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Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Posted December 27, 2011 at 9:12pm by iClarified
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In trukcie k vykonaniu untethered jailbreaku iPhone 4 na iOS 5.0.1 pomocou PwnageTool pre Mac. PwnageTool umo ní zabrániť úpravou vášho IPSW (custom firmware) updatnúť baseband a vkladá do neho balíčky Cydia.ackages.

1. krok
Vytvorte zložku s názvom "Pwnage" na ploche. Do nej potrebujete niekoľko vecí. PwnageTool 5.0.1, ktorý môžete stiahnuť zo stránky s odkazmi na stiahnutie..

Potrebujete tiež originálny iPhone 4 firmware vo verzií 5.0.1, ktorý tie stiahnete zo stránky s odkazmi na firmware iOS (IPSW)..

Pozor, pou ite rad ej Firefox preto e Safari firmware rozbalí a je potom nepou iteľný!

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

2. krok
Dvojklikom namontujte PwnageTool a preneste my kou ikonu PwnageTool do zložky PwnageTool na ploche.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Potom z tejto zlo ky na ploche spustite samotný PwnageTool.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Kliknite na OK po zobrazení varovania.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

3. krok

Kliknutím vyberte Expert Mode z horného riadka menu

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

4. krok

Kliknutím vyberte svoje zariadenie. Fajkátko sa zobrazí cez obrázok zariadenia. Kliknite na tlačítko s modrou ípkou.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

5. krok

Teraz sa zobrazí stránka "Browse for IPSW". Kliknite na Browse for IPSW....

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

V zobrazenom okienku vyhľadajte stiahnutý originálny firmware zo zlo ky Pwnage (z plochy) a potom kliknite na Open.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

6. krok

Teraz sa zobrazí menu s viacerými voľbami. Kliknite na General a potom na tlačítko s modrou šípkou.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Nastavenia General umožnia vybrať veľkosť partície. Za krtnite Activate the phone pokiaľ máte telefón blokovaný na iného operátora, ako pou ívate (tento jailbreak NERIE I odblokovanie telefónu!) a ostatní s nezablokovaným iPhone nechajú túto voľbu neza krtnutú. Potom kliknite na tlačítko s modrou ípkou.

POZNÁMKA*: Neza krtávaje Activate pokiaľ máte neblokovaný iPhone a môžete s ním normálne telefonovať.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Nastavenia Cydia settings umo ňuje vlo iť balíčky z Cydia, ktoré nemusíte neskôr manuálne in talovať.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Klinite na Download packages tab. Potom na Refresh a zobrazí sa aktuálny zoznam dostupných balíčkov. Dvojklikom na balíček sa stiahne a zobrazí sa v záložke Select Packages.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Zafajknite balíčky, ktoré chcete zaradiť a potm kliknite na tlačítko s modrou ípkou.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Menu Custom Packages Settings zobrazí zoznam nastavení balíčka pre váš custom firmware (IPSW). Ponechajte nastavenia tak ako sú a kliknite na tlačítko s modrou šípkou.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

7. krok

Teraz sme pripravení na pwnage proces! Kliknite na Build a tlačítko s modrou ípkou.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

8. krok

PwnageTool sa spýta či má ulo iť custom firmware (.ipsw) do súboru. Ulo te ho do vašej zlo ky Pwnage na ploche.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Vá IPSW sa teraz ukladá a bude mu to trvať pribli ne desať minút.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Potom vás požiada o heslo administrátora. Vyplňte ho a kliknite na OK.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

9. krok

Keď bude vá ipsw vytvorený, budete po iadaní o pripojenie vá ho iPhone k počítaču. Keď ho PwnageTool rozpozná, bude vás sprevádzať krokmi na uvedenie iPhone do DFU módu.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Stlačte a desať sekúnd dr te Power a Home.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Stále dr te Home a pustite Power a opäť vydr te desať sekúnd.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

Pokiaľ sa telefón naozaj dostal do DFU, tak sa PwnageTool spýta, či môže spustiť iTunes.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

10. krok

V iTunes pridr te kláves Alt/Option a kliknite na Restore.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

11. krok

Nájdite svoju zlo ku Pwnage z plochy pomocou dialógového okna. Vyberte vytvorený custom firmware (IPSW) a stlačte Choose.

Ako na jailbreak vá ho iPhone 4 pomocou PwnageTool (Mac) [5.0.1]

12. krok

iTunes teraz urobí obnovu firmware (restore) na vá iPhone. To mô e trvať okolo desať minút. Keď skončí bude sa re tartovať do jailbreaknutého iOS 5.0.1!

***POĎAKOVANIE: ďakujeme iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, Geohot, a pod2g za ich ťa kú prácu, ktorá umo nila vytvoriť tento návod!
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Comments (44)
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jojovan - April 23, 2012 at 2:51pm
Is this method updating baseband? And which version of baseband comes with 5.0.1 on iphone4? Now I'm unlocking phone with gevey and I wouldn't like to lose unlock possibility after updating.
Barbatozer - February 13, 2012 at 9:28pm
People, I just followed this tutorial and I made sure to check for "activate my phone" in PwnageTool, and it DID NOT end up activated. For everybody depending on an activate option make sure this might put you in a tough spot without the original SIM card.
Vishal - January 23, 2012 at 2:57pm
I have unlocked iphone 4 version 4.3.3 bb 1.59.00 can I use this guide to update to ios5.0.1 please reply thanks.
Eifan - January 22, 2012 at 6:35pm
Hi! The jailbreak didn't work for me. It says on iTunes that "This device isn't eligible for the requested build". I have a iPhone 4, it was on 4.3 i thing, I don't remember. But anywho.. Someone please help me.
Ido Ran
Ido Ran - January 22, 2012 at 6:53pm
It is possible that you run TinyUnmbrela and it add some lines to you /etc/hosts file. Open it and removing lines that point to address like gs.apple.com Ido
Eifan - January 22, 2012 at 6:55pm
WhaT? I really don't understand.
Ido Ran
Ido Ran - January 22, 2012 at 9:28am
I have install iOS 5.0.1 on my iPhone 4. The installation complete successfully. After that I've restore my data using iTunes but the process stuck in the middle due to insufficient disk space. This cause my iPhone to go into recovery loop and restore did not work from that point on. After many failed attempts I finally found a solution: Download the latest redsn0w (0.9.10b4 at the time I wrote this), inside the application click on Extra and select Recovery Fix. This will run only the part of the jailbreak that fix the recovery problem. This fix all the error inside iTunes suck as error 1604, 1600, 21, 27 etc. Ido.
anonmyousse - January 19, 2012 at 10:01am
I keep getting 1600 error when trying to restore the custom IPSW I cooked using pwnagetool. How do I fix this?
Lefex - January 24, 2012 at 1:54am
the same thing is happening with me, any help?
max - January 17, 2012 at 9:59am
Don't do this. iTunes go to the Internet and says: "This device is not eligible for upgrade". iPhone 4 4.2.1 iTunes 10.5.2 TinyUmbrella helped me kicked device from recovery mode.
Ecua4ever - January 14, 2012 at 11:30am
I'm personally love pwnage tool I use this tool all the time to update my iPhone 4 with out updating my baseband thanks DEV TEAM!!!!
Menon - January 2, 2012 at 10:15pm
I was on an iPhone 4 with an unsupported carrier and on Gevey Supreme SIM. This worked like a charm. And yes, activation doesn't work, so make sure you have any supported sim nearby (AT&T in my case) You will lose all Cydia apps. iOS Apps will be back after a restore. The only reason I did this was because being stuck on a tethered jailbreak WITH A Gevey SIM was painful!
Vrabie - April 27, 2012 at 9:07am
!A few questions: 1.) Where can I buy one of those MicroSIM to SIM-card arotpads you used in this video when you removed your MicroSIM from the iPhone 3G?2.) in an earlier video, you showed us a SIM to MicroSIM cutter that? looked something like a stapler. Where can we get one of those?3.) What camera do you use to film your videos?Thanks!!
Ruwan - January 1, 2012 at 6:57am
hey guys...any updates about the ultrasn0w???...has any one successfully updated to 5.0.1 preserving bb (i.e 1.59)...and then unlocking sucessfully thru ultrasn0w??
ken - January 1, 2012 at 4:20pm
no, i'm at the same step as the guy below (SEW). i did a custom upgrade using pwnage, then ran redsnow to jailbreak & unteather and at the very end when u would think ios 5.0.1 would come up i get asked if i want to A)set up as new iphone, B)restore from icloud backup, C)restore from itunes backup either way, i can't get to cydia to add ulstrasnow repo and i'm really nervous that i might have lost my old BB 01.59.00 which i was running on 4.3.3 anyone else get to this step and have this problem? oh, also, the first time i ran pwnage i accidently selected "activate my iphone" in the general setting right before the build. i'm hoping that isn't the cause of these problems or worse, updating my baseband!
SEW - December 30, 2011 at 8:42pm
I go through this but at the end iTunes wants me to restore from a backup to do a setup (instead of just "booting into 5.0.1"). What am I doing wrong?
SEW - December 30, 2011 at 8:45pm
ok, if I choose to set up as a new phone I see Cydia. If I restore I don't. But now I have to reload all my apps and email and everything. Maybe this step should be added to the tutorial.
ken - January 1, 2012 at 4:13pm
hey SEW, so if u choose "set up as new" it'll get u to cydia and ur able to add the ultrasnow repo? are u on BB 01.59.00 and did "set up as new" option afect ur BB at all? thx! anyone else wanna chime in too that'd be great.
Dersadut - April 27, 2012 at 5:17am
FOR EVERYONE WHO GOT STUCK WITHOUT A SLIDER!!! turn off completly and turn on and the lock kbreoayd will automaticly appear without a sliderTHIS HAPPENS BECAUSE THE SLIDER IS OFF ON DEFAULTand the? turn the slider on in ilock options (where to turn the slider on/off is in the video)RE-SPRING FOR THE NEW SETTINGS TO TAKE PLACE!!!THUMBS UP SO PPL CAN SEE!!
David - December 30, 2011 at 4:27am
Anyone else having problems downloading pwnagetool. I download it but it downloads as a torrent. Then i use tomato to open it but nothing. Thanks for the help
Ajay - December 29, 2011 at 5:02pm
I have iphone 4 on 5.0.1 I was trying to jailbreak it and downloaded the correct ipsw file from your site (iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw) but it gives me an error saying "wrong firmware bundle selected". Appreciate any tips.
Duder - December 29, 2011 at 3:34pm
Has anyone had 100% success jailbreaking this? I haven't seen or heard of anyone successfully doing this.
yaya - December 29, 2011 at 12:25pm
hi, ip4 4.2.1 upgraded to 5.0.1 with custom 5.0.1 IPSW using PwnageTool_5.0.1. JB ok, ip4 work.. But I'n not able to use some apps like Facebook, Xing ... They crashes right after starting up .. Any help ?
lee - December 29, 2011 at 10:18am
thank you for good explanation.
Fubkalot - December 29, 2011 at 1:19am
Cant activate my phone.....I had checked the option in cydia but did not work.... Dam, cant use my phone... Any suggestions???
Funkalot - December 29, 2011 at 3:33am
I meant pwnage tool
Hernan - December 28, 2011 at 1:07pm
DEV TEAM PLEASE COULD YOU UPDATE CYDIA PACKAGES ULTRASN0W IS NOT WORKING When I update the sources say this Posix Operation time out Failed to fetch http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/dists/stable/Release.gpg POSIX: Operation timed out http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/dists/stable/main/i18n/Traslation-en_US.bz2 POSIX: Operation timed out http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/dists/stable/main/binary-iphoneos-arm/Packages.gz POSIX: Operation timed out Please please please I need my iPhone back update the sources thanks dev team
Roy - January 16, 2012 at 6:20am
John - December 28, 2011 at 11:54am
I just update my iPhone 4 without updating baseband but I can't install repo666.ultrasn0w.com says time out please I need help to solve the issue thanks
macoi - December 28, 2011 at 8:55am
did any of you guys encounter an error 1600? i followed the instructions but i encounter that error. also, i'm from outside the US, so i need to tick the activate radio button right? thanks.
Seth Rah
Seth Rah - December 30, 2011 at 12:36am
I have the same problem (error 1600)...help please. iPhone 4 GSM.
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