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Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Posted July 14, 2009 at 1:06am by iClarified
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Essas são instruções de como desbloquear seu iPhone 3GS para operar com qualquer operadora de celular GSM usando PurpleSn0w. Geohot postou afirmando que o desbloqueo com PurpleSn0w deveria resolver problemas com wifi, bateria, e com o próprio jailbreak. Se você prefere usar o método de desbloqueio UltraSn0w do iPhone DevTeam você pode encontrar as instruções aqui

Antes de seguir as instruções você deve estar com o iPhone desbloqueado e com a baseband 04.26.08( modem firmware). Significa que você deve estar utilizando o firmware 3.0 e ter usado o Pwnage Tool, RedSn0w ou o PurpleRa1n para fazer jailbreak. VOCÊ DEVE TAMBÉM (POR AGORA) TER ATIVADO SEU IPHONE COM UMA OPERADORA DE CELULAR OFICIAL DA APPLE. AINDA SEM SUPORTE PARA HACTIVATION.

Para saber a versão de seu OS e firmware de modem(baseband) veja esse tutorial. Se seu aparelho não estiver com a versão 04.26.08 de baseband você precisa seguir um desses tutoriais antes de desbloquear: Mac, Windows

Se você estiver com T-Mobile ou qualquer outra operadora sem 3G lembre-se de desligar antes de começar...

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Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

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Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

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Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Quatro
Pressione o botão Edit na parte superior direita da tela.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Cinco
Pressione o botão Add na parte superior esquerda da tela.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

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Digite http://apt.geohot.com/ como url da source e pressionte o botão Add Source.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Sete
Uma vez que a source tenha sido adicionada pressione o botão Return to Cydia.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Oito
Pressione o botão Done no topo direito da tela.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Nove
Pressione apt.geohot.com para selecionar na lista de sources adicionadas.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Dez
Pressione com.geohot.purplesn0w para selecionar na lista de packages adicionadas.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Onze
Pressione o botão Install na parte superior direita da tela.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Doze
Pressione o botão Confirm no topo direito da tela.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Treze
Depois de a instalação ser concluida com êxito pressione o botão Return to Cydia.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Passo Quatorze
Agora pressione o botão Home e então desligue e ligue o iPhone novamente. Se faz isso pressionando o botão Power para baixo por três segundos e então movendo a seta que aparece para a direita. Pressione o botão Power novamente para ligar o telefone.
Como Desbloquear o iPhone 3GS Usando PurpleSn0w

Agora você poderá inserir o SIM que preferir
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Comments (31)
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ankit - June 8, 2011 at 5:28am
Hi I bought new iphone 3gs and unlock it in india. software version is 4.3.1. i am trying t o use it for vodafone. but i am receiving no signal after a long time searching. please help
macfreak2326 - October 23, 2009 at 1:10pm
oops sorry i didn't notice that it was for the 3gs only i'm sorry again and i need to ask another question does anyone know how to downgrade an iphone 3g from 3.1 firmware to 3.0
macfreak2326 - October 23, 2009 at 1:07pm
hi i'm new in unlocking/jailbraking iphones and i happen to own an iphone 3g and i was wondering should i take out the sim while installing purplesn0w
turbulence - October 22, 2009 at 10:42am
Hello Dev team, Its been so quiet lately, I have been checking on this website many time each day, hopefully that the Pwanege tool would com out, so that I can full fill my duty, j/b and unlock my 3GS that have original firmware 3.1.2. But it seems thatt my hope is fading away. I might just put that damn phone on Greglist, get a Nokia, and No more apple product.
ses dinleme cihazları
ses dinleme cihazları - October 19, 2009 at 7:42pm
You have to download itune to unlock sim but i do not know the rest of it:)
David - October 16, 2009 at 10:01pm
I follow your instructions on unlocking the 3Gs, but in the left corner were the carrier letters ex:(ATT) go it only has very little lines which you can barely see. I put a working ATT sim card that I use it and the phone worked fine and but now is not working after unlocking it. Can you someone help? Thanks!!!
Rockey - October 26, 2009 at 11:13pm
I'm having the same problem with my 3GS (3.1 factory firmware). It's jailbroken and everything. but can't detect T-Mobile. ANY HELP ANYBODY?
Kisan - October 10, 2009 at 11:23am
How can i unlock if my Bootloader is 5.9 which is holding me back from being able to downgrade my Modem Firmware !!!
NYEREL - September 26, 2009 at 4:50pm
mayank - September 18, 2009 at 2:08am
Hi could anyone tellme what would happen if i havent activated my phone with att yet but have the att sim inside when im trying to unlock it, i already jailbroke it.
karizma54 - September 13, 2009 at 8:12am
sallama lan öyle bişey yok
jailbrak - September 13, 2009 at 8:11am
thankyou man you crafled good you sites ..
masterguy - August 31, 2009 at 9:57pm
At step 13, it tells me that "no data....could activate", basically that the iphone lost the ATT signal. Is this normal? Did my unlock still work? thx,
Yo - August 29, 2009 at 3:43am
I went all the way through (donwngraded to 3.0) jailbroke it and installed with cydia. When I put another sim it still does not recognize it. I mean, I have the full menu but i tunes says I have thr wrong sim and I can´t get a signal... any way to fix this? Thanks.
Daelmyth - August 24, 2009 at 4:29pm
geohot=geoNOT - DEV TEAM!!! WTG - Ultrasn0w=working 3gs on T-mobile network redsn0w 0.8 jailbreak, ultrasn0w unlock
iYass - August 11, 2009 at 1:43pm
Purple Sn0w work with an iPhone 3GS firmware 3.0.1 ? The 3.0.1 has the same baseband with the 3.0 :)
chencheno - August 8, 2009 at 8:17am
My one is 3G,i cant unlock my sim aft i upgrade to 3.0,then wifi also cant use too..how should i do...thank...
Zeljko - July 30, 2009 at 4:52am
dont work at all. to all readers USE ULTRASNOW.... and it will work just fine.
Zeljko - July 30, 2009 at 2:43am
Phone 3 gs jailbreak with redsn0w and then this tutorial = EVERYTHING WORK FINE ,CYDIA IS MORE STABIL. BIG THANK TO DEV TEAM !!!!
ridhwan - July 21, 2009 at 6:20pm
hi everyone, Got my new iphone 3GS (no contract )from states, as i have said i stay in saudi arabia. I have jailbreaken the phone using the redsn0w and tried to install ultrasn0w but cydia keep giving me this error message of size mismatch. after umpteen number of tries installed purplesn0w for unlocking the iphone and it got installed. But the problem is that i have inserted my sawa (stc) sim in the iphone but the network is not there, is there something i have missed or overlooked, any suggestions or comments are welcome. Appreciate your efforts in advance., Thanks for looking at it. p.s. forgot to mention that before jailbreaking i have added some songs from itunes on it, later while jailbreaking kept the at&t sim, not much sure about which sim should be present whether the one i want to use or the at&t one. it looks in the cydia that purplesn0w has been installed but i am unable to get the network signal. Regards Ridhwan
Roberto007 - July 23, 2009 at 5:16pm
Why don't you try jailbraking using redsnow and ultrasnow. in mine (3gs att) worked perfectly. I heard that purplesnow doesnt work so I didnt try it.
Krasi - July 17, 2009 at 5:59am
Geohot, if you are reading this, could you reply to the below problems please and why peope experience them? It sounds to me that your "thing" doesn't work at all?
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