Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone, iPod med BlackRa1n [Win]
Posted October 11, 2009 at 5:07am by iClarified
Detta är instruktioner för hur du jailbreakar din iPhone och iPod med BlackRa1n för Windows.
Att jailbreaka med BlackRa1n fungerar med firmware 3.1.2; men, det kommer inte att "hacktivera" din iPhone. Det betyder att om du inte är abonnent hos någon Apple godkänd mobiltelefonioperatör kommer inte BlackRa1n att kunna aktivera den.
För er med den nya iPod touch, BlackRa1n stödjer bara jailbreak via kabel. Det betyder att när du väl jailbreakat, så skall du inte låta batteriet ta helt slut. Om det ändå gör det måste du koppla in den med sladd till datorn och använda BlackRa1n för att starta den.
VARNING: Även om GeoHots jailbreak stödjer 3.1.2, uppdatera ej om du har iPhone OS 3.0.1 eller 3.0. Då förlorar du din operatörsupplåsning. Använd PwnageTool för att säkert uppdatera till 3.1 utan att en basebanduppdatering utförs. Om du verkligen måste ha 3.1.2 vänta på nästa version av PwnageTool. Om du redan uppdaterat til 3.1 eller 3.1.2 utan PwnageTool så har du redan förlorat möjligheten att låsa upp operatörslåset för närvarande. Du kan nu använda BlackRa1n för att åtminstone få tillbaka din jailbreak :)
Ok då kör vi igång...
Steg Ett Öppna din webbläsare och gå till Klicka på Windows logon längst ner på sidan.
Steg Två När dialogrutan visas, spara nedladdningen till ditt skrivbord.
Steg Tre Dubbelklicka sedan på blackra1n programfilen på skrivbordet för att starta programmet.
Steg Fyra Säkerställ att din iPhone eller iPod är ansluten till datorn och klicka sedan på den stora make it ra1n knappen.
Steg Fem Din iPhone ställs nu i återställningsläge.
Du kommer se en bild av GeoHot som ersätter den vanliga återställningslägesbilden på din enhet.
blackra1n körs och sen startas din enhet om.
Ett popupmeddelande informerar dig om att BlackRa1n är gratis programvara och att om du uppskattar den kan du donera till GeoHot på
Steg Sex När din enhet startats om är den jailbreakad och du kommer se en blackra1n ikon på din springboard. Se till att du har en anslutning till internet och tryck för att starta applikationen.
Välj den installationsapplikation du vill ha och tryck sedan på Install knappen längst upp till höger på skärmen.
BlackRa1n börjar ladda ner och installera installationsapplikationen du valde.
Steg Sju När det är klart kommer BlackRa1n sortera om din springboard och du kommer att hitta installationsapplikationen du valde på din springboard.
Steg Åtta När du har bekräftat att installationsapplikationen fungerar korrekt kan du använda Uninstall blackra1n knappen i BlackRa1n applikationen för att ta bort BlackRa1n från din springboard.
***TACK: Ett stort tack till GeoHot för att de gjort detta jailbreak möjligt. Också tack till dem som bidrog till att göra det till en succé.
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Ok, um, I did the whole jailbreak thing but the blackra1n app is still open and says done, wait for reboot. My iPod is on but there's no blackra1n icon yet. What's with that?
This will not work for any Idevice after the second gen iPhone but for those that want to jailbreak a ios 6.0 - 6.1.2 Idevice you can use evasi0n by the evaders. It's is really simple and it is UNTETHERED which means that if the battery dies you won't have to reboot with evasi0n
Hope it helps :)
I jailbroken my iphone 1st gen 3.1.2 using blackra1n and then used bootneuter from cydia to unlock it
Afterwards, the phone worked perfectedly until after I restored my old contacts using itunes, now my iphone is frozen with black screen, with an apple logo and a loading bar that doesnt move
iphone 3gs with 3.1.2 os i jailbroke my phone about 2 months ago (tethered jailbreak) used blackra1n rc3. my battery died and have to rerun blackra1n to reboot, i tried this but the iphone3gs stays in restore mode. when i ran blackra1n to reboot, geohotz face shows up on the phone for a couple of seconds and then phone shuts off and goes back into restore mode. i tried with windows 7,Vista and xp still no luck. i dont want to try spirit JB due to no unlock for t mobile. can anyone help me please. reply here or email me. thanks in advance
I have an iphone 3gs 3.1.2... i had it thetered unlocked with blackra1n but suddenly when it ran out of battery and tried to unlocked, after the tipical screen comes up it shuts down again... what is happening...can somebody tell? and what to without cell phone and i need it a lot!!!!!! please thanks........ help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
The process works fine for me, until Step 5. My phone goes into recovery mode, but the geohot screen doesnt appear, a black screen remains. Anybody be able to help me out?
Can someonehelp, I'm really new to all this. My iPhone is the best thing since pants with pockets here, but I am not eactly sure what a jailbreak is. I mean I have a 3g 16 n the 8g do I wanna jailbreak it Att is my wireless company. What will doing this allow me to do with this phone that I can't already?? Does it not reaquiere me a carriers? Please help me! - old skool. Thanks!!!
Jailbreak, allows you to download and install unlimited free applications through cydia instead of using itunes, you can changue the initial screen on your iphone, wallpapers, anything you want to do. Jailbreak does not mean unlocked so you only can use your phone with your actual carrier, once the phone is jailbroken it can be unlocked to use it with any carrier.
Need help!
my iPhone is with 3.0 firmware and jailbroken with redsnow.
how do i upgraded it to 3.1.2 and jailbreak it with blackra1n with the provided steps above.
Thanks in advance!
Guys help me out here. I used blackra1n to jailbreak my 3GS 3.1.2 device . It was fine till I reached the springboard. The wireless was not working properly. I uninstalled blackra1n but after reinstalling it I can't get the icon anymore. I can't restore the Iphone coz the latest update is 3.1.3 and blackra1n won't work with it.
Can anyone help me?
the same thing happened to me although i also deleted cydia and i had installous and winterboard (two app things that are not deletable by just holding then pressing the cross) on my ipod as icons and u need cydia to uninstall them so i had to reinstall cydia but u cant coz this blackra1n won't reinstall!!
hey all i am REALLY confused and need some help here. I have purchased a brand new still sealed in the box iPhone 2G and need to unlock it for Tmobile. But ALL the unlocks I have found that work with the newer firmware (blackra1n, redsn0w) require me to update to 3.1.2 before running the jailbreak. How is it possible for me to update to 3.1.2 when I can't even activate my phone, because I am not going on AT&T! I can't find the answer to this anywhere, please help!!!! Can i just take my iPhone 2G out of its original box and use blackra1n right away? Do I start blackrain with my tmobile SIM in, or no SIM?
Hello. Thank you for posting these wonderful goodies to jailbreak iphones. here are couple of my questions. I jailbroke 2 iphones 3G and 3GS.
Both phone does have the version 3.1.2 and moderm firmware of 05.11.07
For the 3G I can no longer send MMS pics. Any suggestions?
For the 3GS i lost the Mail icon. Any suggestions?
Greatly appreciated if someone can help me..