Mac OS X 10.7 apenas vai permitir aplicativos aprovados pela Apple?
Posted April 23, 2010 at 2:10pm by iClarified
Um novo manifesto sugere que a Apple esta planejando trancar o Mac OS X 10.7 numa maneira similar a do iPhone, iPod e iPad.
De acordo com o Rixstep, Desenvolvedores que estão planejando desenvolver softwares para o 10.7 terão que submeter seus produtos para a App Store como no iPhone e agora nos iPad's. O 10.7 vai ter suporte no Kernel ao ('insistencia de') binarios assinados pela 'Apple's root certificate'. Nenhum software vai ser capaz de rodar no Mac OS X 1.7 sem ter sido assinado pela Apple, Inc.
A Apple vai supostamente iniciar a assinadura de desenvolvedores de software independentes para o programa de desenvolvimento do 10.7 no começo do outono de 2010. Rixstep espera que haja esforços para executar o jailbreak do OS X 10.7 assim como houve do iPhone.
Nenhuma informação é provida sobre a fonte dessa especulação...
I love Macs ...... but like everyone else is saying....
I WOULD NEVER BUY ANOTHER ONE AGAIN...... if they committed this atrocity.
The reason I love macs is because you can do ANYTHING on them...... I will not have what I do on my comp restricted by the people that sell it.
Old macs without 10.7 or that have been downgraded would multiply in value!!!
This is ridiculous if it's true. I love Apple products, but I will walk away from Apple without a backward glance. We are not communists to have our computer lives dictated by Czar Jobs. Screw Apple! Let their stuff rot on the shelves.
This must be some sort of bad joke! I love my Mac but not so much that I can't go back to Windows or try Googles new OS or something else if this comes true.
When I moved to Apple computers 3 years ago you had to choose between Mac OS X and Vista. Now windows 7 have covered a lot of space. If apple envisions a world of computers similar to the iphone locked down platform, is going to stay alone IMO. At least I will sell all 6 macs I own and move to another system. There are other companies out there making good products, see google, sony, they shouldn't think they are the only ones.
Sony hasn't come up with anything worth buying since the PS2. Are they still even a company? Like what do they even make?! Disgusting-looking laptops and proprietary media players? No thank you.
Maybe they'll make a comeback that installs more Rootkits on your computer!
Just... just STOP!!!
Actually, I don´t believe this nonsense...
This would probably end my Mac-relations in my home, but I guess Mac would still be used at work. As someone said, maybe I should consider looking into Linux - at least if this is the future of Mac OS X.
I really hope apple realizes that this will kill OSX. The consumer market holdings for macs will plummet, and they will no longer be "computers," but now "limited function terminals." **The iPad already exists, people!!*
Optional enforced driver signing for big name apps that can be disabled if desired? Sure, better quality apps for the most part. BUT locking out every app that isn't apple approved???? ....MacBook Pro for sale, $200 OBO, PM me.
Where would this leave the whole bootcamp dual boot scenario..? Surely if you are still going to be able to install windows then that kind of defeats the purpose of locking down OSX
This is not happening people, stop worrying!
According to, developer Fernando Valente asked Steve Jobs if this was true, and he responded, "nope."
Apple knows that their app model for phones can't carry over to desktops, not in a million years. They know if they try to do this that nobody would continue to use Macs. They're not that stupid!
The comments about switching to Linux are a little humorous though. In Linux, it's next to impossible to install software that's not listed in the distro's software installation program.
Apple has turned from "the good guys" to something that makes me anxious for many reasons. They've learned a lot from M$, and they go even much farther in a very dictatorial direction, as seen with iPods (mild), iPhones (heavy dictatorial).
They will not hard-block apps on the Mac, that would hurt them too much. Though, with the recent insane actions (i.e. blocking other development environments on the iPhone) they could indeed create such "approving"-nonsense and make this way "non-approved"-apps "second class" apps.
As a Mac developer I have very very bad feelings since some time. I don't do iPhone apps, as 70/30 income sharing is ridiculous! For what do iPhone-app-developers pay 30% to Apple? For being observed & controlled + possibly locked out by Apple. For having zero business privacy. Sheeps.
I'm a Mac-user since '92. I can't believe what I think: I may have to look at Windows or Linux some day. That would be a very sad day.
Well there is a benefit in that if Apple "signs" any application you can be guaranteed that it will work and won't crash you're system. But the benefit of Apple approved application do not outweigh the disadvantage of a limited selection and banning of certain types of apps (P2P etc). I wouldn't upgrade if this was the case. I think that there are plenty of great applications like VLC and uTorrent which I don't think Apple would approve.
Don't know if it's true, but it certainly fits with what we've seen with the Apple Downloads section over the past couple of weeks. Fist, no new entries and then restricted access.