Kā Jailbreakot 2.x.x 3G iPhone Izmantojot QuickPwn (Windows)
Posted February 3, 2009 at 11:40pm by iClarified
Instrukcija kā jailbreakot tavu iPhone 3G 2.1 - 2.2.1 iPhone Atjauninājumam izmantojot QuickPwn priek Windows
Ja tu vēlies tikai atlauzt savu iPhone tu vari izmantot o instrukciju tikai lai JAILBREAKOTU 02.28 basebandu vai zemāku UN tu restaurē 2.2 (NOT 2.2.1). Ja tu izmanto o instrukciju lai restaurētu un Jailbreakotu 2.2.1Pagaidām uzlauana nav pieejama. Tu vari iemācīties pārbaudīt savu basebanda versiju here
Pirmais Solis Izveido folderi Pwnage uz sava desktopa.
Otrais Solis Pievieno iPhone Datoram un ieslēdz iTunes.
Paņem iPhone no saraksta kreisajā pusē. Turi pogu SHIFT un nospied Restore Pogu. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.
Aizej uz Pwnage folderi un paņem atjauninājumu. Uzspied uz Open pogu lai turpinātu.
Treais Solis Kad iTunes ir beigusi atjaunot tavu iPhone tev ir jāpalai QuickPwn.exe no Pwnage foldera.
Ceturtais Solis Bārbaudi vai tavs iPhone ir iesprausts pie datora un nospied uz zilās bultiņas.
Piektais Solis Uzspied uz Browse pogas lai atrastu sava iPhone atjauninājumu.
Sestais Solis Atrodi Pwnage folderi un paņem atjauninājumu. Pēc tam spied uz Open pogas.
Septītais Solis QuickPwn pārbaudīs vai atjauninājums ir derīgs. Spied uz zilās bultiņas lai turpinātu.
Astotais Solis Tagad tu vari izvēlēties pievienot Cydia, Pievienot Installer, vai Aizvitot Boot Logo. Izvēlies ko tu gribi un spied uz zilās bultiņas.
Devītais Solis QuickPwn tagad prasīs lai tu pārbaudi vai telefons ir iesprausts datorā, Spied uz zilās bultiņas.
Desmitais Solis 1. Telefons aiziet Recovery Mode. 2. Turi Home pogu 5 sekundes. 3. Turi Izslēganas un Home pogu uz 10 sekundēm. 4. Atlaid izslēganas pogu un turi Home pogu kamēr telefons aiziet DFU modā Seko visam līdzi.
Vienpadsmitais Solis Kad tavs iPhone būs DFU modā QuickPwn sāks Jailbreakot tavu telefonu.
Divpadsmitais Solis Kad process būs beidzies QuickPwn par to paziņos.
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I got through all the steps, now I'm waiting for my iPhone to reboot and nothing ! It's keeps buzzin like it's going to turn on but it doesn't and itunes doesn't show that my iPhone is connected ! Can somebody post what to do now?
Can I use this method to jailbreak an otb iphone 3g thereby also activating it? Or is there another procedure to follow to activate it first. Kindly help.
everything was ok untill the third step man it came out a pop out when i click to launch quickpwn it says an error had cause the program to stop runing WTF?
BTWW i am running on vista 32bit system help me man
I get to the QuickPwn step where it says 'wait for your phone to connect in Recovery Mode'... but nothing happens...it wont connect??? Anyone got any ideas? It connects OK through I tunes and I can get this far on the jailbreak. Am I doing anything wrong?
I succesfully jailbreaked my iphone 3g with firmware 2.2.1. and it works great. I had slight problems with ipsw file. After some delay I removed zip extension and I was able to find ipsw file when QuickPwn asked me to browse for 2.2.1 firmware. Go to Start, Control panel, Folder Options, View, Hide extensions for known file type and then rename folder and remove zip extension. I hope this helps. Bye
Currious, I have been using ym Iphone since august 08, if I do this restoral for the jailbreak will it wipe all my contacts and everything? if it does is there anyway to merge the two restores, my original one with the jailbroken version?
When I get to the `Browse for ipsw` step, I put in the file, 2.2.1, and it should be working, but the blue arrow wont load, and so I cant carry on with the jailbreaking. Nor can I see the iPod that should be on the left hand side. (the one that gets a check mark). Help please?
I am having exactly the same issue. Browse for the firmware and says that quickpawn does not update firmware. It seems the firmware has an extra "2_" at the star tof the file name or something. Please help !!!
if you want to unlocke your phone by useing yellowsnow do not upgrade to 2.2.1. you do custom restore to 2.2.0. I just did my.I have the same firmware.
I followed the instructions. In the middle of first steps (restore with itunes) i get error (9) can't restore. What can I do? if I restore it will put the newest version, which is not jailbroken and i will not be able to jailbreak it... how do I restore to exactly what I had before trying?
My i-ph 16Gb 2.2.1(5H11)froze before I got to Step3...!
Screen has as a pic of a USB plug and an arrow pointing it at the iTunes logo which has a little picyure of a lock just above it...
I restored my iphone using iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw & quickpwn. Everything worked, except that i dont have service.
Can someone help me please? ( flex60mph@aim.com )