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Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2 Rilis

Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2 Rilis

Posted February 27, 2018 at 6:21pm by iClarified
Coolstar telah merilis Electra, jailbreak yang kompatibel dengan semua model: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad dan iPad yang berada pada iOS 11.0-11.1.2.

Jailbreak ini menggunakan "KPPLess" versi modifikasi dari "Comex's Substitute" untuk menyediakan fungsionalitas yang sebelumnya ditawarkan oleh Substrat Cydia Saurik. Hal ini berarti kebanyakan tweak, apps, binari tidak akan bekerja sampai ada pembaharuan / update. Ada daftar kompatibilitas silahkan lihat di sini. Pastikan Anda memeriksanya sebelum menginstal apapun dari Cydia.

Informasi Penting
● "Snapshot APFS" telah di buat, sehingga memungkinkan Anda dapat mengembalikannya di lain waktu jika diperlukan
● Dianjurkan untuk menyimpan "blob" Anda, sebelum anda menjalankan jailbreak Electra ini
● Cydia disertakan pada Electra ini
● OpenSSH berjalan di port 22
● Repo Electra ditambahkan secara "default"
● "Subtitute", "Tweak Loader" dan "Substrat Compatibility Layer" tersedia dari repo Electra
● Banyak "Package" perlu update untuk Electra dan iOS 11 (pastikan "package - package" tersebut sudah diperbarui sebelum melakukan jailbreak karena mungkin belum berfungsi)
● RocketBootstrap 1.0.6 atau lebih versi yang lebih tinggi diperlukan untuk penggunaan pada iOS 11
● Banyak apps, daemon dan binari yang rusak, karena bisa jadi mereka memerlukan "permision" untuk ditambahkan

● Semua yang ada di repo saurik sekarang belum bisa digunakan di iOS 11
● Jika Anda menggunakan iOS 11 dan melihat "update" untuk "APT 0.7 Strict", atau "packet" apa pun, dan itu dari repo saurik (Cydia / Telesphoreo) JANGAN UPDATE !!

Catatan, Saurik telah mengkritisi penggunaan daemon jailbreak dan mengatakan bahwa dia bekerja dengan developers terkenal untuk merilis jailbreak iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 dengan Substrate Cydia dan Cydia yang bisa gunakana. Sayangnya, kita tidak memiliki prediksi ETA nya akan di luncurkan.

Jika ingin mencoba jailbreak Electra, bisa diunduh dari sini. Anda dapat meng-install-nya` di perangkat Anda menggunakan Cydia Impactordan akun Apple ID Anda.Jika Anda bukan developers, Anda hanya bisa menggunakan aplikasi selama tujuh hari setelah itu Anda harus "sign" kembali dengan Cydia Impactor.

Kami akan segera memberikan informasi lebih lanjut. Ikuti iClarified di Twitter, Facebook, or RSS untuk update-nya.

Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2 Rilis
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Comments (17)
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Antonio fernandes
Antonio fernandes - February 28, 2018 at 12:55pm
Is this jailbreak untethered?
Aneda Toke
Aneda Toke - March 1, 2018 at 4:41am
No dude. When an untethered jailbreak comes out...you will know. It's a big thing everyone is waiting for.
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:16pm
That would imply not having to plug into a computer to install anything. That’s hasn’t been done in a long while. I’m guessing since the Green Poison days or possibly even iOS 8, but I thought that’s was a TaiG tether.
Chip - February 28, 2018 at 12:15pm
The million dollar question is how stable is the jailbrake?
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:18pm
According to EverythingApplePro it’s running fine on his personal iPhone X. Couple minor UI hiccups with tweaks, but that’s understandable since some were developed before that phone came to market. Also don’t download anything from Saurik as it states. His Repo is DOA ATM, so only update the essentials for Cydia.
The Dude
The Dude - February 28, 2018 at 1:53am
Saurik probably has a day job......or switched to Android over a year ago. Or both....either way....Dude sounds busy. I think people started to not root Android anymore because out of the box, Android is solid now. I feel this same sentiment will apply to iphone soon. Where jailbreaking is not needed because ios has come a long way since the last untethered jailbreak back on 9.0.2 i think.
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:21pm
I always thought that too, but it still seems to be the same walled garden. I love Android phone manufacturers who keep their phones clean and near stock Nougat/Oreo. Nokia, Moto, OnePlus, and ZTE just to name a few. I honestly hope we get there with iOS, but after I saw what the GS9 could do I felt like I was using an ancient artifact.
JustMe - February 27, 2018 at 9:02pm
Is VideoPace working?
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:24pm
Which tweak is that? They have a PiP mode for YouTube videos where you can watch it while switching apps it’s super slick!
Axwell - February 27, 2018 at 8:08pm
DO NOT INSTALL THE ESSENTIAL APT UPGRADE. It's fine to jailbreak and running great, however DO NOT RUN THE APT UPGRADE
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:25pm
I will take your word for it, as well as what the article said about Saurik’s Source!
iphone5sf - February 27, 2018 at 7:00pm
Beware the electra jailbreak tool, it already make a lot of users iPhone getting error, auto respring, bootloop, cydia not working , tweaks not compatible or cydia missing. If you are planning. Research more information first. Once get worst, it is hard to restore back 11 to 11.1.2
odedo1 - February 27, 2018 at 6:55pm
Me to I'm waiting for perfection and there is only one who is able to create a perfect jailbreak, the Master of jail braking and Cydia, Saurik himself and I don't want problems because of Electra plus you know that iOS 11 Cydia will be released with Saurik jailbreak so I've waited this long I can wait a little longer.
D4xM4Nx - February 27, 2018 at 6:35pm
Coolstar ROCKS! Thanks a lot for his hard work, the jailbreak community needed this so badly... however I'm probably gonna wait till Saurik releases his own ¿tool? Too many roadblocks, even if I've got both, my SHSH2 blobs and access to futurerestore, won't take chances. Meanwhile, tweak devs will have time to update their stuff, Ryan Petrich is already on it.
Ace* - February 27, 2018 at 6:45pm
Damn. When is Saurik’s coming? Any idea?
D4xM4Nx - February 27, 2018 at 7:11pm
No idea at all... he's given no ETAs.
Dylan - March 1, 2018 at 5:28pm
Sounds like a plan. I think I’m going to slow my train and wait like the others for a proper Saurik release. What firmware should I stay on at this point?
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