MuscleNerd har announceret en opdatering til RedSn0w der vil fixe APN/MMS problemer, som jailbreakers måske har haft erfaringer med iOS 4.0
Den seneste RedSn0w beta skulle fixe alle problemer med APN eller MMS som brugerer har oplevet. Det er sikkert at køre den, uden at gendanne din iPhone... Bare fjern flue-benet fra "Install Cydia" hvis du allerede er jailbreaket.
Du kan downloade opdateringerne her fra: - Windows - Mac
Hi there, maybe a stupid question, but where can I select the IPSW por my current firmware? I mean I have looked in the folder applecomptuter/iTunes/ipod software updates, and shows me an error. Please let me know, since I haven't been able to use MMS. Thanks a lot.
The easiest way to solve this issue is to call ##002#, just like this picture.
Then you'll never see that message again!
anyone having problems with the sms time stamp on 3G
my incoming sms texts have a 4 hour behind time stamp
Im using a workaround by manually setting the time on another time zone
Not having problems with time on MMS, but when I set my alarm for 8.30 in the morning it doesnt go off until 9.30, so looks like there is some sort of gug to do with the time and the clock maybe.
i tough was the only person with this problem, except when i set the alarm to 8.00 it sounds at 7.30 but only if i set also any days on repeat, if i let repeat in "never" it works fine
I think the issue with received SMS time stamp is carrier related somehow. It really sucks that Apple sell unlocked phones in Europe but they are not properly functional when you use them with unsupported carriers making these phone not really SIM Free as advertised. Somehow with unsupported carriers, the time is calculated based on the time zone of the carrier with no adjustments to DTS. You can change your time zone on the phone and that will fix it but it will screw up your emails and calendar. If you got a fix for this, please let me know.