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Como habilitar o

Posted January 20, 2009 at 8:35pm by iClarified
EnglishFrenchGermanPolishPortuguese (Brazil)SerbianSlovakSpanishSwedish
Instruções de como habilitar "copy and paste" no Iphone e Ipod Touch usando Clippy.

Primero Passo
Pressione para iniciar o Cydia a partir do Springboard.
Como habilitar o

Segundo Passo
Pressione para selecionarSections tab a baixo da tela.
Como habilitar o

Step Three
Pressione para selecionar System da lista de Categorias
Como habilitar o

Quarto Passo
Pressione para selecionar Clippy da lista de Packages.
Como habilitar o

Quinto Passo
Pressione o botão Install no canto direito superior da tela.
Como habilitar o

Step Six
Pressione o botao Confirm para começar a instalação.
Como habilitar o

Sétimo passo
Quando a instalação terminar com sucesso, clique o botão Restart Springboard.
Como habilitar o

Como usar o CLIPPY

Primeiro Passo
No Springboard pressione para iniciar Notes.
Como habilitar o

Segundo Passo
Pressione para ativar uma nota preexistente e aparecer o teclado.
Como habilitar o

Terceiro Passo
Pressione o botão 123 no canto inferior esquerdo to teclado.
Como habilitar o

Quarto Passo
Perceba dois novos botões, copy e paste que aparecerão sobre o teclado.
Como habilitar o

Quinto Passo
Selecione o texto que voce quer copier e entao aperte o botao copy.
Como habilitar o

Note que o texto que você copiou vai aparecer num campo bem a direita dos botões copy/paste.
Como habilitar o

Sexto Passo
Agora vamos tentar colar o texto numa aplicação diferente. Pressione o botão Home para retornar para seu Springboard entao pressioneSafari para iniciar o navegador.
Como habilitar o

Sétimo passo
Pressione para ativar campo de entrada de texto fazendo aparecer o teclado.
Como habilitar o

Oitavo Passo
Pressione o botão 123 no canto inferior esquerdo do teclado.
Como habilitar o

Nono passo
Pressione o botão paste que vai aparecer bem acima do teclado para colar o texto copiado previamente no campo de entrada de texto.
Como habilitar o

Agradecimento*: Ao Ryan Petrich por seu excelente trabalho em desenvolver esta funcionalidade!
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Comments (18)
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Sarah - April 7, 2009 at 6:54am
hClipboard is much more better than Clippy!!
nikalo - January 30, 2009 at 1:09pm
does anyone know how to highlight the txt to be copied?
ifini - January 25, 2009 at 9:03pm
Try hClipboard... hClipboard is superior. hate how Clippy hides the message bar. You'll need to tap the space next to "paste" to show it again... one more step) Also Hclipboard allows copying of multiple fields which comes in handy when copying eg the name and number of a contact. Clippy only allows copy of one field
Dodgy - January 21, 2009 at 10:22pm
i'm having issue with my 2.1 3G iphone with Clippy. It closes the app after u click copy or paste. Anyone else having this problem ?
coolrahool - January 21, 2009 at 10:58pm
Yup does the exact same as with my 2.1 2G, great app but looks like it still has some bugs
nataraja - January 22, 2009 at 6:01am
hi, same on my iphone 3g 2.1 crashes after copy action ...
whizkid - January 21, 2009 at 7:17pm
great start with that...should add mor functions...
sneakinhysteria - January 21, 2009 at 11:50am
iPhone 3G on 2.2, Clippy works like a charm, best Cydia app ever, would jailbreak just for this! Thank you so much!
Asaf - January 21, 2009 at 9:06am
This is awesome. Best part it works with email as well. Can only get better.
wylie - January 21, 2009 at 8:09am
it's great, for now!! but i'd like to have the possibility to copy parts of a webpage as well. and it would be great to be able to copy sms messages. Thanks alot! waiting for a update ;-)
iDood - January 21, 2009 at 2:47pm
copy the link of that webpage instead.
coolrahool - January 21, 2009 at 4:29am
installed fine w/no problems but once i open thenotes app and type some text and then copy it closes the app...strange! i'm running 2.1 iphone 2g
mcrichard - January 21, 2009 at 12:00am
Hi there! Been a long time fan of iClarified, only now decided to register... Quick question: I have installed Clippy Beta on my iPhone 3G, restarted Springboard and nothing happens. I have followed your instructions as they appear, removed it and installed it again and still nothing. HELP!!!
jimi - March 25, 2009 at 2:31pm
you need to hold 123 button to activate the functionality
TheRoB305 - January 20, 2009 at 9:33pm
works good. but still sucks that you cant copy text from a sms message or text from a web page. would be perfect if you can do that.
David - January 20, 2009 at 9:02pm
*Uninstalls CoperciN* *Installs Clippy*
Chief - January 20, 2009 at 8:41pm
Love Clippy... been using it all day.. finally someone has come to us iphoner's needs
Bimzeffect - January 20, 2009 at 10:38pm
Its about time!
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