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Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Posted May 6, 2011 at 3:03pm by iClarified
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Estas son las instrucciones de como hacerle jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 on iOS 4.3.3 usando PwnageTool para Mac

Paso Uno
Crea un folder llamado "Pwnage" en el escritorio, en el necesitaras un par de cosas th. PwnageTool 4.3.3,que lo puedes descargar en here o en here.

Tambien necesitaras el Firmware de IOS 4.3.3 para iPhone 4.
4.3.3 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw

Cuando estés descargando el IPSW es mejor que lo descargues con Firefox porque Safari lo auto extrae.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Dos
Haz doble click en "montar PwnageTool" y luego arrastra el icono de PwnageTool a la carpeta "Pwnage" que creamos al inicio del tutorial.

Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]
Luego, desde el folder Pwnage haz doble click para abrir la aplicacion de PwnageTool.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Haz Click sobre Ok si abre con alguna advertencia.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Tres
Selecciona Expert Mode Del menu superior
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Cuatro
Selecciona el Dispositivo a liberar. Una marca aparecera sobre la imagen del dispositivo que selecciones. Haz click sobre la flecha para seguir.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Cinco
Aparecerá una pagina que dira: "Browse for IPSW". Haz click en el boton Browse for IPSW....
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Desde la ventana emergente selecciona el firmware del folder Pwnage y luego haz click en el boton Open.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Seis
Aparecera entonces un menu con varias opciones. Hax click en General y luego en la flecha.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

The General settings allows you to decide the partition size. Check Activate the phone if you are not with an official carrier then click the blue arrow button.

NOTA*: Desactiva Activate si tu tienes un iphone legitimamente activado en un carrier oficial.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Las opciones de Cydia te permiten crear paquetes personalizados para que luego no tengas que instalarlos manualmente.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Haz click en Download packages . Luego preciona el boton de Refresh para ver todos los paquetes disponibles. Hciendo doble click en el packete que quieres hará la descarga y lo pondra disponible en la pestaña Select Packages .
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Selecciona los que deseas y luego haz click sobre la flecha.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

La opcion Custom Packages Settings muestra ls configuraciones de paquetes para tu IPSW personalizado. Por ahora dejemoslo como está. Presiona la flecha para seguir.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Siete
Ahora estas listo para iniciar el proceso de pwnage. Presiona el boton Build para seleccionarlo y luego presiona la flecha para iniciar.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Ocho
Se te preguntará donde guardar tu IPSW personalizado. Guardalo en el FOlder Pwnage en el escritorio.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Tu IPSW se está construyendo. Por favor dale unos 10 minutos a este paso.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Luego se te preguntara por tu contraseña de administrador. Ingresala y luego presiona el boton de OK.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Nueve
Una vez tu ipsw ha sido construido se te pedira que conectes tu iphone al computador. Una vez que detecte el dispositivo PwnageTool te guiara por unos pasos para poner t dispositivo en modoDFU .
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]
Presiona y manten hold y power durante 10 segundos.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Suelta el boton de power y mantente presionando home por 10 segundos.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Una vez que tu iphone ha entrado en modo DFU, Pwnage tool te pedira que lances Itunes.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Dies
Una vez en Itunes , manten Alt/Option presionado y haz click sobre Restore.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Once
Naveha hacia el folder Pwnage en tu escritorio usando la ventana que aparece. Selecciona el firmware personalizado y presiona el boton Choose.
Como hacerle Jailbreak a tu iPhone 4 Usando PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]

Paso Doce
Itunes ahora restaurara el firmware de tu iphone . Esto puede tomar unos 10 minutos. Una vez reinicie tendras un IOS 4.3.3 jailbroken.

***Agradecimientos: Gracias al equipo de IPhone Dev-Team, Geohot, y I0n1c por su arduo trabajo para hacer este tutorial posible.
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Comments (113)
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David - June 28, 2011 at 6:13am
I have an iphone4, which was jailbroken and unlocked. I followed the instrructions to jailbreak for 4.3.3, and the phone seems to be stuck on the very last bit of the jailbreak restore...ie..the line under the apple completes to 95% of the way and stops. HELP! what do I do? Thanks anyone out there
joel723 - June 25, 2011 at 10:05am
Nick, thank you! You're a genius and saved me. I was having the same issues, cydia refusing to open after pwnage JB 4.3.3. I re-pwned and followed your instructions and its now opening cydia so I was able to unlock with Ultrasn0w. Anyone else experiencing this issue, follow Nick's solution. Thanks!
kalpesh - June 24, 2011 at 5:38pm
m done with the jailbreak comfortably... but now i am without any network...? so wa do i do..?
Brent - June 22, 2011 at 9:16pm
Step 0: Sync your iPhone so you have a recent backup and don't lose a few weeks of data.
Newbie - June 9, 2011 at 11:12pm
Ok. I am stuck on the last part. Every time I try to restore into my custom .ipsw, I get the dreaded This iPhone Could Not Be Restored 1601. I can get my phone to normal, but I would really like to go back to jailbroken status. Can anyone help? Where do I go from here?
Bragaadeesh - June 1, 2011 at 1:49pm
There is a couple of important steps need to be mentioned in this tutorial which will make it cleaner 1. Let know the users who are unlocking that ALL THE DATA IN THE PHONE WILL BE LOST. 2. Regarding the Activate Phone checkbox should not be applied for FACTORY UNLOCKED iPhones.
iMeL - May 27, 2011 at 2:41am
Everything is working fine, for those who is trying to upgrade their iPhone for the first time & only read this thread, of course u'll have problem coz u guys missed some steps prior to these. Do a little research & read earlier threads & then move along to these newer ones... Good Luck!!
POncho Carrillo
POncho Carrillo - May 27, 2011 at 2:01am
Hi, after i finish installing the custom firmware 4.3.3, my 3g network doesnt work, i cant enter cydia or safari, is this normal?
Nick - June 24, 2011 at 12:26am
I finally found the solution to getting cydia from not crashing. With these steps or helper points and the real instructions, I've JB both a 3GS and 4 with the 4.3.3 mod. Also, I tried at least 10 times before getting things to work. So, I figured I'd spread the word.

1) During the install there are two screens in the packages area that say "Cydia" installer. Choose the one where it specifically says "Cydia Installer". If you choose the screen where it shows it in the list with all of the packages, your installer will die. 2) No luck with just doing a Restore / DFU without using the Pwnage tool. So far, it seems every time it fails you need to run through the entire builder process to get things to work with iTunes. 3) Don't choose ANY packages. Only the Cydia installer that is typically already preselected. You can install these later once a clean JB is good.
ExcelonGT - July 12, 2011 at 2:03am
Thank you! it only took me 3 attempts at the complete process before I got it fully working. I almost was about give up on jailbreaking and go "legit" if I hadnt found your post
David Port
David Port - May 23, 2011 at 12:34am
Just completed the jailbreak. Also unable to open Cydia. The only app I requested was "Install Cydia". Was I supposed to load something else? When you went to redsn0w, did you restore to standard 4.3.3 first or go directly to redsn0w?
Sam - May 26, 2011 at 6:45pm
If you have an older baseband, there is a conflict with it and Apple's upgraded baseband. It's purely cosmetic....if you want to know what your reception is, download and run ultrasnow and this should take care of it. Make sure though that your VVM works by playing your greeting...sometimes there is a glitch and it won't work (just reboot your phone and that should take care of it). Also, beware...ultrasnow is running in the background and will drain your battery faster.
apek - May 11, 2011 at 6:39pm
Hello! I run version 4.1 with baseband version 02.10.04. I saved with TinyUmbrella my SHSH. I tried to jailbreak using pwnage tool (mac) 4.3.3 but it didn't work. When I finish DFU mode with sucess and I try to restore Itunes with iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Custom_Restore.ipsw there is massage in Itunes This device isn't eligible for the requested build. Please some one can help me?
varma - May 11, 2011 at 9:43pm
comment the line which has gs.apple.com in my hosts file (/etc/hosts) That will resolve your problem.
Hagen - May 10, 2011 at 10:21am
I jailbreak as the tutorial said Now Cydia won't open... On my iPhone 4 Help!!! What should I do to fix it?
justabrake - May 10, 2011 at 11:08am
Same here followed directions 3xs Why is there a problem with this ? IClarified
Daniel Maier
Daniel Maier - May 10, 2011 at 10:31pm
I didn't have any problem with Cydia after this upgrade with Pwnage Tool. It was just a btch to get it restored with the custom firmware. I ran from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 on BB 03.10.01 iPhone 4, and you folks?
Mike - May 11, 2011 at 1:16pm
Hey. I just bought an iphone 4 and still running the stock 4.3. Have not yet upgraded through itunes. Was wondering if this jailbreak is efficient to do or not ?
hagen - May 11, 2011 at 11:53pm
i used the redsnow method now its working great but use the new version of redsnow here's the tutorial https://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=14567 this is the redsnow i use redsn0w 0.9.6rc15 https://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=15002 it work for me... ^_^
hagen - May 12, 2011 at 12:02am
well its worth it if you wanna cusmtumize the iphone 4 theme theres great themes out there n mad cool too... also look for MY3G app from cydia its no free but cost every penny what it do for example no need for wifi to do facetime thats one of many of the use for also MYWIFI no need to get a tethering plan, it allows you to create a hotspot using your 3G connection. five icon dock, winterboard, mixtube, firewall IP and many other... its up to you
Nick - June 24, 2011 at 12:22am
l finally found the solution to getting cydia from not crashing. With these steps or helper points and the real instructions, I've JB both a 3GS and 4 with the 4.3.3 mod. Also, I tried at least 10 times before getting things to work. So, I figured I'd spread the word. 1) During the install there are two screens in the packages area that say "Cydia" installer. Choose the one where it specifically says "Cydia Installer". If you choose the screen where it shows it in the list with all of the packages, your installer will die. 2) No luck with just doing a Restore / DFU without using the Pwnage tool. So far, it seems every time it fails you need to run through the entire builder process to get things to work with iTunes. 3) Don't choose ANY packages. Only the Cydia installer that is typically already preselected. You can install these later once a clean JB is good.
Daniel Maier
Daniel Maier - May 9, 2011 at 10:50pm
For those having issues with restore on iTunes, if you have your SHSH's saved on Cydia you should add to your /etc/hosts file the following: gs.apple.com And then the important part is to DFU usign Pwnage Tool, if you just DFU manually it doesn't work! And then you restore...
mcardill - May 10, 2011 at 12:41pm
not letting me restore. "iphone could not be restored. this device isnt eligible for the requested build" This is the first time I have ever attempted to jail-break. Im not very familiar with what you are talking about here. My SHSH is not saved in Cydia because thats the only way TinyUmbrella would allow me to save my SHSH. Please help.
Daniel Maier
Daniel Maier - May 10, 2011 at 10:23pm
I don't know if whatever I said would work if you don't have your SHSH saved on Cydia since it verify the custom firmware with Cydia servers. But it could work but I'm not sure since I don't really know the engineering behind. Have you tried using TinyUmbrella after saving your SHSH through the app? I think you have to unselect the option in preferences to get it straight from Apple. But anyways, did you add the IP on your hosts file? Try this first: [ open your Terminal, and type: sudo nano /etc/hosts and at the bottom or somewhere there add the line: gs.apple.com then save it with CTRL+O (if I'm not wrong) and then exit. Flush your DS cache with: dscacheutil -flushcache (on Terminal as well) and then put your iPhone in DFU mode, but attention, using Pwnage Tool to do so, after that restore your CUSTOM firmware on iTunes holding the OPTION/ALT key on your Mac. That's how I did and it worked after getting your error and others similar...
Mike L
Mike L - November 4, 2011 at 7:01pm
absolutely! kept getting same errors and this is the only way it worked! you have to use a custom ipsw
afalimar - May 9, 2011 at 8:43pm
think :)
varma - May 8, 2011 at 9:25pm
I have upgraded my iphone to ios 4.3.3 by preserving the base band 03.10.01 using Tiny Umbrella. Now I want to jailbreak iphone, so created a custom restore file using Pwnage Tool. But when I am trying to restore this custom ipsw using itunes, I am getting "The iphone "iphone" could not be restored". Could you please help me on how to jailbreak iphone running ios 4.3.3 and bb 03.10.01
varma - May 8, 2011 at 9:47pm
Never mind. This got resolved by removing gs.apple.com in my hosts file (/etc/hosts)
Daniel Maier
Daniel Maier - May 9, 2011 at 2:30pm
I had the same problem and I tried pointing gs.apple.com to Cydia's IP and it didn't work for me! Where did you point yours? To or Cydia's server? Did you boot you Mac after doind that? Thanks.
varma - May 9, 2011 at 7:22pm
Just comment that line using #. it will work
Juan Ribes
Juan Ribes - May 8, 2011 at 2:26pm
If someone have a problem restoring custom ipws, with a message from iTunes telling "this device isn't inteligible.. " or something similar remember flush cache by opening terminal and running: dscacheutil -flushcache I had that problem, and finally I've could fix it. Bye.
Sheefo - May 9, 2011 at 6:39am
I got the same "not eligible" error, when I tried to update to a firmware version that I didn't sign the SHSH for (as I didn't understand the importance of saving SHSH regularly). I solved it by updating to a version that I already had signed. Hope this helps.
Roll - May 8, 2011 at 12:54pm
Cannot re-jailbreak. I have an iPhone 4 running stock iOS 4.3.3 (build 8JA) and baseband 04.10.01 I jailbroke using Pwnage tool 4.3.3 and went OK as per instructions. I ran it for a day without problem but had a bit of a panic when I realised that prior to jailbreak I hadn't saved the SHSH blob (this wasn't among the instructions). I downloaded Tiny Umbrella and managed to do so. I decided to revert to standard iOS with aim of re-jailbreaking correctly but then the trouble started. After much sweating, several error messages and failure I eventually managed to restore to the stock software (unjailbroken) and have fully functional iPhone again (after several hours as a brick) Now I would like to Jailbreak again using same method but no matter how I try it will not work. Gets past "extracting" and "verifying with Apple" but during "preparing iPhone for restore" stage it fails with a message the iPhone is ineligible to use this software version!! I then have to force out of recovery mode. What am I doing wrong? Was under the impression I could jailbreak and restore at will but this is a real headache. Have I had my once chance and blown it?
Milo - May 7, 2011 at 8:43pm
SOLUTION to Cydia not staying open after Pwnage jailbreak. Do the jailbreak by using redsn0w for DFU mode. go ahead and just select set up as new phone. then try cydia, if it doesn't work exit out of everything, use redsn0w to ONLY install cydia. then it works. install ultrasn0w (latest) to fix the signal bar issue. it works!!!!
milo - May 7, 2011 at 8:45pm
Only up to 4.3.2. 4.3.3 errored for me in itunes.
bnf-austin - May 10, 2011 at 8:49pm
following Milo directions 2011-05-07, I either get an unexpected error message or redsn0w crashes. Anyone else having this issue?
milo - May 13, 2011 at 1:44am
Need to make sure to collect all the right files for 4.3.2. use the right redsn0w, the right pwnage tool and the right firmware. can't cross stuff over. i just had to do a re-JB and it worked again for me just fine.
Sheefo - May 7, 2011 at 8:53am
I have iPhone 4 on 4.0.1 with bb 01.59.00, I tried to update to 4.3.1 using your tutorial, I got an error when I tried to restore using CF: the iphone could not be restored, the device isn't eligible for the requested build. Is it because I did not sign the 4.3.1 SHSH? I have 4.3.2 and 4.3 signed, should I update to those instead? Do I need to change something in my Hosts file? Thanks for your help.
my2cents - May 7, 2011 at 10:04am
I didnt have anything above the 4.3 shsh in umbrella but there was an update to umbrella this morning. My version is 4.33.00 and I'm on a mac. I had the same error trying to update my phone so I updated umbrella, started the TSS server, went back into itunes and was able to restore custom 4.3.3 firmware.
highgrade - May 7, 2011 at 7:43pm
Had the same error also open tinyumbrella and start tss sever and i was able to do restore custom firmware
highgrade - May 7, 2011 at 11:16pm
pwnage tool garbage lucky i have a mac and a pc use snowbreeze which work fine
bahram - May 7, 2011 at 1:43am
after connecting to itunes when it is verifying the restore with apple, I got error message indicating that the device is not eligible for this build. What should I do? I have IOS 4.3.2 on my iphone and currently I am not is USA and I want to jailbreak my phone first to be able to unluck it. I had AT&T contract before in USA.
t - August 5, 2011 at 2:46am
It appears this (...this phone is not eligible for this update) is happening to more than one person. I thought it may have been to a version of iTunes that was not the latest, but no. I was unable to restore to my previous IPSW and had to use iTunes to Update And Restore. Now I have OS 4.3.5... bummer!
Desirea - May 6, 2011 at 10:45pm
Should I update to 4.3.3 in iTunes first? I'm running 4.3 (8F190) or do I just let the ..pwnage do the updating??
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