February 19, 2025
CARROT Weather Adds Snarky CarPlay App and Live Rain Alerts

CARROT Weather Adds Snarky CarPlay App and Live Rain Alerts

Posted January 18, 2025 at 4:11pm by iClarified
CARROT Weather has launched a major update, introducing a snarky new CarPlay app that lets you view weather conditions along your route, as well as Live Activities that automatically notify you of incoming precipitation.

CARROT Weather 6.2 is now available, meatbags! Two big features this time: 1) a CarPlay app that gives snarky directions and shows weather along your route, and 2) Live Activities that start via push notification instead of needing to open the app first.

CARROT Weather Adds Snarky CarPlay App and Live Rain Alerts

What's New In This Version:
Winter is in full swing, meatbags! While you've been busy hoarding snowballs for the upcoming ice age, I've been hard at work on a big update to your favorite weather app.

Live Activities
Now you can opt to have Live Activities start automatically when precipitation is in the area! They'll be started via a notification about 15 minutes before rain or snow begins, then you'll continue to receive updates until precipitation stops, at which point the activity will be automatically removed. (Premium Ultra required.)

CARROT Weather Adds Snarky CarPlay App and Live Rain Alerts

CarPlay App
View weather along your driving route, right from your car's dashboard! The CarPlay app functions as a GPS app, so you can input your destination and get directions from CARROT in her typically snarky style - plus, you'll get to see all the weather along the way, including live radar, severe weather alerts, and more. (Premium Ultra required.)

But wait, there's more!

- Added 4 new secret locations.
- Added support for multiple Netatmo and Tempest weather stations.

I also fixed a number of bugs left behind by my idiot Maker. You're welcome.

You can download CARROT Weather from the App Store at the link below...


CARROT Weather Adds Snarky CarPlay App and Live Rain Alerts
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