My iphone 4 during restoring its complete dead, now i try to open it but still its not working.
Can someone help me to solve this issue, or any face same problem before or not. Its not with umbrella tools just i connect with my itune and try to restore it because its not jailbreak its unlock phone.
Hi..ive previously saved my blobs with tinyumbrella and my pc crashed recently.. ive downloaded the new version of TU but it no longer shows my shsh blobs, ive also requested blobs from CYDIA but TU still shows blank.. plz help, regards
iPhone 4s
ios 6.1.1
Unless you uploaded them or had your iDevice jailbroken for a while, you probably can't get them back. Apple is still signing 6.1.2 and it's jailbreak-able, so save your 6.1.2 blobs, update and jailbreak.
hi, I am using 4 without jailbreak, but I upgraded to ios6.0, and reset through the phone. now when I try to connect using TinyUmbrella, it shows no SHSH. Am I too late to restore to 5.X?
iDevices on 5.x.x or higher need more than SHSH blobs to downgrade: The AP Ticket also needs backed up. Unless you did this manually while Apple were still signing the 5.1.1 iOS, there's nothing you can do about this now.
For clarification, saving your SHSH blobs has absolutely nothing to do with Jailbreaking, unlocking your phone or preserving the baseband during an upgrade. TinyUmbrella is a tool to save your SHSH blobs should you want to downgrade to an iOS version not serviced by Apple.
Quick question...I am running 4.3.1 I managed to downgrade all the way to 4.1 even 4.2.1 the problem I was having my iphone 4 was only able to reboot on tethered now?
When I rebooted my iphone4 to 4..2.1 logged on cydia I clicked make MY life easier..
My tss is still pending ...
I tried to jailbreak it with RC5B2 I can see all the writtinngs once its finished I have to reboot it as TETHERED NOW? how come iam only able to reboot my iphone on tethered on 4..2.1 or 4.1 ?
When I update to 4.3.1 using sn0wbreeze it works fine?
Can anyone clarify this..on how I cant untethered my iphone 4 on 4.2.1 or /4.1 ?
i can use the Umbrella without have to jailbreak my iphone 4? because i want to upgrade to 4.3 but last time i used the Umbrella i have to jailbreak my iPhone...easy question? and why is no a tutorial here for jailbreak(if i have to) when you can see in YouTube a lot of people doing the jailbreak in 4.3?
Hello guys,
Great work you all guys are doing here.
I've bought an iPhone 4 from ebay and it cames jailbreaked (limera1n) and unlocked (ultrasn0w) and it's working perfectly. I have 4.0.2 running on the 1.59.00 baseband.
My question is, can I update my IOs to 4.1 without loosing the unlock?
For what I read I should go for the tinyumbrella + alt-restore a custom ipsw on itunes and it should be fine. Is this the right methodology considering I've been previoisly jailbroken with limera1n? I beleive this method keeps my baseband at 1.59.00 but I saved my SHSHs with tinyumbrella and could only save:
- iPhone4 4.1 (8B117)
- iPhone4 4.21 (8C148)
- iPhone4 4.2b3 (8C5115c)
for what I've learned I cannot save my 4.0.2 SHSH because it's no longer being signed by apple.
What does this means in my iPhone context?
1 - I can update to 4.1 and keep my baseband (1.59.00) BUT if something go wrong I'm not able to unlock because I cannot return to 4.02.
2 - I can update to 4.1 but my baseband will be updated also.
3 - none of the above : )
What's your opinion?
Thank you very much for the time guys.
iphone 4 , 4.0.2 , 1.59 out of the box,
i can only save 4.1 blobs, so can i restore to 4.1 without loosing the baseband ???
->when requesting a version, if i select the latest FW, am i safe to restore to it BB wise ???
No, because you don't have SHSH blobs for anything earlier than 4.0.2. You either need to stay at 4.0.2 or wait until the next Baseband hack is released.
@krillin837 - a JB was released within the time that I posted that (as what normally happens). At Oct 6th, there wasn't one available :) Glad you got it done tho!
again, i've done the umbrella thing selecting cydia, in the logs i can see that it was successfully saved but as they are stating it is not shown on my cydia home screen,
is that ok? or i've done something wrong?
Hi i need to restore my iPhone 3GS New bootrom to the 4.0.0 but i'm always getting errors, i've saved the shsh last weeks, and cydia shows that i have files installed for 3.1.2 and 4.0 so what should i do?
note that downloading the 4.0.1 may solve this but i'm not able to download it right now!
Before we venture into the TSS server realm, what IP did you specify for in your hosts file? do you have a locally stored copy of your SHSH blobs that TinyUmbrella can use?
actually i should have that copy as i have it also for my other 2 iphones, but unfortunatly for some reason i can't find it!!!!!!!!
so i guess i have to download the 4.0.1 and use it ! it will work with the 3gs new bootroom correct?
Yep, I JB'd mine last night - 3GS iBoot-359.3.2 iOS 4.01. You should not have a problem:)
If you REALLY want a copy of 4.0 for the 3GS, then you should be able to download it here:,1_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
hey guys,sorry for this, but i've been looking arround on the coments but still not sure about it all. I'm on 3.1.3, and wanted to upgrade to 4.0.1 (since we still can't JB andunlock on the 4.0.2), but, correct me if i'm wrong, if i try a custom restore, itunes would try to make me update with the latest firmware (4.0.2)... Is there a way to do the custom restore of a later firmware!? thanks for any replys
Hi Guys,
I have iphone 4, which I received on 16th July, which is currently running OS 4.0
However when I tried to save my SHSH 4.0, it said that it couldn't be done. This is to apple stop signing it.
Can I use the above process to save SHSH 4.0.1 (even though I'm on 4.0) using the above process.
Thanks in advanced.
The home page of FW Umbrella changed yesterday:
"Unfortunately, there is no way to save your 4.0 SHSH for ANY DEVICE as the window for 4.0 SHSH signatures has closed.
However, you can save your 4.0.1 SHSH for those devices and still be safe as @comex has said:
"SHSH blobs for 4.0.1 or 4.0 are fine; AFAIK there are no substantive differences except the bars"
I've also added a few preferences for those of you that care to dig into the app. Enjoy."
So yes, save 4.0.1 blobs while you can :)
Not at all - just request 4.0.1 blobs from Cydia (drop-down option) - Apple will already have them ready, so no need to update unless you really want to.
Right im having problems here, When I use umbrella to save SHSH file it never can connect to cydia ( saying is my firewall blocking it, which its not) But when I click the Apple option it saves on put the file on to my laptop.... Am I doing something wrong or will this be ok now?
From v3.1.2, all firmware is signed, meaning you cannot install any firmware you don't have SHSH blobs for.
When you restore your iPhone via iTunes, you connect to Apple's repository to validate which firmware you should be using. They will always have the latest version. If for some reason you don't want to upgrade (just restore to what you were using previously), you would need SHSH blobs for that version of firmware.