Since the release of qwertyoruiop (@qwertyoruiop)'s UISettings widget for the Notifications Center on iOS 5, developers from all over have been working tirelessly to create new widgets that run well with Notifications Center. One, which has not been released yet, has a lot of potential and is definitely a good addition.
MusicCenter is an upcoming widget that shows what song is playing in your in the Notifications Center. Although simple at this current time, the developer Aaron Wright is planning on adding new features such as Tap to Tweet, Music Controls and more.
MusicCenter will be available on the BigBoss repo in Cydia for iOS5 users, and will be FREE when released!
Check out on Twitter and Facebook for more information about his work on MusicCenter and other projects.
***This article was posted by the author and based on a ModMyi writeup.***
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