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The iPhone Dev-Team 公告 'Backup 'Plan' 重開機不需連線的越獄方法 [更新公告 x2]

The iPhone Dev-Team 公告 'Backup 'Plan' 重開機不需連線的越獄方法 [更新公告 x2]

Posted December 27, 2010 at 9:54am by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Traditional)DutchSwedish
The iPhone Dev-Team 已經公告一個重開機不需連線的備份方案。
現在測試版本僅供Mac電腦使用,並且僅限於 iPhone4,iPad, 和 iPod touch 4G.

● 這是一個測試版本beta的方案。如果你不想備份你的照片和多媒體檔案,那麼就不要使用此方法,因為狀況可能會很糟。
● 同樣地,如果需要使用 ultrasn0w 超雪去解鎖電信業者的限制,懇請你不要使用這個方案。耐心地等待正式版本。
● 等待我們修正 sandbox 之後,藍芽的功能才能使用。
● 這是初始的測試版本,僅限於 iPhone4, iPad 和 iPod touch 4G。
● 必須在Mac電腦上,事先安裝 usbmuxd 軟體。

點選此處能夠下載最新的 RedSn0w here. 此處可以找到輔導教材 tutorial HERE.

第二個測試方案 beta2 如下。(僅供測試者使用). 這個版本應該修正了原生程式當機的問題 ( 包含 工作轉換 ). 那是從第一版 (beta1 ) 之後的唯一改善。藍芽依舊無法使用。假如先前在 ( beta1 ) 安裝 usbmuxd 軟體遇到麻煩,懇請等待 redsn0w 將此軟體嵌入 (也就是說, 不要在此時使用 beta2 的方案,耐心等待整合性的方法 )。

更新公告 x2:
第三個版本的測試方案 beta3 ( 僅供測試人員使用)。 這個版本修正了第二個測試方案(beta1) 所遇到的非圖形使用者介面軟體問題 ( 譬如 控制多媒體內容的daemons ) 。那應該包含了 Facetime, Winterboard themes 和在 iTunes 內的嵌入影像。 假如先前在安裝 usbmuxd 軟體遇到麻煩,懇請等待 redsn0w 將此軟體嵌入 (也就是說, 不要在此時使用 beta3 的方案,耐心等待整合性的方法 )。

The iPhone Dev-Team 公告 'Backup 'Plan' 重開機不需連線的越獄方法 [更新公告 x2]
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Comments (13)
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MIQ - December 29, 2010 at 11:49am
Hope so too!
Jeff - December 27, 2010 at 11:45am
Any Idea if the Final Version will be out before New Years?...
MIQ - December 29, 2010 at 11:42am
Tap....Tap.... Tap... waiting for final version, too!
Deeaiy - December 27, 2010 at 4:19am
The third beta is now available
Stretfordender - December 26, 2010 at 12:22pm
Just been plating with this jailbreak, some major bugs, mist noticeably, trying to listen to previews of songs in iTunes store resorting the iPhone, also, trying to listen to music in the iPod app exits the iPod app. I would wait until a more stable release.
testing - December 26, 2010 at 5:44am
any trusted link of 4.2b3 ipws?
cemarun - December 26, 2010 at 5:05am
Does it mean the dev-team is working on the unlock method for new bb ıphone 4s?
Dan - December 26, 2010 at 11:19am
According to our sources the unlock for baseband 02.10 is March 20th Stay Tuned
mod - December 28, 2010 at 7:48am
strange!!!!!!!!! thats not what i know........ according to a close relative to the doctor the unlock will come in the first half of january . they are working hard and lot of testing needed ..... time to do that also required.
iSohrab - December 26, 2010 at 4:23am
Thanks dev-team what about unlock baseband 2.10.04 ??
Dan - December 26, 2010 at 11:16am
According to sources the unlock release date for baseband 02.10 is March 20th Stay tuned
maufcr - December 26, 2010 at 12:22pm
Come on!!! 3 months!!! There's 2 BB with no unlock for iphone 4!!!
Slimbo - December 27, 2010 at 3:36am
Just give us something Dev-Team are you working on a unlock iphone 4 bb 2.10.04 just say what ever but say something....
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