The iPhone 4, when paired up with a miniature tripod mount and a telescope can, apparently take nice photographs of the moon.
Finally, I got a small telescope and put iPhone on it to take star's pictures. I used Borg's Pencil Borg(175mm/F7) telescope and Vixen's LV5mm eyepiece. In the case, 35x telescopic image was shown by the system. I tried to see the moon to test it.
In general, Such as the high power but small telescope projects darker image. But iPhone 4's back illuminated sensor is proof a dark picture in such as the darker environment. And I arrived at the beautiful moon!
Stunning picture nonetheless. Good work on trying different things. And to the grumps about "news" . . . I don't see your images or ideas in the feed. Ingenuity begins using normal everyday things and turning them into something spectacular. This sort of news might just be the thing that kickstarts something huge. On the same note it may not. You never know until you try. Keep up the good work and keep dreaming about the what ifs.