Bagaimana untuk Unlock/Jailbreak iPhone 2G Anda pada OS 3.0 Menggunakan RedSn0w
Posted June 20, 2009 at 7:22am by iClarified
Ini adalah langkah-langkah bagaimana meng-Unlock dan Jailbreak iPhone 2G Anda pada firmware iPhone 3.0 menggunakan RedSn0w. Sebelum memulai pastikan Anda telah memperbaharui itunes ke versi 8.2.
Langkah Pertama Buat sebuah folder baru dengan nama Pwnage di desktop Anda.
Bongkar / Ekstrak berkas ke dalam folder Pwnage
Langkah Kedua Hubungkan iPhone Anda pada komputer dan jalankan iTunes.
Pilih iPhone Anda dari daftar perangkat yang terletak di sebelah Kiri. Sekarang tekan dan tahan tombol shift dan klik tombol Restore. Restore diperlukan sebagaimana ia tidak akan menyia-nyiakan ruangan kosong pada iPhone Anda.
Arahkan ke folder Pwnage di desktop Anda dan pilih firmware ipsw yang baru saja Anda unduh. Klik tombol Open untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Ketiga Setelah iTunes telah selesai memperbaharui iPhone Anda ke firmware yang dimaksud Anda dapat menjalankan redsnw0w.exe dari folder Pwnage yang berada di desktop Anda.
Langkah Keempat Setelah RedSn0w terbuka klik tombol Browse
Langkah Kelima Pilih firmware ipsw yang kita letakkan di dalam folder Pwnage yang berada di desktop kemudian klik Open
Langkah Keenam Setelah firmware tersebut telah disetujui clik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Ketujuh Pastikan Cydia and Unlock di pilih dan klik tombol Next.
Langkah Kedelapan Kita sekarang membutuhkan lokasi dari berkas bootloader.
Klik Browse dan pilih berkas bootloader 3.9 dari folder Pwnage yang berada di desktop Anda.
Klik Browse dan pilih berkas bootloader 4.6 dari folder Pwnage yang berada di desktop Anda.
Klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah kesembilan Silahkan hubungkan iPhone Anda pada komputer dan pastikan bahwa iPhone Anda dalam keadaan MATI (OFF) kemudian klik tombol Next
Langkah Kesepuluh RedSn0w akan memandu Anda sampai pada langkah memasuki mode DFU.
Tekan dan tahan tombol Home dan tombol Power selama 10 detik.
Lepas tombol Power dan masih melanjutkan menekan tombol Home sampai RedSn0w mendeteksi perangkat iPhone Anda.
Langkah kesebelas iPhone Anda akan melakukan restart.
Langkah keduabelas RedSn0w akan memulai melakukan proses upload RAM Disk yang baru.
Langkah ketigabelas Setelah ini selesai Anda akan diberitahukan bahwa RedSn0w telah selesai. Klik pada tombol Finish. Ketika iPhone Anda selesai melakukan restart (5 menit atau lebih sedikit). iPhone Anda akan menjalankan BootNeuter kemudian akan di Unlock dan Jailbreak dengan Cydia pada SpringBoard.
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The redsn0w 0.9.4 doesn't recognize 3.1.3. So what I did is:
- in iTunes, put 3.1.3 to the phone
- use redsn0w 0.9.3, browser-> load in iphone OS 3.1.2, then follow the rest ...
everything works.
Go to this link:
You can download them from here. Save them to the desktop file pwnage as designated.
I have a 2G iPhone that im trying to unlock, when i follow the instruction and get to itunes it takes me to the invalid sim card. Any suggestions on how to get around it????
I got the same message on my iphone when i unlocked it. all i did was continue on with the instructions and everything worked fine once it was all said and done
Hi everyone, i have a question, hope you can help me.
I have a 2G Iphone that i jailbroke with Pwnage tool to get firmware 2.2 and it works fine.
I was wondering if i can i use this method to upgrade it to firmware 3 without leaving it unjailbroken or messing up the baseband?
I unlocked my phone using the RedSn0w, everything worked perfectly. But the volume is very very low, I can barely hear the other person. I tried to download a volume patch through Cydia, but the one with the drill icon won't download, says something about size being mismatched. I tried downloading one for the 2.0 version, it download and says installed, but there's no difference. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks
I'm stuck in step 2. When I open my iTunes, the restore screen doesn't come out. A box came out and says that my sim card is not compatible. What should I do? Help !!
I think if you have a fresh phone that's never been used, you can skip Step two (b/c iTunes won't connect to the phone since you don't have an AT&T sim in it). Just go straight to step 3. Hope this helps.
I unlocked the phone successfully following the steps, but cannot get connected to the internet. It shows I'm connected to my wifi at home and the little blue internet icon (the little blue fan shaped icon on the top of the screen) is on, but when I try to open Cydia or Safari, it shows there's no internet connection. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
nvm--i put in a sim card and all of a sudden the internet is connecting...does anyone know why though? isn't the wifi network independent from the phone service carrier (i'm not subscribed to internet use thru my phone plan)?
Yes it does. I just went through this process and it worked! If it says your sim is not for the right carrier, just keep going with the process and everything will work fine at the end.
I am trying to jailbreak/unlock iPhone using this guide..
But the phone isn't activated! I have everything I need to do this but I don't know how I can go about upgrading the firmware for this device without activating the phone..
I downloaded the 3.1 firmware but it comes as a zipped file instead of ipsw, so I tried downloading the 3.0 version and it's the samething. When I tried to unzip it, it's just a bunch of weird files and a couple of folders and there's nothing with the whate square iTunes logo like the one show in the tutorial pics. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
You have to save it as .ipsw instead of zip.
Right click on the link, then in the end of the name, write .ipsw and then click "download" or "OK" or whatever it says.
Sorry I'm being slow (not a computer savy person), but when I right click on the link like you said, it just comes up with the normal options such as Open, Open in New Tab, etc, I don't see where I can type in '.ipsw' in place of 'zip'. When I click on the Download option from the right clicked option list, it still doesn't give me option to replace 'zip'. Can you elaborate on how to download this as a ipsw file? Thanks!
I have now successfully made all the steps. All things worked fine.
However, i discovered you can't use the 3.0.1 version when using vista, go with the 3.0 instead.
I'm having problem launching cydia.
Yesterday, when i used the guide, no problems what so ever using cydia afterwards.
Today, i was going to install some stuff using Cydia. When I tapped the icon, it started to load as usual, then a message pops up saying some files are missing and are not up to date then i pressed OK, then it shut down to springboard.
Now, when tapping the Cydia icon, it says "Loading Data", ´then shuts down to the springboard. What could be wrong?
Also, I checked the "Icy" box when using Redsn0w, so I have both Cydia and Icy.
I installed the Mobileterminal via Icy, but Terminal won't start either. It just shuts down and goes back to springboard. Will the Icy app interrupt Cydia or what? Please Help :)