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Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Posted October 11, 2009 at 5:07am by iClarified
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Ovo je uputstvo kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone i iPod touch uz pomoć BlacRa1na za Windows.

BlackRa1n jailbreak će biti moguć sa poslednjim 3.1.2 firmware-om, ali ne i sa poslednjim 3.1.3 firmware-om.

Za sve koji poseduju novi iPod touch ili novi iPhone 3GS sa novim bootrom-om, BlackRa1n podržava samo "tethered" jailbreak. A to znači da ne smete dozvoliti da se baterija isprazni. Ako se to desi, moraćete ponovo da povezujete iPhone sa računarom i pokrećete BlackRa1n.

Pa da počnemo...

Prvi korak
Otvorite internet pretraživač i idite do http://www.blackra1n.com. Kliknite na Windows logo pri dnu ekrana.
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Drugi korak
Sacuvajte fajl na Desktop
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Treći korak
Dupli klik na blackra1n izvršni fajl na Desktopu kako bi ste ga pokrenuli
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Četvrti korak
Vodite racuna da je iPhone ili iPod prikačen za računar, zatim izaberite make it ra1n dugme
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Peti korak
iPhone će se naći recovery modu
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Videćete sliku GeoHota koja zamenjuje standardni recovery mode ekran
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

blackra1n će se pokrenuti i uređaj će uraditi rebot
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Iskočiće poruka koja obaveštava da je BlackRa1n besplatan softver i da, ako želite, možete da donirate GeoHotu na geohot@gmail.com.
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Šesti korak
Ponovno pokrenuti uređaj biće jailbrakeovan i primetićete blackra1n ikonu. Proverite da li iPhone ima pristup na internet, zatim pokrenite aplikaciju.
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Izaberite aplikaciju za instaliranje po izboru, zatim Install dugme pri vrhu ekrana
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows] Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

BlackRa1n će otpočeti preuzimanje i instalaciju paketa koji ste izabrali.
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows] Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Sedmi korak
BlackRa1n će po završetku respringovati iPhone i na Springboardu ćete primetiti aplikaciju za instaliranje
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

Osmi korak
Ako ste se uverili da aplikacija za instalaciju radi, možete izbrisati BlackRa1n sa Springboarda tako što ćete u samom BlackRa1nu izabrati Uninstall blackra1n
Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows] Kako da jailbrakeujete svoj iPhone, iPod uz pomoć BlackRa1n-a [Windows]

***ZAHVALNICA: Veliko hvala GeoHotu na omogucavanju ovog jailbreaka. Takođe hvala svima koji su pomogli da se ovo ostvari.
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Comments (608)
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Marikunin - October 3, 2013 at 10:12am
Ok, um, I did the whole jailbreak thing but the blackra1n app is still open and says done, wait for reboot. My iPod is on but there's no blackra1n icon yet. What's with that?
free0721 - September 5, 2013 at 1:31pm
can someone help me jailbreak my ipod touch please
Mick - February 20, 2013 at 3:34am
the guys image isnt coming up when its in recovery mode? whats wrong with it
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm - January 16, 2013 at 12:47am
will it work for a iPhone 4s
Fjejgfhr - March 28, 2013 at 12:50pm
This will not work for any Idevice after the second gen iPhone but for those that want to jailbreak a ios 6.0 - 6.1.2 Idevice you can use evasi0n by the evaders. It's is really simple and it is UNTETHERED which means that if the battery dies you won't have to reboot with evasi0n Hope it helps :)
anita - June 20, 2011 at 5:10pm
I cannot run Blackweather, the computer says: the application has failed to start because ASL.Dll is not found. why does it happen?
ahmad - November 30, 2012 at 8:21am
you need to copy it to c:/programs files/common files/Apple/apple application support and run it from there
free0721 - September 5, 2013 at 1:25pm
I 'm having trouble jailbreaking my ipod touch can u help me please??
jordan - May 4, 2011 at 11:17am
neel - February 27, 2011 at 6:24am
nothin happened after pop up saying thnks happened. ipod is fine no cydia and the icon launches the little popup saying make it ra1n
abigail - September 28, 2010 at 2:04pm
me pueden ayudar plssssss
Scott - September 1, 2010 at 12:07pm
Hi I jailbroken my iphone 1st gen 3.1.2 using blackra1n and then used bootneuter from cydia to unlock it Afterwards, the phone worked perfectedly until after I restored my old contacts using itunes, now my iphone is frozen with black screen, with an apple logo and a loading bar that doesnt move
ksothea - June 1, 2010 at 5:09am
Does your soft can jialbreak iphone 3gs 3.1.3 or not ?
Lost & Confused
Lost & Confused - May 21, 2010 at 3:36pm
iphone 3gs with 3.1.2 os i jailbroke my phone about 2 months ago (tethered jailbreak) used blackra1n rc3. my battery died and have to rerun blackra1n to reboot, i tried this but the iphone3gs stays in restore mode. when i ran blackra1n to reboot, geohotz face shows up on the phone for a couple of seconds and then phone shuts off and goes back into restore mode. i tried with windows 7,Vista and xp still no luck. i dont want to try spirit JB due to no unlock for t mobile. can anyone help me please. reply here or email me. smurvine@gmail.com thanks in advance
Capitanloria - May 9, 2010 at 2:42pm
I have an iphone 3gs 3.1.2... i had it thetered unlocked with blackra1n but suddenly when it ran out of battery and tried to unlocked, after the tipical screen comes up it shuts down again... what is happening...can somebody tell? and what to do...please...im without cell phone and i need it a lot!!!!!! please thanks........ help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Andy - March 30, 2010 at 8:09am
The process works fine for me, until Step 5. My phone goes into recovery mode, but the geohot screen doesnt appear, a black screen remains. Anybody be able to help me out?
Nick - March 3, 2010 at 7:51pm
that last update the 3.1.3 took away my jailbreak and i tried to download it again but failed. Can somebody respond?
carlos - April 14, 2010 at 12:51am
If you did the update through itunes, your iphone can not be unlocked.
abigail - September 28, 2010 at 2:01pm
si me pueden ayudar a conectarme plsssssss
Jaynsteen - February 28, 2010 at 1:55am
Can someonehelp, I'm really new to all this. My iPhone is the best thing since pants with pockets here, but I am not eactly sure what a jailbreak is. I mean I have a 3g 16 n the 8g do I wanna jailbreak it Att is my wireless company. What will doing this allow me to do with this phone that I can't already?? Does it not reaquiere me a carriers? Please help me! - old skool. Thanks!!!
carlos - April 14, 2010 at 12:45am
Jailbreak, allows you to download and install unlimited free applications through cydia instead of using itunes, you can changue the initial screen on your iphone, wallpapers, anything you want to do. Jailbreak does not mean unlocked so you only can use your phone with your actual carrier, once the phone is jailbroken it can be unlocked to use it with any carrier.
Samurai - February 26, 2010 at 3:17am
Need help! my iPhone is with 3.0 firmware and jailbroken with redsnow. how do i upgraded it to 3.1.2 and jailbreak it with blackra1n with the provided steps above. Thanks in advance!
wej - February 18, 2010 at 7:30am
wer can i download ipod 3g 3.1.2 firmware?
faispro - February 15, 2010 at 7:04am
Guys help me out here. I used blackra1n to jailbreak my 3GS 3.1.2 device . It was fine till I reached the springboard. The wireless was not working properly. I uninstalled blackra1n but after reinstalling it I can't get the icon anymore. I can't restore the Iphone coz the latest update is 3.1.3 and blackra1n won't work with it. Can anyone help me?
Jonath - March 30, 2010 at 11:50am
i hav the same problem like u... pls help
Daniel - May 2, 2010 at 5:03am
the same thing happened to me although i also deleted cydia and i had installous and winterboard (two app things that are not deletable by just holding then pressing the cross) on my ipod as icons and u need cydia to uninstall them so i had to reinstall cydia but u cant coz this blackra1n won't reinstall!! WE RLY NEED HELP!!
xRome - February 11, 2010 at 10:16pm
hey all i am REALLY confused and need some help here. I have purchased a brand new still sealed in the box iPhone 2G and need to unlock it for Tmobile. But ALL the unlocks I have found that work with the newer firmware (blackra1n, redsn0w) require me to update to 3.1.2 before running the jailbreak. How is it possible for me to update to 3.1.2 when I can't even activate my phone, because I am not going on AT&T! I can't find the answer to this anywhere, please help!!!! Can i just take my iPhone 2G out of its original box and use blackra1n right away? Do I start blackrain with my tmobile SIM in, or no SIM?
Chino - January 28, 2010 at 1:29pm
Hello. Thank you for posting these wonderful goodies to jailbreak iphones. here are couple of my questions. I jailbroke 2 iphones 3G and 3GS. Both phone does have the version 3.1.2 and moderm firmware of 05.11.07 For the 3G I can no longer send MMS pics. Any suggestions? For the 3GS i lost the Mail icon. Any suggestions? Greatly appreciated if someone can help me..
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