YES!!! Now they can finally release the jailbreak!! I think they were waiting on this to be finalized so they can release for the 3gs/iphone 4. I'm stuck with my 3gs new bootrom on os 4 so i have been stuck for the last 2 weeks
more like anyone with iPhone 4 with iOS4 installed. i dont know why you guys are asking questions that are not even related to this post.
I understand that you all need to know everything but this post is clearly about the progress of iPhone 4 Unlocking not about the Jailbreaking of iPhone 4 or 3GS!! Please guys read before posting!
you guys are fantastic, groups like Dev and people like muscle nerd and comex plus everyone else working on this just amaze me in how smart they are and their willingness to fight against Apples hold on the phone. Thanks again!!
Why would you need a 3.1.3 unlock when u can have the 4.0 unlock well done dev's and cant wait for my iphone 4 JB am asumming a couple of days now for it 2 be out more hoping
I have a 3GS on FW 3.1.3
I did the jailbreak with Spirit
then installed Ultrasnow to unlock..
if you can live with the really slow Tmobile edge internet on iPhone...
Why wouldn't you just update to IOS4 if you can jailbreak it? Also, the SpiritJB guy (his name eludes me at the moment) said that his userland JB would JB all devices (regardless of the bootrom)!
Wow some people aren't that smart.
3.1.3 is jailbroken and unlocked already. Jailbreak with spirit unlock with ultrasn0w. Doesn't matter the bootrom. It's been out for a while now.
Madcow: Then why iClarified says the oposite?
When you have a newer bootrom on 3GS 3.1.3 - iBoot 359.3.2 you can not do anything so far if you DO NOT HAVE ACTIVATED DEVICE. As it is in my case - my phone is from Sweden, 3.1.3 - new bootrom stuck on the emergency screen so I can not do anything.
Or I'm wrong?
Find and buy one on eBay or borrow an official sim card to your phone and activate the phone. The jailbreak and unlock is out there. It's your responsibility to activate your phone if the tool does not hacktivate.
Frank an Geoff: Thanks guys for the info. So you mean any official iphone sim card from somebody who originally bought iphone from the phone company or original Swiss card? From what I understood I will not be able to perform Spirit jailbreak from the emergency screen or yes? That would be a great piece of info!
Gessh, such hostility over a question. You know that there are some n00bs out there, and I am one of them. And if he is asking the wrong people, which I doult because they all doing the same thing. Atleast he can get answers in here too. Some folks need to lighten up.
I know I have the new bootrom, 3.1.3 and after 5 months of holding on to my phone, I was able to jB and unlock. I don't have At&T, my carrier is Tmobile. I had gone in the mibbit chatroom when it was open, they helped me with it. I am not too sure about if it is still on the emergency call mode on what to do. I'd suggest to hit all the forums if you don't get the answer you need. (Meaning Dev and here) Sorry I really couldn't be much help but it really bothered me the stupidity of some of the hostile responses.
Good luck with your quest
So I went home and tried it with my friend SIM card but it did not work- it says that the SIM card inserted is not supported by this iPhone. It looks like I will need the original Swiss SIM but it was not originally inserted in the sucks. If anybody knows any other way it would be helpful:-). Jakub