February 12, 2025
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Posted May 7, 2011 at 12:28pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones de como reemplazar las barras de señal en tu iPhone a una representación numerica de la intensidad de recepción. (Ej. números en lugar de barras)

Primer Paso
Presiona el botón para iniciar una llamada telefónica desde tu Pantalla de inicio.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Segundo Paso
Toca la pestaña del teclado y entonces marca *3001#12345#*.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Tercer Paso
Tu iPhone iniciara las pruebas de campo. Nota que tus barras de señal han sido reemplazadas con un numero. Este numero es la intensidad de recepción calculado en decibeles. Lo mas cercano a 0dB la mayor intensidad de tu señal.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Cuarto Paso
Mantén presionado el Botón de Encendido hasta que aparezca la opción de deslizar para apagar.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Quinto Paso
Mantén presionado el Botón de Menú hasta que el modo de prueba de campo finalize. Nota que las barras de señal siguen siendo números.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Para regresar a las Barras de Señal
Marca *3001#12345#* de nuevo para acceder al modo de pruebas de campo.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros

Presiona la intensidad de señal en la parte de arriba izquierda de la pantalla para cambiar entre números y barras. Entonces presiona el Boton de Menu para salir del modo de prueba.
Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros Como Reemplazar las Barras de Señal en tu iPhone con Numeros
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Comments (58)
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Diane Shearer
Diane Shearer - April 4, 2018 at 1:43am
Doesn't work. Field test mode still shows bars.
ssiksramzuk - May 16, 2017 at 9:25pm
Now tapping on the signal bar doesn't do anything. Did they update it, so you can't change it anymore?
Tomas Weavy
Tomas Weavy - January 13, 2017 at 11:05am
Thanks iclarified, at least you showed us how to reverse it if you don't want the numbers anymore
AfiqAzizi - June 19, 2016 at 5:31am
How to change back to the original signal?
Breyana - June 24, 2016 at 2:47am
I literally 30 secs. Just had this same problem!! Literally, but only thing you do is repeat the steps but instead of holding the lock button (If your iPhone is updated) you will click where it says "Back to Phone" in the very upper top left of the phone and when it goes back to the dial pad, click the signal strength numbers and it should return back to normal.
tdB - September 30, 2014 at 10:54pm
To get this to work for me I entered field test mode, then double tapped the home button to switch back to the dial app. I entered the code again which brought me back to the field test app. I then held the power sleep button until the slider appeared. Then held the home button to return to the normal app desktop. The -xxx dB stayed.
emstuntz - September 20, 2014 at 6:49pm
Works fine on iOS 8 :)
bubba153 - May 7, 2014 at 4:53am
Never mind. It was Siri. Apparently the Siri screen was interfering with the Field Test app closure. Turned Siri off briefly, and it worked perfectly. I can now use either the numeric meter or the dots, and can toggle between them. Thanks!!
bubba153 - May 6, 2014 at 10:46pm
iPhone 5s with iOS 7.1.1 not jailbroken (Verizon) Field Test runs fine. However, I can't get it to make the numeric change lasting. Tried the power button, then the home button, and also tried the power button AND home button (forcing a reboot). When the phone reverts to the home screen, the numeric value displays for the briefest instant, then reverts to the dots (and doesn't toggle). Dunno' if the fact that the home button brings up Siri has anything to do with this or not..... Any ideas? I'd like to use the numeric value rather than the dots.
bubba153 - May 6, 2014 at 10:45pm
iPhone 5s with iOS 7.1.1 not jailbroken (Verizon) Field Test runs fine. However, I can't get it to make the numeric change lasting. Tried the power button, then the home button, and also tried the power button AND home button (forcing a reboot). When the phone reverts to the home screen, the numeric value displays for the briefest instant, then reverts to the dots (and doesn't toggle). Dunno' if the fact that the home button brings up Siri has anything to do with this or not..... Any ideas? I'd like to use the numeric value rather than the dots.
Brandon - April 5, 2014 at 6:26am
Worked Great on iOS 7.1 on my UnJailBroken iPhone 4S! Make sure to hit send after *3001#12345#* .... Then Go to power down screen and finish by holding Home until Field Test disappears. And the magic of it is if you tap the signal indicator, it toggles between dots and numbers !
Pravin - April 8, 2014 at 4:43am
Thanks for the info. But does it work after closing the field test ? I mean on the homescreen ? Thanks again
Max E.
Max E. - February 5, 2014 at 3:53am
If you are having trouble getting it working on iOS 7.1 b5, enter the field test mode and hold down the power and home buttons together until the phone restarts.
TheKeywork - January 1, 2014 at 3:27pm
It works fine in iOS 7. What the article doesn't make clear is that you have to hit Send to launch field test mode. if you enter the numbers but don't hit Send, you can still change for numbers to bars and back, but your selection won't persist unless you hit Send and see the field test menu. Then change to bars(dots) or numbers, hold power till the slider pops up, then Home to exit.
Bero - December 9, 2013 at 2:20am
I couldnt make it work with IOS 7.4 oPhone 5s :(
Isaac Jensen
Isaac Jensen - November 4, 2014 at 9:26pm
If anyone of you having trouble changing the bars to numbers try opening field test and hold the home button and sleep button at the same time and keep holding until the Apple logo appears then unlock your iPhone and BOOM!!! It shows numbers and the best thing is that when you tap on the numbers, it turns back to bars, do it again, and it turnns back to numbers
Brendan - October 4, 2013 at 3:21am
It works on the iOS 7.0.2
Max_E - September 20, 2013 at 11:19am
This is broken in iOS 7.0. They are forcing us to have the dots.
TS - August 26, 2013 at 10:32pm
what if it doesnt seem to work at all and stays on searching?
Jens Pedersen
Jens Pedersen - May 1, 2013 at 3:27pm
Even works on a non jailbroken Iphone 4s, nice! i did not know that :)
CoryD81 - October 19, 2012 at 2:58pm
Just go to settings and Erase all settings, worked for me and I had the problem some of you did not being able to JUST have bars back. I had to toggle them back in each app or screen, but even after trying Mike's advice it didnt work. Setting reset was what did it for me! Now I just have to go back a repersonalize some things which isnt too big of a deal
mike sanders
mike sanders - September 22, 2012 at 4:37am
simple instructions thanks I wasn't happy with the numbers now back to bars ono.
NissanTuner - June 15, 2012 at 5:18am
Still works on iOS 6.0b1! Also, to change back and forth I just has to tap on the numbers/bars.
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