These guys are seriously working hard on this jailbreak/unlock... the above iphone 4 screenshot was taken at 2:49am!!! I take my hat off to you guys... well done!
So I've been very kind with not asking for the JB ever, just following the postings and the threads to see where things are at. What I would like to know is what is the ROAD MAP that comex, muslenerd and planetbeing are taking. Can someone answer with certainty that the plan is to release their work after the 4.1 update or all unlock methods are functioning as bug free as possible? At this point I really am just going stay on the stock iOS and not bother with the JB (all I really wanted was sbssettings). But I think people might stop asking if the ROAD MAP was clear instead of everyone checking posts everyday in the hopes that something is getting released as opposed to just teasing (yes I said teasing, because when your waiting for something and all you get is bits and pieces of info without the actual thing your waiting for its teasing) with the progress of where things stand. I do appreciate all that is being done but all this hard work doesn't come with out its rewards (fame, sense of accomplishment, donations, the admiration of your peers, etc) because if they got absolutely nothing from it chances are they wouldn't do it. So that is my question, is it possible to tell us/me what the possible ROAD MAP maybe even its only a partial ROAD MAP?
Current ultrasn0w can unlock your 3Gs 4.0 even without this update as your baseband is covered... The only problem is we can't jailbreak 3GS 4.0 new bootroom... :( so if comex releases his jailbreak for all 4.0... You can just apply the current Ultrasn0w and your phone is unlocked! Hope this info helps!
What About Us Little Guys? - July 19, 2010 at 2:37pm
Thanks bro, this gives me hope. I was worried I'd have to wait AGAIN after comex's release, but you just saved my social life. Haha, i'll finally be able to use my phone.. unless my baseband isn't covered.. crap now i have to figure out which baseband i have.
We are working on many bugs on these ulnlock methods, no ETA until iOS 4.1 release stop asking... meanwhile stay tuned on twitter. Don't ask us about jailbreak.
i need both ive been with out a phone sins the 4.0 update ( i left it at a friends house and he connected it to itunes and updated it)
every week they say 1 o 2 weeks common please! im phone less
i have a 3gs
i know im just asking nicely if its posible its gonna be ready in 1 or 2 weeks because that i can wait but if its gonna take a bit longer i can get a new phone in the mean time.
if you're the real MuscleNerd, thank you man and of course to Planetbeing as well. You guys are truly geniuses!! I hope this apple & at&t monopoly ends soon. I mean i paid full price for the phone and still am stuck to at&t!!! I hate this crap!
Once again dudes!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
this is getting interesting. this 2nd unlock looks like a 3rd party app. like the 'tether' app we need to go out online to and DL the setting. myself as well only cares for the JB as i committed to another 2 yrs, so the unlock is extra for me. i would like the JB released as well but these guys are working hard so i'll be patient. but... i'll still make a pretty-please REQ to release the JB lol.
I think we should all calm down about the release of the unlock and jb. They will come out next week (or two) since it took them a few days to get the 2nd one working and they have to try out the 3rd one.