February 14, 2025
Apple werkt aan kleinere iPhone die  $ 200 (180 euro) kost zonder contract?

Apple werkt aan kleinere iPhone die $ 200 (180 euro) kost zonder contract?

Posted February 10, 2011 at 4:53pm by iClarified
Apple kan aan het werk zijn aan een kleinere, goedkopere iPhone die $ 200 zal kosten, zonder een contract, volgens Bloomberg.

De versie zou goedkoper en kleiner zijn dan de meest recente iPhone, zei een persoon die de prototype heeft gezien en vroeg niet herkend te worden, omdat de plannen nog niet openbaar zijn gemaakt. Apple is ook bezig met de technologie die het gemakkelijker maakt om de iPhone te gebruiken op meerdere draadloze netwerken te ontwikkelen, door twee mensen gezegd. [/ i]

De goedkopere Iphone versie zou Apple meer marktaandeel geven om de strijd aan te gaan tegen Android.

Het prototype is een derde kleiner dan de iPhone 4 volgens de persoon die het vorig jaar. Hoewel Apple het doel heeft om het apparaat in de buurt van midden van het jaar onthullen, de invoering kan worden uitgesteld of geschrapt, zei de persoon. Enkele werknemers van Apple kennen de details van het project, die persoon zei.

twee jaar geleden gingen er al geruchten over.iPhone nano that would be released in June of 2009; however, the rumors never materialized.

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Apple werkt aan kleinere iPhone die  $ 200 (180 euro) kost zonder contract?

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Comments (18)
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$horty - February 12, 2011 at 1:24pm
Think there gonna call it the iPhone Midget lol
iSpeculate - February 11, 2011 at 5:47pm
So 2 un-named people said they "saw" a prototype last year, there were rumors that never happened in 2009, and then iClarified wraps it up with "It may happen later this year, or earlier, or it could get scrapped." Thanks for reporting on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Stephen - February 11, 2011 at 10:07am
I hear they are coming out with a model they just install into your skull and you access it with Brainwaves provided you have some. sorry I could not resist
Tara - February 11, 2011 at 9:52am
I and my family has been waiting for a smaller iphone. We shall be very happy with smaller iphone because we mainly want to use them as phones. Hurry up apple we are waiting.
Dave - February 11, 2011 at 7:08am
Squeeze All the iPhone hardware (except the retina display) into a smaller phone... I don't think it would be sheaper...
tunger - February 11, 2011 at 11:13am
I disagree. First of all, material costs would be lower. Less materials = less money. So the overall cost to build would be less. But you also have to consider the margins. Apple could sell a smaller phone at a lower price with smaller margins than a full-sized iPhone, so the cost to the consumer would be less than a full size phone. Apple would just make less money than they would from a full size phone. So why would they do that, you might ask. Well, if this is in fact an accurate report, Apple's thinking is along the lines of expanding the sales reach to people would not otherwise buy a full-size, more expensive phone. In other words, the smaller ipphone sales wouldn't cannabalize full size phone sales/margins, but would instead give apple broader reach and an incremental revenue stream. On top of that, they can probably count on some of those additional customers to upgrade to a larger phone at some point in the future. It makes perfect sense.
stuart Buchanan
stuart Buchanan - February 11, 2011 at 4:49am
I would love this for my kids. they would love it too
Tunger - February 11, 2011 at 11:20am
I'm not much for preaching, but this is a topic that I am very sensitive to. The questions about cell phone radiation and links to cancer/brain tumors is still open and one of great debate. That said, the scientific community does agree that when using a cell phone, the tissues in the head do heat up, and while the link to cancer has not been proven, the risk to children of problems is much, much higher because their brain tissues are still in active development. Anyone with children should ask themselves if the benefits of their children having a cell phone are worth the incredible risks to their long-term health, development and well-being. For me, the answer is absolutely not.
Me - February 11, 2011 at 12:44am
wow that's totally useless! How are you going text?
Sam Shah
Sam Shah - February 10, 2011 at 11:12pm
Gotta See it to believe it!!!
MeganOUFC - February 10, 2011 at 7:09pm
I love the big screen on my iPhone. But I can see the appeal for some People, that being that it is easier to pop into a pocket etc, but for me it would be easier to loose!!!
Asm - February 10, 2011 at 7:07pm
I don't lile that apple in order to be competitive will make a product that won't worth !
FadetoBlack - February 10, 2011 at 5:31pm
I wouldn't mind a smaller iPhone. Hopefully it doesn't get any bigger than it already is, not all of us have purses to put our phones in..
PReaper - February 11, 2011 at 6:16am
Couldn't agree more! Since my gf got the SGS I've been really hyped about the idea of having a 4" retina display on my iPhone! That would kick so much ass!
Dinkuldarling - February 12, 2011 at 6:12pm
For sure mate! Man that will be awesome.. Eagerly waiting for this years iPhone!
SuperTiti - February 10, 2011 at 5:01pm
I want a bigger iPhone, not a smaller ! 4.3" rules !
gumby - February 10, 2011 at 10:43pm
just get an ipad!...big iphone right there!..lol
SuperTiti - February 11, 2011 at 7:02am
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