozřejmně aplikace bude vypadat lépe s čistým a snadně pouitelným rozhraním. 3. (Myslíme si) , e tato aplikace vám bude schopna splnit ty nejdivočejí sny. (To co není v sekci "ádosti" nemůe být zvětí části splněno!) 4. Slyel jsem něco o Bluetooth Super Hack? Můete vsadit poslední cent, e na tom pracujeme! 5. MAC addresa můe být spoofována a my pravděpodobně přidáme tuto monost do finální verze. -----
Přečíst si celou tiskovou zprávu, stáhnout aplikaci a podpořit tento projekt můete kliknutím na odkaz dole.
I love the GUI it's very pretty, but still they followed my advice, new domain, new name! But same results.. I'm still with my opinion, the chip sees all devices but chooses what to display to the Settings screen, to be able to display the rest that the OS cuts off, it's not the same to be communicating with another device at ALL! Sorry to be so hard, but i've seen people throwing away their "donations" like flies to a project that has virtually no future.. If someday there is a way with e.g. an external bluetooth dongle, i'm gonna be the 1ST to donate to that cause and also buy it !
the link for read more should be also we have released more since then check out the status update forum there which is where we have been releasing
so does this means that once the whole got released? we can send file through bluetooth to hp of any brands? if so great job guys. Really looking forward to the release of the stable version.
Sorry to buzz about this again, but i still think that this project could not go any further, maybe some more by porting bluez-urils from the arm builds of debian, but that's it.. I still think that all this is happening about the donations, and prove me wrong.. Sorry but it's what i think and from what i've seen, it's almost like that, "donate for that" "donate for the other" "only usd" like if i donate on paypal will not convert it to their currency, sorryz but i think its a bunch of guys trying to make a living out of it, thats why they changed the name to a more "wise" one like bluesn0w by copying yellosn0w fame!
Medevil responds:
I don't have instructions I just copied that from a friend in iPhoneHellas.
1. download the release.
2. copy the file to anywhere but remember where, im going to assume you copied it to /var/root (roots home directory)
3. turn off wifi.
4. turn off bluetooth in preferences app
5. start an ssh session to your iphone WITHOUT USING WIFI (BT AND WIFI ARE ON THE SAME FREQENCY!!!)
alternatively you can login to mobileterminal
6. type su
7. type your iphones root password: this is alpine if you dont know what it is
8. type cd /var/root (just to be sure)
9. type chmod 777 inq
10. type ./inq
I like the translation only, i still think that they are ripping off donations for nothing, either way before resolving an other bluetooth device the mac address is presented, plus the iPhone can se all devices but chooses to display only the headsets, like saying to an ericsson to display only headsets..
but nobody gets it! :P
Plus they were a google group with another name, and now that the yellosn0w was releashed, the name had a lot of "acoustics" in it to copy to a one proper for their work. Sorry for being hard on the subject, but asking for donations like that and only USD, whats with that, either way paypal will give you the money to your currency..! Sorryz but i still think that this is a bunch of bluetools compiled from the arm repository of debian..
ok - if it is: you do it.
the bottom line is i worked 6 months on this and have found away to enable all the BT capabilities. if you dont like it dont use it.
Its not who makes it there first but the way to get there, man, i'm not competitive i just point out that you guys cant even afford a domain..and use ways to get donations.. Thats what bothers me. Now for the project, my oppinion is that this project cant go any further and you're asking me to "compete" .. Sorryz but that why i still think you are a bunch of smarts kids with a nice plan to hog donations.. Sorry for being hard, but you know the whole iPhone thing, i'm too old to be played arround.. I kinda know my way arround our beloved device! ;) (sorryz for the bad english)
A great start. At least you're talking to the chip :). Now the really hard part begins ... Discovered my laptop, but didn't see my headset. Maybe the headset wasn't broadcasting.
Schmave - aka the bt pwner - January 3, 2009 at 1:41am
aha! heres where your wrong :) this was by far the hadest part - it took 6 long hard months to get here and in 4 days ive nearly finished the GUI for it.
its plain sailing from here on!