Jedná se o návod jak odemknout iPhone 3G pro pouití jakéhokoliv GSM operátora pomocí UltraSn0w.
Ne začnete postupovat podle návodu, musíte mít Jailbreaknutý iPhone a musíte být na 04.26.08 základním pásmu (modem firmware). To znamená, e musíte mít FW 3.0 a pou ít PwnageTool nebo RedSn0w na Jailbreak.
Pro zji tění firmwaru a modem firmwaru (základní pásmo) verze můete sledovat tento návod. Pokud nejste na základním pásmu verze 04.26.08 pak budete muset pouít jeden z těchto návodů na Jailbreak: Mac, Windows
Pokud pou íváte 3G síť, tak ji před zahájením vypněte...
Krok 1 Zapněte Cydiy.
Krok 2 Dále Manage v dolním části obrazovky.
Krok 3 Stiskněte poloku Sources.
Krok 4 Dále Edit vpravo nahoře.
Krok 5 Klikněte na Add vlevo nahoře.
Krok 6 Zadejte adresu: a poté klikněte na Add Source.
Krok 7 Jakmile se adresa přidá do seznamu, stiskněte Return to Cydia.
Krok 8 Zmáčkněte tlačítko Done vpravo nahoře.
Krok 9 Vyberte poloku ze seznamu adres.
Krok 10 Klikněte na ultrasn0w ze seznamu balíků
Krok 11 Klikněte na Install vpravo nahoře.
Krok 12 Nyní potvrďte tlačítkem Confirm také vpravo nahoře.
Krok 13 Po instalaci zmáčkněte tlačítko Return to Cydia.
Krok 14 Nyní zmáčkněte Home tlačítko pro návrat na hlavní obrazovku a zmáčkněte horní tlačítko Power pro vypnutí telefonu, poté jej znovu zapněte.
Krok 15 Nyní by měla na iPhonu fungovat jakákoliv SIM karta!
***DĚKUJEME: Velké Díky vem členům the iPhone Dev-Team za jejich tvrdou práci! Jistě to vichni ocení.
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I finally made it on an iPhone 3G, 4.2.1, 5.15.04!!! Thanx for the tutorials, although they contain only bits of information, and if you get stuck anywhere you'll have to google further.
To succeed, I used redsn0w v. 0.9.14b2, not the latest one (the latest one will give you faulty baseband after downgrade with no wi-fi, bluetooth or IMEI, and you will have to start all over again).
After upgrading the baseband to 6.15.00, I got stuck on apple logo (bricked phone). To bypass this, you need to download, and Select IPSW iOS 4.1 (not 4.2.1), and use "Just boot" option. After the phone boots, it will be buggy (the screen), but it will become alive again. Check if the baseband is 6.15.00. If yes, proceed to Jailbreak in redsn0w (this time using 4.2.1 IPSW), and tick the boxes Install Cydia, and Downgrade baseband. After it is done, you will have an iPhone with baseband 5.13.04, which you can unlock with ultrasn0w, but (most probably) with "No service" bug. To resolve this, follow the tutorial concerning this matter, and voila!
iPhone unlocked.
This procedure felt like walking through thick bushes...
how to unlock you iPhone just go on your iCloud account on a computer go to finder click devices click the device logged in to your iCloud click listed then put new pass code then got to your iPhone put in new pass code. your phone will ask for iCloud or apple id then put the pass code in that then the iPhone will be unlocked
I can't seem to figure out how to unlock my phone.
I have 3gs with 6.1.6
modern firmware 5.16.08
I have jailbreak with redsn0w
Installed Ultrasn0w
I am stuck on "No service"
Ive tried so many things I cant figure it out.
uninstall ultrasn0w, use redsn0w to downgrade from ipad baseband, that should bring you to baseband 5.13.0 or something like that, then install ultrasn0w again, good luck
That worked for me on 3GS 6.1.6. From the beginning if I remember correctly,
1. redsn0w: uncheck Cydia and everything else, check upgrade to ipad baseband
2. Repeat redsn0w, this time with: check Cydia, check downgrade baseband. Now you have tethered boot
3. In redsn0w: Just boot
3. From Cydia, install p0sixspwn. This makes it untethered boot.
4. From Cydia, add the ultrasn0w repository and then install ultrasn0w. Voila! Service!
For me the key step was to start over, then upgrade baseband first and then downgrade baseband. Finally recognized T-mobile sim.
Hey guys, want to unlock ATT devices? You can check out ATTiphoneunlocking, its the site i have been using for years to unlock my phone, it works pretty good
Just did the jailbreak on my 3G using the iClarified instructions, and included the iPad baseband when I did it. Worked fine, now jailbroken, and shows 06.15.00... but, when I try to run the above, when I click to install Ultrasn0w, I get "the requested modifications cannot be applied due to...' :S
I have an iPhone 4s with iOS 7.0.4, I cannot down grade to 6.x or 5.x. After I tried the steps suggested, it comes with a message "SIM Not Valid".
Anyone suggestion, ot it just doesn't work for 7.0.4?
Hi all! I've just jailbreaked my iphone and now tried to unlock it because I changed carrier... now, it keeps searching for the carrier and I cannot make any calls... any suggestion? I'm a bit "fresh" on this kind of matters. Thanks all
Worked at last. Thanks guys. Downgrading my baseband from 6.15 to 5.13.04 did the trick. I have 3Gs and updated it to 6.1.3. with iTunes, JB with redsnow, install Cydia, Ultrasnow, then p0sixspwn for untethered JB. Found everything OK, except it was still SIM locked. Did the baseband downgrade with Redsnow and right away I could call out. Thanks again.