A comparison of speed between the iPad 3G, the iPad WiFi, the iPad with MiFi, and the iPhone 3GS has been posted by Gizmodo.
We used the same battery of tests we used in our coast-to-coast mega 3G test: Speedtest.net's iPhone app, for raw bandwidth and latency; the Hubble image index at Wikipedia, and Gizmodo for pageload; and Wikimedia's Abell 2667 galaxy cluster photo, a 7.48MB JPEG. Between each page test, the browser cache and history is cleared. In terms of reception, signal strength has seemed equal to an iPhone 3GS at all times.
Take a look at few charts below and hit the link for more...
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We used the same battery of tests we used in our coast-to-coast mega 3G test: Speedtest.net's iPhone app, for raw bandwidth and latency; the Hubble image index at Wikipedia, and Gizmodo for pageload; and Wikimedia's Abell 2667 galaxy cluster photo, a 7.48MB JPEG. Between each page test, the browser cache and history is cleared. In terms of reception, signal strength has seemed equal to an iPhone 3GS at all times.
Take a look at few charts below and hit the link for more...
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