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Forstall Refused to Sign Letter Apologizing for Maps?

Forstall Refused to Sign Letter Apologizing for Maps?

Posted October 30, 2012 at 12:39am by iClarified
Information about Apple's executive shakeup is beginning to trickle out with Fortune reporting that Forstall was canned due to failures with Siri and Maps.

The site reports that the shakeup follows several troubling occurrences at the company including missing analyst expectations for two consecutive quarters, Browett trying to nickel-and-dime employees, Siri shortcomings, a widely criticized 'genius' ad campaign, and a Maps application that was released before it was ready.

Apparently, Forstall refused to sign the letter apologizing for Maps.

I also heard that Forstall refused to sign the letter apologizing for the mapping fiasco, sealing his fate at Apple. (He has worked for two companies in his career, both founded by Steve Jobs: Next and Apple. He's also a big San Francisco Giants fan. Win some, lose some.) Seeing as Forstall oversaw and publicly demoed Siri and maps, we know at least that the Apple culture is intact: Forstall was the directly responsible individual, or DRI, on Siri and maps. Now he is gone. He will remain an advisor to Cook until "next year," Apple said in a post-market news release. This is a formality intended to keep Forstall from ringing up Samsung.

In addition it's said that Forstall didn't get along with Jonathan Ive, Apple's key product designer. Now Forstall is on the way out and Ive is put in charge of Human Interface (HI) for the company.

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Forstall Refused to Sign Letter Apologizing for Maps?

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Comments (12)
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Lov3 - October 31, 2012 at 7:56am
Tim Cook Force me Sign Letter Apologizing for Maps, I already give my opinion that don drop google Map and IOS 6 is under Beta Use. But TIM COOK force me to release the IOS 6 to market :)
verao - October 31, 2012 at 1:50am
I recently sent an email to Tim Cook basically saying that he should resign. Steve Jobs would never have put a man in to replace him and do better than he did. Turns out I thought that Forstall was going to be Apple's next CEO, and we got Tim Cook instead, proving my theory. Now Tim Cook got rid of Forstall, the one guy that could challenge his position in the company. It's not Forstall's fault if something went wrong with iOS6, if Tim Cook gave the go ahead!! Steve Jobs would NEVER have aloud this new Dial Pad on iOS6 to be released. It's Tim Cook's lack of creativity that will bring Apple down. He can fire as many people as he wants, until the Board (hopefully) wakes up and realizes that HE is the problem.
Detour - October 31, 2012 at 12:26am
@ratGT i think you need to do some researches before flaming at someone. What did Apple actually make themself recently? Lets see. Passbook? No there were tons of carding apps. They only made it stock app on ios6. Apple map?? No. Google map was there and they'll never gonna catch up. Also got help from tomtom. Notification? No they just took it from cydia app(lockinfo). And the whole idea came from android(stated from the developer). Panorama picture? No. 8 freaking megapixel camera? Others had them ages ago. Appstore? I bought an widget from samsung phone back in 2005. 2years before the iphone. Application? Idea stolen from jailbreakers........ The terms of "innovative" is brining something new that others dont have. But Apple never had something new. So, yeah. Learn some histories :)
iGified - October 30, 2012 at 4:11pm
No worries. Foreskin's tough. He can take it.
James - October 30, 2012 at 3:52pm
Maps aren't that bad. They should be apologizing for spending time and money on keeping that proprietary adapter. And nickel and diming is what big companies do and apple is passing that onto the customers now. Certainly Apple is in the wrong hands.
NoGoodNick - October 30, 2012 at 3:07pm
With as many corporate shills dumping on Apple at this site, I have NO idea if a single comment on here is legit or not. They all sound so shrill I doubt their legitimacy.
TrueDat - October 30, 2012 at 7:50am
Don't worry. Forstall could live a thousand lives end to end and still have enough money to never be hungry and never be homeless. He'll be just fine.
Sabtain - October 30, 2012 at 5:26am
Siri is good
Attitude1 - October 30, 2012 at 3:42am
Very sad to hear the good people are leaving Apple... :((
Bla - October 30, 2012 at 1:56am
No Steve to keep him in. Slow demise of apple..
jahmed80 - October 30, 2012 at 1:09am
The map is not so baad.. I mean i know its not as good as google maps, but sure its batter then all the other 3rd party maps.. Siri is the best of all the others.. So i dont y this guy getting the blame..
lkmd - October 30, 2012 at 12:56am
Im sure only half this story is true if any...
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