Untethered Jailbreak di Pod2g dell'iOS 5.0.1 per dispositivi Non-A5 Rilasciato!
Posted December 27, 2011 at 2:48pm by iClarified
Il jailbreak untethered di Pod2g dell'iOS 5.0.1 per iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G e iPad 1, è stato rilasciato, ha confermato l'iPhone Dev-Team.
Qualche giorno fa, @pod2g ha dato la versione untether sia all'iPhone devteam che al chronic devteam. Lo abbiamo messo all'interno di RedSn0w 0.9.10 e di PwnageTool, e il chronic devteam lo ha messo all'interno di un pacchetto di Cydia (sono gli stessi exploits in tutti e tre).
Passi Base: ● La versione untether è per l'iOS 5.0.1 su iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G e iPod touch 4G. ●Se possiedi uno di questi dispositivi e non hai installato ancora la versione 5.0.1, aggiornalo adesso! La finestra SHSH è ancora aperta nella 5.0.1. Se la vuoi sbloccare tramite ultrasn0w o gevey, assicurati installare la versione 5.0.1 attraverso un IPSW personalizzato! Se non sai come si fa, dai un'occhiata alle guide su siti come iClarified.com. Una volta che hai caricato la versione 5.0.1, utilizza l'ultima versione di redsn0w 0.9.10 sia per il jailbreak che per l'unther. ● Se hai già installato la versione 5.0.1 con un jailbreak di tipo tethered, hai due scelte: entrambe richiedono l'utilizzo di redsn0w 0.9.10 per mezzo del tuo jailbreak attuale (deseleziona "Install Cydia" per farlo), oppure installa il pacchetto di cydia preparato dal the chronic devteam. Le patch sono le stesse indipendentemente da quelle che scegli. ● Alcune persone stanno utilizzando una configurazione ibrida 5.0/5.01. Se è così anche per te, non provare ad installare questa versione untether attraverso questi passaggi! Quasi sicuramente ti ritroverai incastrato in un ciclo continuo di riavvii. Fai una sincronizzazione e ripristina alla versione 5.0.1 poi installa il jailbreak + untether.
Potete scaricare l'ultima versione di RedSn0w da qui... Postiamo sotto le istruzioni su come effettuare un jailbreak untethered.
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A huge THANK YOU to anyone that helped contribute to this glorious win over the fascists at apple who continue to believe open source is not the way. For those of us who do not believe in conforming to the will of company software design and have gained freedom for one's own devices, this calls for celebration. I, and so many others that have now broken the chains of these unneeded restraints, deeply thank you for your efforts and expertise where we unfortunately lack. You guys (and girls) are the beacon we look to when we need superheroes to save us from Apple's evil plight. Again, Thank You All.
after jailbreaking 4th gen ipod touch on 5.0.1 cydia keeps saying it cannot comply can anyone help me fix this please? thank you in advance and also than you for the info on how to jailbreak
Anyone having a problem with iBooks app - seems as prior to the previous Redsn0w release, iBooks crashes when booting from SpringBoard? I've ran the installation over the top of my untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak. Can anyone confirm the iBooks problem?
It's a known bug with this jailbreak (it's a different technique than before jbs). I actually use A LOT iBooks, so I unjailbroke my iPhone until a fix is done. The rest of the phone seemed ok :)
For those asking regarding Gevey Sim.
Yes it is safe to update on 5.0.1 as long as you PRESERVE THE BASEBAND.
Hope this helps :)
Try updating your phone with custom baseband 5.0.1, if you are on 5.0.1 with custom baseband and tethered jailbreak. You do not need to re-install the custom firmware for untetethered jailbrek. Just open cydia and install Corona Untether that will make your phone tethered to Untethered.
Just make sure to preserve your baseband. Gevey sim works perfectly on 4.10.01 Baseband.
iPhone 4, (04.11.08). I had a successful jb, but now ibooks is giving a syncing error and won't connect. Gives a error messege saying there is a problem with the configuration of your iphone. Please restore with itunes and redownload ibooks.
can anyone confirm if their gevey ultra still works after updating/jailbreaking 5.0.1? it was reported a while back that apple fixed the gevey exploit in 5.0b2 but ive been hearing conflicting reports ever since. thanks!
Gevey ultra will work on IOS 4.x and 5.x as long as you preserve your baseband. The latest redsn0w has the option of creating custom 5.0.1 firmware with no baseband update. I have an iphone 4 with gevey ultra running ios 5.0 and gonna update to 5.0.1 tonight.
@Ivan did you update to ios 5.0.1? can you confirm that the gevey ultra is working? i heard that the other gevey are working(supreme, pro) but there are some issues with the ultra.
i can confirm that the gevey ultra works on 5.0.1 w/ baseband 04.11.01. however, after a few restores and rejailbreaks it seems as though this jailbreak is extremely buggy. not sure if thats caused by the gevey or not, but it is pretty annoying. kinda wish i stayed on 4.3.5.
ok, not having much luck here. Have tried on two seperate pc's. redsn0w runs ok, following directions, enter DFU mode, when iphone starts to boot, redsn0w crashes. Running Win7, each have 4 GB or ram and have no other issues. Anyone else seeing this? Probably try on mac @home tonight but that is a pain in the balls
try edit the compatibility the redsn0w.exe into windows xp (service pack 2) - (properties - compatibility - check the "Run this program compatibility for" and select windows xp (service pack 2)
This is nice, I just opened cydia on my tethered jailbroken iPhone 4 and installed the package "corona 5.0.1" and now my phone is untethered. This is a first because you would normally have to hook the phone up to the computer and run the jailbreak again. Jailbreaking evolved.