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Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Posted December 22, 2011 at 2:13am by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones sobre cómo hacer jailbreak del iPhone 3GS o iPhone 4 con iOS 5.0.1 sin actualizar el baseband usando RedSn0w para Windows. Usted querría hacer esto para preserver un unlock (desbloqueo) de una versión inferior de baseband.

Por favor note que este jailbreak es tethered para todo aparato con la excepción del iPhone 3GS old bootrom, lo que significa que usted va a necesitar conectar su aparato a la computadora cada vez que lo reinicie. Además, es recomendable que guarde sus fragmentos SHSH (blobs) clickeando este tuorial antes de continuar, si es que no lo ha hecho aun.

Si quiere hacer jailbreak hacia una versión inferior de firmware, puede encontrar el tutorial apropiado aquí.

Primer paso
Cree una carpeta en su escritorio llamada Pwnage

Descargue RedSn0w 0.9.9b9d o superior aquí y coloque el archivo en la carpeta Pwnage. Del mismo modo, descargue el firmware 5.0.1 aquí y ubíquelo en la carpeta Pwnage.

Extraiga el archivo zip RedSn0w haciendo doble click en él.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Segundo paso
Ejecute la aplicación redsn0w de la carpeta redsn0w que acaba de extraer.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Tercer paso
Haga click para seleccionar Extras en el menú principal.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Cuarto paso
Haga click en Custom IPSW en el menú extras.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Quinto Paso
Navegue a la carpeta Pwnage en su escritorio y seleccione el archivo IPSW que ha descargado, luego haga click en Open (Abrir).
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Si está usando el iPhone 3GS puede ser que deba identificar si se trata de un modelo nuevo o uno viejo.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Sexto paso
RedSn0w comenzará a crear un IPSW personalizado para usted.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Séptimo paso
Será notificado una vez que RedSn0w haya completado la creación del archivo IPSW. Presione el botón OK (Aceptar).
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Octavo paso
Haga click en el botón Pwned DFU del menú Extras.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Noveno paso
Conecte su iPhone en el computador y asegúrese que esté APAGADO luego haga click en el botón Siguiente
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Décimo paso
RedSn0w lo guiará paso a paso para que el teléfono entre en modo DFU. Puede encontrar más ayuda sobre el modo DFU aquí
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Mantega presionados simultaneamente el botón Home y el botón de Power por 10 segundos.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Suelte el botón de Power y continúe presionando el botón Home hasta que RedSn0w detecte el dispositivo.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Undécimo paso
RedSn0w va a correr el exploit LimeRa1n.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Duodécimo paso
Luego será notificado que su iPhone está en modo DFU Pwned.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Treceavo paso
Ejecute iTunes haciendo click en el ícono.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Catorceavo paso
Seleccione su dispositivo de la lista a la izquierda, luego en la pestaña Summary presione la tecla Shift y haga click en el botón Restore.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Décimo quinto paso
Deberá elegir el archivo IPSW para restaurar. Navegue a la carpeta Pwnage en su escritorio y seleccione el archivo IPSW que comienza con NO_BB, luego haga click en el botón Open (Abrir).
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Décimo sexto paso
iTunes restaurará y hará jailbreak en su aparato utilizando el archivo IPSW personalizado.

Siga estas intrsucciones para hacer jailbreak de su aparato en el nuevo firmware iOS 5.0.1.
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 3GS

Una vez que haya hecho el jailbreak necesitará regresar a redsn0w para iniciar tethered.

Primer paso
Desde el menú principal de RedSn0w haga click en el botón Extras.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Segundo paso
Seleccione Just boot (Sólo iniciar) del menú de Extras para sólo iniciar tethered.
Cómo hacer Jailbreak del iPhone sin actualizar el Baseband (Windows) [5.0.1]

Si tiene un baseband soportado, usted puede instalar UltraSn0w para desbloquear su dispositivo. Encontrará las instrucciones aquí.

*Como es de costumbre agradecemos al iPhone Dev-Team y a Geohot por su trabajo duro y sus contribuciones a la comunidad iPhone.
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Comments (82)
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Sami - April 29, 2012 at 12:59am
Hi, can this still be done and is this option of doing through custom IPSW a unthetherrd for new bootram 3GS?
al - April 29, 2012 at 6:32pm
u untether by installing corona on cydia... but anyways im reading that this is no good anymore because of release of 5.1 so u have to install 5.1 not 5.0.1 if im wrong somebody tell me because i made the custom firmware and was ready to restore and a double check online came up that its not possible no more
Rooster - March 26, 2012 at 3:28am
I keep getting error 3194, error 2005 no matter whatever i do. Somebody pls help!!! Has apple blocked everything?
carles - September 23, 2012 at 5:02pm
hello, i am getting in the same situation as you, could you figure out already?
Wendell - March 13, 2012 at 3:41am
this is what i've done n still getting the error 16XX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Xen05V74Y&feature=youtu.be
onur simdivar
onur simdivar - March 7, 2012 at 5:34am
Thank u reallyyyy much guys!! no problem, no nothing.. its done! ;))
dagr8don - February 26, 2012 at 4:03am
An error 1601 occured while i-tunes was restoring.....What the heck does that mean???? Help me plzzzzzzzzzz
Dv0rsky - March 4, 2012 at 11:29am
same here - 1602 error. looks like apple did some changes over there and we can't update any longer?
fred1moro - February 7, 2012 at 2:51pm
it worked like a charm! I updated from 4.3 to 5.0.1 with a custom firmware. Then I restoed to the custom firmware. Lastly, I jailbroke it. I did it all with redsn0w. Make sure you follow all instructions carefully. Thanks iclarified:
Aris - February 7, 2012 at 9:11pm
Hello friend Do i need to backup my Cydia/Installous/AppStore Apps/Packages/Tweaks before i jailbreak using Redsn0w (without updating my baseband since i need the unlock)? Best regards
Fred1moro - February 8, 2012 at 2:05pm
Not do sure about your cydia apps. I only had a few so did not mind reinstalling them. I did however; back up my iPhone in iTunes to keep contacts and other saved info. Then after jailbreak to a cistom firmware I backed up my phone in iTunes it was a fairly easy process. Then launch into cydia and magic I unlocked it with no problems :) I hope this helps good luck!
dylan - February 9, 2012 at 9:26am
successfully jailbreak with the guide above great thx. but i have an issue here. everytime when i receive mms it will crash and i can't send mms out at all. i'm able to send sms. did you face the same problem as me? anyone have any idea? great thx
dylan - February 2, 2012 at 2:49pm
hello...need some advice from you'll..im currently using 3gs with iso 5.0.1 (9A405), firmware 05.16.05. can i jailbreak it to tethered iso 5.0.1 and unlock? as above shown?
dylan - February 5, 2012 at 9:44am
now im stuck at restore mode with error msg 1604 or 2009. can any one pls help here...great thx
dylan - February 9, 2012 at 9:21am
successfully jailbreak with the guide above great thx. but i have an issue here. everytime when i receive mms it will crash and i can't send mms out at all. i'm able to send sms. did anyone face the same problem as me? anyone have any idea? great thx
Michelle - January 21, 2012 at 11:13am
i cannot start downloads for the 5.0.1 update.. the links don't work.. am i too late to use the links?
hamid - January 13, 2012 at 6:18pm
I got error 11 during upgrade process. I used tiny umbrella for bypassing apple servers. what should I do? iphone 3gs locked/baseband 06.15
Caglar - January 12, 2012 at 9:32pm
well i carried out all the instructions to the letter and cannot get rid of the error 2005. i changed the USB ports, reinstalled all apple software but to no avail. still error 2005. can anybody help please?
fateh - January 11, 2012 at 2:54pm
Hello, I have iphone 4 running on 4.3.5 (BB-04.10.01) and factory unlocked i gess …Please advice, if I can update with custom ipsw 5.0.1 and jailbreak with redsn0w , the sim will still unlocked ?
SRVee - January 11, 2012 at 6:14pm
If you have a factory unlocked phone , then there is no need to keep the lower baseband (this is only needed to maintain your unlock using ultrasnow). If youre sure you have a factory unlock then use this guide https://www.iclarified.com/18989/how-to-perform-an-untethered-jailbreak-of-your-iphone-4-windows-501
Janex - January 11, 2012 at 1:55pm
If I want to keep using gevey sim can I just update to 5.0.1. with custom IPSW without jailbreak?
Aris - January 10, 2012 at 7:15pm
Hi all....do i need to backup my Cydia/Installous/AppStore Apps/Packages/Tweaks before i jailbreak using Redsn0w (without updating my baseband since i need the unlock)?....can anyone help me pls?
Marcelo - January 8, 2012 at 9:40pm
Hello! I have a 3Gs iPhone jailbreaked and unlocked by myself in the firmware 4.2.1 and baseband 06.15.00 ( the ipad baseband ) and i wanted to upgrade it to iOS 5.0.1. I did everything this tutorial told me to do, but it seems it didn't jailbreaked and hactivated automatically, since I have the configuration screen on my iPhone right now. I want to now what are the next steps and hopefully somebody can help me. I might be wrong but I think I've already lost all my contacts and maybe the use of the phone. Looking forward for some help Marcelo
SRVee - January 8, 2012 at 10:49pm
You really have to back up your phone before you restore it. Itunes should do this for you and restore from back up when youre finished. Dont know what you mean by configuration screen ? If you have 5.0.1 installed, open redsnow, click extras, select ipsw, point it at the genuine 5.0.1 ipsw. click back to the jailbreak screen and click on jailbreak, follow the instructions to put into dfu pawned and youre done. once the jailbreak finishes you can go into cydia, search , ultrasnow and install to unlock.
Todd - January 7, 2012 at 3:13am
After you go through with the jailbreak, are you able to unlock an iPhone 4 which has 04.11.08? If not, there is no way to downgrade the baseband, correct?
jtcfc26 - January 4, 2012 at 9:38pm
I restored my 3gs with 5.12.01 to the custom firmware and then when trying to jailbreak it, it stays in recovery mode. Redsn0w doesn't recognize that it's in DFU mode and doesn't let me proceed to the next step of jailbreaking it. Please help!
The_Mister - January 10, 2012 at 1:37pm
Use Tiny Umbrella to kick out of recovery mode..
Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - January 2, 2012 at 5:52pm
Hi. Thanks a lot for your contribution, jailbreak works nice and unlock too. One thing that I've found is that notifications for apps as Twitter, Whatsapp and HeyTell are not working any more. I try to correct this in ajusts/notifications but still not working, any idea what's going on?
EPcy - January 2, 2012 at 1:11pm
It's the 1st time I'm going to jailbreak my iphone 3gs on my own and I just need some verification on this. After step sixteen, I will follow the instructions for "JAILBREAK AND INSTALL CYDIA" right? And after I finish that, then I will proceed with the the "BOOT TETHERED". Is that correct?
The_Mister - January 10, 2012 at 1:42pm
Not if you are using redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3 since this enables untethered boot on 3GS.
EPcy - January 11, 2012 at 6:26pm
So if i use a newer version of redsnow its going to be untethered? The thing is that I don't want to update my baseband since I need to unlock it later with ultrasnow.
ST - January 2, 2012 at 9:25am
When adding the source "repo666" the applications fails to fetch.
Chan - January 2, 2012 at 7:16am
I m trying to build the cutom IPSW but when i opne redsnow & click on extras / Custom IPSW...the process intitaes but ends with an error " Memory Exhausted" " Custom IPSW creation failed" I m using win XP, redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3 & iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.
memory - June 12, 2012 at 7:47pm
it's simple if you had windows XP , go to redsn0ow proprieties and chek compatibility with windows 2000 start your redsn0w and create your no BB file easily and without problem tested by me tornaditoo
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