Como atualiz seu iPhone 4 sem atualizar a Baseband (Windows)
Posted October 9, 2010 at 7:31pm by iClarified
Este tutorial mostra como você atualiza seu iPhone 4 sem atualizar sua baseband utilizando o TinyUmbrella. Nós recomendamos a leitura do Read Me do TinyUmbrella aqui antes de fazer qualquer coisa. A versão para MAC deste tutorial está em aqui.
Importante: Isto funciona APENAS com o iPhone 4!
Passo 1 Faça o download TinyUmbrella de aqui Também tenha certeza de baixar o iPhone 4 4.1 Firmware localizado aqui
Passo 2 CLique com o botão da direita no executável do TinyUmbrella (umbrella-4.1.6.exe) e escolha Executar como Administrador (Run as administrator) do menu.
Se você receber um aviso de segurança do Windows, tenha certeza que as duas caixas estão selecionadas, e clique em Permitir Acesso (Allow Access)
Passo 3 Certifique-se de que o aparelho está conectado e que o Umbrella detectou o tipo de aparelho e seu respectivo firmware.
Passo 4 Certifique-se de que o Cydia ou o TinyUmbrella tenha o SHSH do último firmware. Você pode fazer isso simplesmente cliquando em Save my SHSH. Se você tiver problemas para salvar o SHSH siga este tutorial antes aqui.
Pressione Start TSS Server e cheque se você não recebeu nenhuma mensagem de erro
Uma vez que o servidor TSS estiver "rodando" com sucesso, o umbrella irá fechar o iTunes. Deixe TinyUmbrella aberto.
Se você receber algum erro, NÃO continue. Sua restauração não funcionará se o servidor TSS não for iniciado.
Passo 5 Abra o iTunes and clique em Shift+ Restore.
Selecione o arquivo do Firmware 4.1 do iPhone 4.1.
Clique ok para restaurar seu iPhone
Passo 6 O iTunes deve dar a você a mensagem de erro 1004. Isto é o que queríamos, como ela aponta que a baseband não foi atualizadas:)
Passo 7 Retorne para a janela do TinyUmbrella e clique em Kick Device Out of Recovery Se você tiver algum problema aqui, tente fechar e abrir novamente o TinyUmbrella.
Seu iPhone agora está com a versão 4.1 e baseband 1.59.00! (O que significa que você pode desbloqueá-lo usando este tutorial)
**Obrigado a semaphore pelo trabalho nesta ferramenta
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So if i can't save version 4.0 or 4.1 will this still work for me to preserve the baseband if i update to 4.1?? i am only able to save 4.2.1 and 4.3b2
I am running on 4.0 with BB 1.59.00
I have Iphone 4 with 4.0.2 sw and 01.59 bb. Umbrella have saved only 4.1 shsh. Do I still can update may iphone to 4.1 version (without baseband upgrade)?
It works perfect.
Are you sure your iPhone4 in dfu mode and shift restore this firmware.
(when you see error kick your device normal mode with Tiny Umbrella.)
I'm one of the few people who got stuck in the middle of restoring process. Actually, the restoring process wasn't stuck; it was completed. But, iTunes error message didn't pop up. So this is what I did.
1. When the restore bar on phone got stuck half way, I let it sit for about a good 10 min.
2. Then, I hold down Power + Home buttons to do a force shut down. Then, the iphone rebooted into a recovery mode and it automatically recognized in the TU.
3. I kick the phone out of the recovery. The phone rebooted and I got to the activation screen (Emergency call only)
4. I put the ATT sim in and activated with iTune. All is done and I'm my iPhone 4 is on iso 4.1 with baseband 01.59.00. Good luck to all. I try to make it as detail as possible. If anything unclear, ask in the comment.
Thank you very much. I had the exact same situation. I was a bit scared when the restore process got stuck in the middle. And I did what you described.
I had exactly the same problem. Left TU running along with iTunes. (won't close because it thinks that the iPhone 4 is still restoring) Held the power and home buttons for 10 seconds and the phone reboots to recovery mode. Use Tiny Umbrella to kick out of recovery mode. Phone activated appears on screen and all is well. TU recognizes phone is on 4.1 with 1.59 baseband fw.
sorry to hear that, the only way that could be is if TU wasn't running (or running properly). luckily CL is a good haven to sell yours off, and buy another one? :)
Download this firmware and install shift restore in dfu mod. When it's finished iTunes should throw up error 1004 don't panic Now you need to exit recovery mode. Click on Kick device out of recovery mode in TinyUmbrella or another program.. This firmware is not a custom firmware it's edited from original firmware..Your baseband stay in 01.59.00.. then jailbreak and unlock.. If your iphone4 stay in Apple logo you have to try this.. No facetime error. No network error. No any other errors.. No risk to baseband update.. its simple its like an original
Just got a 2nd hand unit 3Gs with firmware 3.0. Wanted to upgrade to 4.1 but worried it might be operator locked. Can't seems to find instruction how to upgrade 3Gs without upgrading the baseband
After step 7 something when wrong. :( I restarted TU and hit Kick out of recover. now my iphone just shows the "Connect to Itunes" screen on homescreen. Itunes says : The sim card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
TU won't let me kick out anymore
TU says :
Device: iPhone4 4.1 (8B117)
blah blah
Baseband: 01.59.00 - ICE_2_6
What now? HELP!
There is nothing to jailbreak, I can't even unlock it. Its like the phone is wiped, brand new. The only thing I can do is "slide to make an emergency call". :(
So I ended up getting a ATT sim card and upgrading to 4.1, which was a mistake because it upgraded my baseband and now I think I am pretty much screwed there is no way to go back.
if your iphone was on the (connect to itunes sign) you were able to jailbreak it with limera1n because that sign means that the iphone is allready restored, you only had to restart your computer and simply put your iphone in dfu mode and limera1n it and unlock it.
it happened to me, and that's what i did.
After the step 7 the same thing showed on my iPhone 4 i.e. iTunes logo with an arrow upword n the only thing i can do is make an emergency call..... how do i get to the normal phone home screen and jailbreak n unlock it again using limera1n or whichever.....??? Plz advise thankksss.....!!
Frederick P Worthington - October 13, 2010 at 9:46pm
After step 7 I had to restart TU and then I hit the "Kick Device Out of Recovery", but something has gone wrong. :( iTunes now says : "The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported" my iPhone has "the Itunes Icon -> USB cable" on home screen. TU when I restart says : Device iPhone4 4.1 (8B117) and it says Basebasd : 01.59.00 ICE_2_6
What do I do now?
(Much thanks in advance)
TinyUmbrella is not working for me... :(
i have all the time the same issue : NOT running as administrator OR your hosts file is not editable - Cannot listen on port 80! TSS Server will not work!
Please anyone help
Running in windows 7..anyone help ?
I also got the same problem at first. But here is what I did that worked out fine: Turn your firewall off and/or if you have Teamviewer installed in your computer then turn it off as well before running umbrella. That's it!
So if my "Hosts" file already has the modified IP addresses, do I still click "Start TSS Server"?
Or do I un-modify the "Hosts" file and then click "Start TSS Server"?
I am a little confused, when I open TU, it automatically finds my iphone 4 running 4.0.1 8A306 01.59 firmware but the blobs that it saves automatically is for the 4.1.... So then I did the advanced option and I saved the blobs with the 4.0.1 also so I saved 2 blobs which one do I use to do the jailbreak successfully??? Thanks!!!
In iTunes 10, when I hold "Shift" click "Restore", browse to iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw, then I got the error, "iphone [phone's name] could not be restored because the firmware is incompatible".
My phone is iPhone 4 on iOS 4.01 j/b using"
Thank in advance.
If you downloaded the custom firmware on Internet Explorer it will be named iPhone3, Rename it iPhone3,1_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw to make it compatible.
I finally got this working on another computer. Tried updating iTunes.. deleting and reinstalling iTunes.. nothing worked except doing it from another computer. Just for the record I did it with iTune 9 on an old computer. Still I wouldn't say this is a perfect way to update to 4.1 if you value you phone. Just one more example of what garbage iTunes is. Good luck all!
did u edit the hosts file in the others pc that did not work before? pls email me at my ipohone 4 is bricked due to this tiny umbrella.
yh i got it working updated to itunes 10 then opened tiny umbrella and then restored and it worked then used limera1n and its working now fully
now to get my apps back :)