Pangu actualizaciones iOS 9 Utilidad Jailbreak con correcciones de errores
Posted October 15, 2015 at 6:45pm by iClarified
Pangu ha actualizado su iOS 9 utilidad jailbreak con correcciones de errores y otras mejoras. La utilidad jailbreak Pangu9 funciona en el iPhone, iPad y iPod touch y fugas de la cárcel iOS 9.0 a 9.0.2.
¿Qué hay de nuevo en esta versión: 1.Fix un error que conduce a código de error 0A. Fracaso 2.Fix de lanzar en algunos PC. Tasa de éxito 3.Improve. 4.Asegúrese la eliminación de la aplicación Pangu.
I did Jailbreak my Iphone 6, 128GB. everything went fine. but this jailbreak is not stable. I have a bug in Photos. the pictures i already had before jailbreak went blank.and also its showing "Downloading" on the bottom of the pictures. another error i found once i connect to iTunes using PC. when you go to apps, on the bottom we can see the apps that we can transfer data direct. EX. VLC player, KM player, Skype, . those applications are not showing.
Everything went A-1, not one problems, all tweaks installed perfectly, 3d touch working and live photos in my iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus, Barrel and many more tweaks. thank You Pangu. Glad I didn't buy the 6s, wait till iphone 7 comes out.
Jail broke both an iPad mini and iPhone 6s no major problems that I can tell one bug message pops up every couple of hours saying storage full on both devices even though half the memory is empty
such an unstable jailbreak, you install a few tweaks then if you power off your device and try to restart you get stuck on the apple logo!!!!!! frustrating
Was getting runtime error at first. A lot of solutions say uninstall iTunes and all that but this is what I did. I just ran pangu9 as administrator and the error stopped. Jailbroke 5 devices. 1 iPad mini 4.. 2 iPad min 2.. And 2 iPhone 6 Plus. All iOS 9.0.2. All finished without a problem. I did not clean install 9.0.2 on the iPhone either. And on the other iPhone the update was done over the air. Still no problems. Only thing I don't understand is why is pangu backing up my device. On my iPhone which is 128gb I have about 5 gigs available left. (Yea I know) so it took forever to back up. Then at the end of the process it was just hanging there for a while. I just let if sit figuring because of how much memory I had used. Then it finally jailbroke with no problem so if u used a lot of memory on your device and it's at the end of the process just let it sit. Also where is pangu storing this backup because I did it on someone else's comp and I don't want a backup of my devices sitting on their comps.
credit go to Leyla232@ reddit jailbreak community
This method work at 1st attempted
1. RESTORE CLEAN. Do not restore from backup.
2. Jailbreak. Don't even set up your phone past the set up assistant. Don’t enter your icloud or iTunes ID but bypass that step.
3. Let Cydia do its thing.
4. Go back to Cydia after respring and install Cydia Substrate. It'll install along another file.
5. Install iFile or openssh or your preferred equivalent and flipcontrolcenter (for a respring toggle) YOU NEED THIS. Respring is mandatory.
6. Once installed navigate your file system to var/mobile/library/preferences. Scroll down until you find & and delete them both.
7. Navigate to var/mobile/library/caches and find folder. Go inside it and delete all of its contents.
8. Respring your device now using flipcontrolcenter.
9. Go to settings - general - reset - reset all settings. (The first option)
10. Hit yes and wait till your phone finishes. (it will reboot) 11. Power off (swipe) and on your phone. Now reboot your phone by holding power and home button.
12. You’re good to go. Restore iTunes backup and install cydia tweaks.
Good Luck!
I have heard that this will resolve my constant storage full message... Just seems like a lot to do just to get a jailbreak working. I might give it a go or just wait for Pangu to release another fix.
Thanks dude.
I'm using iPhone 5S 32GB and after jailbreaking successfully, when I reboot by pressing sleep and home button it always gets stuck at Apple logo. Anyone having the same issue? My iPhone 5 16GB on the other hand doesn't have this issue at all. Thanks in advance.