How to Add an Unsupported Country to AppSupport Using Windows
Posted January 22, 2008 at 7:27pm by iClarified
This tutorial will show you how to stop your iPhone from crashing when making a call or SMS while using a SIM from an unsupported country. For most countries it is easier to just install iWorld from Installer rather then follow this tutorial. However, not all countries have been included in iWorld and iWorld can cause problems with your iPhone.
The iPhone currently only supports SIM cards from the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Japan or China.
Step One Launch WinSCP by selecting it from the program list.
Step Two Enter your iPhones IP Address into the Host name field. Enter root into the User name field. Enter alpine or dottie into the Password field. Now click the Login button.
Step Four Select Open Directory/Bookmark... from the Remote:Go To Menu.
Step Five Enter /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework/ into the Open directory: field. Now click the Ok button.
Step Six Download the latest PhoneNumber Dynamic Library zip file from: here A big thank you goes out to timschuerewegen for creating this.
Step Eight Extract the downloaded You will find a folder called phonenumber_dylib_build_8 which contains two files and a support folder. These two files are AppSupport and AppSupport.original.
Step Nine Navigated to the extracted phonenumber_dylib_build_7 directory using WinSCP's left pane.
Step Ten Drag AppSupport, AppSupport.original, and Support from the left pane into the right pane. When asked to confirm the copy action click the Copy button. If asked to confirm the overwrite click the Yes to All button.
Step Eleven You can now reboot your iPhone by holding down the Sleep/Wake button for three seconds then sliding the Power slider to the right.
NOTES***: This solution already includes support for many countries. There is a small chance however that it won't have your country. If this is the case you will have to edit the file PhoneNumberTemplates.txt that is inside the Support folder we copied over to the iPhone. Locate the heading for your country and add the correct phone number syntax for your country.
For example Jamaica would look like this:
// Jamaica [jm] jm 1 011 1 ### #######
[ISO Code] [Country Code] [IDD=International Direct Dial] [NDD=National Direct Dial] [Area Code] [Phone number]
Thanks Thanks to timschuerewegen for creating this solution!!
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I have jailbroken my 3g iphone 2.1
The reason I JB my iphone is because this callerid fix..
I dunno why my cydia do not have calleridfix in localization sections..
anyway..i wanna try this guide..
however...when i got into 3g iphone through ssh...
my iphone do not have appsupport.framework folder..
so i what should do next?
just create the folder and transfer those files over?
someone tell homie to add Turks & Caicos Islands to the list that where im from. Quite a few people have the iphone. I am on the Cable & Wireless (C&W) Network and judging by the fact that the dialer does not crash im guessin the region of UNisted States works fine but it wud be cool jus to have Turks and Caicos as the region.
Hi i just got my i phone .
im living in australia
and my phone was unlocked by a friend.
i have 1.1.2 software.
everything was fine.
when my sms and phone functions stopped working
ive tried everything! i cant install iworld or isms.
PLEASE help.
@iclarified, could you explain how or what files i need to copy to phone using tims new build library for 1.1.4 the build looks quite different from previous ones and i can't seem to edit the phone number templetes anymore. i guess what i'm askingis could you update this tutorial? i prefer installing appsupport via winscp rather than installer.
I am getting the fail to download error when I try to connect to the Ip address of the iPhone on Wifi using WinSCP. I notice other people have had the same problem. is ther a solution? Also when I try to insall iWorld dircetly from Installer it fauils to download. I am on 1.1.2 afetr using ziphoen to unlock so my Vodfaoen Ireland SIm is recognised. I ahve seen some sites say that the solutionto unsupported country is simply to upgrade to 1.1.3 but is this safe? thanks for any help
Jaki jest najbardziej wyjdany sposf3b propagowania swojej organizacji? Jakim sposobem podwyższyÄ stan nabywcf3w i co za tym idzie zyski w swojej firmie. Odpowiedź jest szczerze, szablonowa. Marketing. Sprawia ona fantastyczne korzyÅci dla naszego biznesu. Czyni, iż nasze logo jest rozpoznawalna, obywatele sÄ Åwiadomi jej bycia, oznacza to iloÅÄ możliwych kontrahentf3w non stop roÅnie. Jest tymczasem niemaÅo form reklamy. Promocja telewizyjna, tak zwany spot reklamowy, przekaz reklamowy w radiu, w gazecie itd. PotrzebowaÅbym Ci jakkolwiek przybliżyÄ rf3wnie skutecznÄ reklamÄ ktf3rÄ jest reklama telewizyjna, a mianowicie gadżety reklamowe. Jest w tym miejscu przemf3wienie o wszystkich obiektach użytku zwykÅego, jak garnuszki, dÅugopisy, maskotki, koszulki, na jakich zdoÅasz rozmieszczaÄ logo wÅasnej fabryki. Już sam siÄ przekonaj jakże to funkcjonuje i pomyÅl przez sekundÄ. Idziesz ulicÄ w latko i wymijajÄ CiÄ ludzie w eleganckim podkoszulku z logiem Twojej fabryki. Czyż to nie doskonaÅa i praktycznie darmowa jakoÅÄ promocji? WÅaÅnie! Ludzie poprzez stosowanie artykuÅf3w, jakich standardowo i tak bÄdÄ używaÄ, reklamujÄ TwojÄ instytucjÄ, sprawiajÄ c, iż inni rozpoczynajÄ siÄ niÄ intrygowaÄ. Inwitujemy na naszÄ stronÄ internetowÄ , na ktf3rej wyszukasz caÅÄ proponowanÄ przez nas ofertÄ i przedÅożysz siÄ z naszymi niskimi cenami. Zapewniam CiÄ, że korzyÅci jakie zdoÅa uzyskaÄ Twoja firma wielokrotnie przewyższajÄ poniesione koszty.
fpbj6, we'll guys I have put this on my installer source. so you can fix your dialer crashing etc right from installer. problem is I can't test since I'm not in an unsupported country. could you please let me know if it works for you before i post the tutorial!
Hey guys; great work you are doing; I have a Question, what if I dont have a wifi connection? isn´t any other way to fix the crashing-when-calling-and-texting thing? thank you very much. Ilive in Venezuela and my phone is otb 1.1.2
blow you have to install openssh from the system catagory. now once you done i need a favor from you, can you try to log on to and see if you can access the website. thanks
I got a 1.1.2 that I ulock with ziphone... but I am getting "Network error: connection refused" when I try to connect to my phone using WinSCP. Is any one else having the same problem?
ok i just did zphone 2.0 everything work perfect. but when you follow this tutorial and add appsupport something messes up. i followed this tutorial to a tee. i don't it twice and same result once you finish copy the files over and power down the phone to reboot and power up again. it's stuck on the imfamous white apple logo. i have to put in recovery mode restore 1.1.3 via itunes and run ziphone 2.0 again. so ziphone does not seem to be compatible with adding appsupport for unsupported country unless i did something wrong but i followed the tutorial word for word. still a few bugs!!! so if you live in a unsupported country i wouldn't try ziphone method.
ICLARIFIED: what's up guys? thing moving fast past couple of days i see. anyways, my question is do i have add appsupport for 1.1.3otb to keep the phone and sms from crashing? i read you didn't have to for 1.1.3. want to confirm with you guys. thanks
hi max, im from argentina too i bought last week the new iphone with 1.1.3 firmware. did you do the unlock they offer on this webpage? send me an email to