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Facebook Announces Graph Search Beta [Video]

Facebook Announces Graph Search Beta [Video]

Posted January 15, 2013 at 8:19pm by iClarified
Facebook has announced Graph Search, a new product that will help you find people, photos, places, and interests using data from your social network.

Graph Search will appear as a bigger search bar at the top of each page. When you search for something, that search not only determines the set of results you get, but also serves as a title for the page. You can edit the title – and in doing so create your own custom view of the content you and your friends have shared on Facebook.

To search using Graph Search you combine phrases, for example, "My friends in New York who like Jay-Z" to get results. The engine is still in development and currently only available in English. Some content is not yet available (Posts and Open Graph actions) but more will be available in the coming months.

The beta version of Graph Search focuses on:

People: “friends who live in my city,” “people from my hometown who like hiking,” “friends of friends who have been to Yosemite National Park,” “software engineers who live in San Francisco and like skiing," "people who like things I like," "people who like tennis and live nearby"

Photos: “photos I like,” “photos of my family,” “photos of my friends before 1999,” "photos of my friends taken in New York," “photos of the Eiffel Tower”

Places: “restaurants in San Francisco,” “cities visited by my family,” "Indian restaurants liked by my friends from India," “tourist attractions in Italy visited by my friends,” “restaurants in New York liked by chefs," "countries my friends have visited"

Interests: “music my friends like,” “movies liked by people who like movies I like,” "languages my friends speak," “strategy games played by friends of my friends,” "movies liked by people who are film directors," "books read by CEOs"

Check out the video for more information or hit the link to get on the waiting list for the beta.

Facebook Announces Graph Search Beta [Video]

Facebook Announces Graph Search Beta [Video]
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