Police Can Easily Crack Your Passcode and Access All Your iPhone Data [Video]
Posted March 28, 2012 at 5:48am by iClarified
Watch this video to see how easy it is for police to crack your passcode and access all the private information on your iPhone.
Forbes has shared a video from Micro Systemation, a Stockholm, Sweden-based firm that sells law enforcement and military customers the tools to access the devices of criminal suspects or military detainees and siphon off their personal information.
XRY works much like the jailbreak hacks that allow users to remove the installation restrictions on their devices, Dickinson says, though he wouldn't say much about the exact security vulnerability that XRY exploits to gain access to the iPhone. He claims that the company doesn't use backdoor vulnerabilities in the devices created by the manufacturer, but rather seeks out security flaws in the phone's software just as jailbreakers do, one reason why half the company's 75 employees are devoted to research and development. "Every week a new phone comes out with a different operating sytems and we have to reverse engineer them," he says. "We're constantly chasing the market."
You can see how disturbingly insecure your iPhone is in the video below...
Good! If it nails the bad guys and gets mistaken good guys off the hook so be it. If I were arrested and my computer or phone got me off from being wrongly being accused of something great. Only people with something to hide should fear this. I'm all for putting bad people behind bars.
This is a modified version of the Limera1n exploit, similar to the 5.0.1 jailbreak, works for everything upto and including the iPhone 4. If your using a 4S or iPad2/3, your safe from the police I guess.
B.S... It's making use of exploits that have already been discovered. Let's see it work on a brand new iOS when it's first released and BEFORE DevTeam or anyone else has released an exploit...
They have 75 employees? How many people (in total) do you think are constantly working on exploits for iOS devices worldwide? A shit-ton more than 75 and oftentimes it goes 3 or 4 months with no jailbreak for a given iOS version.
I love it when programmers and developers make outlandish claims and forget that there are tons of BETTER programmers out there that are gonna hear their bullshit...