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Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

Posted June 7, 2016 at 5:10pm by iClarified
Echa un vistazo a este concepto de iOS 10 de iHelpBR con Dark Mode, Picture in Picture, Split View, Slide Over, y más para iPhone.

Con Apple cambiándose a un esquema oscuro para su sitio y aplicación de WWDC, los usuarios han especulado con que quizá Apple planeé introducir un modo oscuro para iPhone. Actualmente ya existe un tema oscuro para OS X.

El sitio ya hizo mock ups del tema osucro para aplicaciones como Ajustes, iMessage, Correo, Contactos, y 3D Touch.

Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

Adicionalmente, el concepto muestra el cómo se vería el Dark Mode, Picture in Picture, Split View, y Slide Over del iPad en el iPhone.

Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

Concepto de iOS 10 para iPhone presenta Dark Mode, Picture in Picture y más

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Más Información [via Adam]
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Comments (11)
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paul152207 - June 9, 2016 at 10:11am
add more feature 1. change ios 10 themes and fonts 2. transfer all files like songs, images..etc to any devices using bluetooth
paul152207 - June 9, 2016 at 10:07am
hi add new feature in ios 10 add this feature- 1. transfer photos computer to iphone/ipad/ipod touch 2. turn on/off cellular data shortcut in control center
crz6662 - June 9, 2016 at 8:59am
Oh please. Innovative? Most of the stuff Apple comes out with has been available on Android or Cydia. (i.e.: flux vs iOS night mode) Don't get me wrong. I luv my jailbroke iPhone 6s + but without a jailbreak I wouldn't use it. I've owned both and luv both. But stop with the f ing praisie that Apple is so "innovative".
Whatmfer - June 8, 2016 at 1:33am
my triple tap the home button to invert the screen has been working fine for me for years.
@Comment - June 7, 2016 at 7:15pm
To hell with these concepts . People dream of things that will never happen . Sick of these concepts !!!
Pug Nuts
Pug Nuts - June 7, 2016 at 6:48pm
Why does everyone insist on a constant flow of new innovations? As long as it has dark mode I'm happy!
AverageReviewer - June 7, 2016 at 5:34pm
The lack of innovation is absolutely astounding. As an iOS user for the last 6 years it's rather disappointing to see Apple start to crumble.
Leo Hormaza
Leo Hormaza - June 7, 2016 at 6:07pm
You have many more options to go to (jump ship) . As a 9 year user I think they can do a little better, but don't expect life changing features. I do not think they will crumble.
pizzaman - June 7, 2016 at 6:14pm
What kinda innovation would you like to see, wings so it can fly? It's just cell phone. Relax.
gamerscul9870 - June 7, 2016 at 6:51pm
More like the lack of understanding how much they worked hard to make new features year after year. Apple starting to crumble? Please. The iPad has already done better than the surface, the Mac family is still amazing many people, and iPhone isn't doing too bad, but it's still trying. iOS itself, it never fails. As we all know with latest versions, they sometimes get more than the most number of people running it which tells us they love it (and are using modern Apple products that work with it), it shows us something unlike before like swift, iOS extensions, etc., and I can understand most stuff was from android, but that doesn't change most of what they copied either.
PerpetuallyBlue - June 9, 2016 at 12:07am
Not sure how realistic this is but I dig the dark mode. Hopefully they'll have built in themes without destabilizing iOS. One can dream.
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