Hur du går till väga för att spara iPhone SHSH Blobs med RedSnow (Windows)
Posted September 19, 2011 at 10:17pm by iClarified
Här är instruktionerna till hur du tar backup på och sparar dina iPhone SHSH-Blobs till Cydia med hjälp av RednSn0w för Windows.
Steg Ett Skapa en mapp på ditt skrivbord med namnet Pwnage
Hämta RedSn0w 0.9.9b1 härifrån och placera den i Pwnage-mappen.
Packa upp den komprimerade filen RedSn0w till samma mapp.
Steg två Starta programmet redsn0w i mappen redsn0w, som vi just extraherade.
**Användare av Windows 7 bör starta programmet redsn0w i administratörsläge och i kompatibilitetsläge för Windows Vista. Detta görs enklast genom att högerklicka på programmet och välja Egenskaper i drop-down-listan.
Steg tre När RedSn0w är öppet klicka på knappen Extras
Steg fyra Klicka på knappen SHSH blobs i menyn Extras.
Steg fem Klicka på knappen Fetch för att hämta SHSH blobs från din enhet och skicka dem till Cydia-servern för lagring.
Steg sex Koppla först din iPhone till datorn och se till att den är avstängd. Klicka sedan på knappen Next
Steg sju RedSn0w kommer nu att guida dig genom de steg som krävs för att få telefonen i DFU-läge. Mer hjälp angående DFU-läge finns på den här länken.
Håll ner både knapparna hem och på/av i 10 sekunder.
Släpp på/av-knappen, men fortsätt att hålla hem-knappen inne tills RedSn0w hittar enheten.
Steg åtta Nu kommer din iPhone att starta om.
Steg nio RedSn0w kommer att börja hämta SHSH-blobs från din enhet och skicka dem till Cydia.
Steg tio När detta är färdigt blir du meddelad att allting har gått som det ska. Tryck på knappen Back för att återvända till RedSn0w.
Steg elva Tryck på knappen SHSH blobs och sedan på Query och försäkra dig om att Cydia har dina sparade blobar.
Steg tolv Skriv * i ECID-textrutan och tryck OK för att kontrollera alla dina enheter.
Steg tretton RedSn0w skickar nu en förfrågan till Cydia och visar sedan en lista med alla sparade blobar.
Viktigt: RedSn0w sparar också dina blobar i en plist-fil i RedSn0w-mappen. Vi rekommenderar att dessa sparas för ytterligare säkerhet.
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Hey .. here i have needed to help anyone please..
I have Iphone 3gs 4.1 firmware and I want to upgrade 4.1 to 5.1 but redsnow 9.15 b3 only fetch 4.1 and 6.1.3 ...... what i need to do.. i will appriate
hi, i'm trying to do a downgrade by ios 6.1.3 to ios 6.1.2, when i arrive at the step 8 redsnow show me "waiting for reboot" and my ipod 4g reboot, but redsnow remains stationary on that words.
what can i do..?
That tutorial only told u how to create no BB IPSW.. You then need to stitch those 5.1.1 blobs into it...then do the pwned DFU mode restore..
This is what I do on my 3GS... I think this works for a 4... This is a slightly modified version of my previous tutorial on 3GS for folks that didn't unlock...this should work for end of course u have to JB and install ultrasn0w as before...I've not done this myself all the way through as I don't unlock, so proceed at own risk. Would like to know I it works though...
This is for preserving baseband and stitching blobs...
1. Download stock iOS 5.1.1 IPSW.
2. Download redsn0w 0.9.14b2
3. Run redsn0w as administrator in windows.
3. Click on Custom IPSW button
4. Browse to downloaded stock IPSW
5. Let RS Finish creating no BB IPSW
6. Click Extras button.
7. Click SHSH blobs button.
8. Click Query button to see what blobs Cydia has for device.
9. If Cydia has required blobs, Click Stitch button.
10. Click IPSW button-browse for previously created 5.1.1 no BB IPSW file NOT the stock one.
11. Click Blobs-Cydia button to stitch remote Cydia stored blobs to IPSW.(or could do local if you have
them local).
12. Let Process and finish. It will take a few minutes.
13. Click Back button-Click Pwned DFU to put in pwned DFU mode-follow onscreen instructions.
14. Once in pwned DFU mode, close redsn0w, launch iTunes.
15. iTunes will see device in "recovery" mode. Click Check button.
16. Hold down Shift key, click Restore button. Browse to that stitched IPSW file
you created.Select it.
17. Wait for restore to finish as normal. JB as normal(or not)...Enjoy!
I had jailbreak 4.1 baseband 5.16.04 on 3gs .I tried to upgrade firmware 5.1.1 but I did not successful.Now my phone got reboot and locked to ATT. I don't have ATT sim card I don't know what is the firm ware and ipsw on it.
Would you please tell me how to jailbreak this.
Dang it! Get all the way to Step 11 before a Redsnow error message "Error with SHSH blobs!' after upload to Cydia. Anyone else come across this? I will gladly accept suggestions.;-)
Ive tried the on screen instructions and keep getting a message that advises the SHSH blobs are unknown.
I have the iphone 3gs with ios 6 installed.
Does anyone know how to get around this.
it gets stuck at please wait while your build is being processed...waiting for reboot.
but my phone has already rebooted ans is on...can someone help please. im using a iphone 4 firmware 6.0.1
which version should I use to save the iPhone 6.x SHSH....the instructions says 0.9.9b1 but there is a newer 0.9.15b3. This is to ultimate downgrade IOS from 6.x to 5.x.
dont know if i can even b helped.. gotta bricked 3g first gen it says. i can dfu in redsnow but that is as far as i can go. i can not get to an ipsw to install . paid for factory unlock. need to downgrade before that can work.????
any body help am not completely literate but can usually follow instructions. .mostly
Ca i use this on iphone 4s. Because I got amessage saying not supported on 4s after clicking the "next button" after connecting iphone and ensurirng power is off
i get an error - This device is pwned with a bootrom exploit. Any blobs it has are unnecessary (and invalid).
can you please explain what this error means?
After following your above instruction, I got the serious situation: the PC appears note "iPad 2 is not supported" and I cannot start and open my iPad 2. It is black!!!! Can anyone help me?
it fingerprint not recognized and my firmware is
5.1.1: iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B208_Restore.ipsw
Where as the latest firmware version of redsnow is
5.1.1: iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
When will it be updated?